Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 127: Sitwell Never Tells Secrets

Compared to Romani's nonchalant and joking attitude, Steve's face at this moment is extremely ugly. He never thought that HYDRA, which he worked so hard to destroy, would be reborn because of an action of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Prove it to me, how did you grow ten heads...and two heads!" Steve turned his head and gave Romani a very helpless look. It was definitely this unscrupulous doctor who led him astray.

Dr. Zola directly used a series of videos, plus professional explanations, to show the development of HYDRA in S.H.I.E.L.D in the past seventy years. At this moment, he feels that his side has a chance to win, so he does not intend to hide anything.

Steve was so angry that he smashed the screen in front of him in a circle, but this could only make him vent his anger. For Dr. Zola, who exists in the data world, if you break one of my screens, at worst, I’ll just change it .

What's in the USB!" Steve was pissed at the moment, but he needed to know more.

"The insight plan needs insight, so I wrote an algorithm, but unfortunately I have no way to tell Deadman the answer 23...... Sorry captain, I have been delaying time, we are all the same, it will be over soon." Zuo Dr. La finally got his IQ online, but he didn't tell the final truth.

If he was absolutely sure that the three of Steve would stay here forever, he would be happy to present his research results at the end, but when he found out that Romani was also present, he gave up on this plan.

It was very difficult for the fighter plane responsible for destroying this place to successfully carry out its mission in front of King Solomon.

With a swipe of Romani's hand, a simple portal took Steve and Natasha Romanoff out of this place, and it would end up here, with only Dr. Zola alone.

Perhaps, he seemed to have ended his life as data. This process of existence was actually very painful, because he was not like Ultron, who could freely roam in the network.

He was imprisoned in the aging equipment here. Now that he has completed his own algorithm, he does not plan to continue living.

After leaving the military base where Dr. Zola was, Steve took a few people directly to Agent Sitwell. This guy is a real HYDRA, and he also belongs to the kind who is greedy for life and afraid of death. With some tricks, the crying father and mother will be recruited.

And this trick is really interesting. Anyway, Romani directly used the portal to let him fall from the top floor to the first floor, then back to the top floor, and then fell to the first floor. Just like this several times, this excellent agent pissed his pants of.

I really don't know how he got to such a high position, did he rely on flattery or something?

Look at Loki, who was made to fall continuously for 30 minutes by Strange, and finally wanted to stab Strange to death with a dagger, he didn't show cowardice at all, okay?

Sitwell couldn't even control his wet pants anymore. He no longer wanted to experience the feeling of bouncing around before the gate of hell, so he just said what he knew in one breath: "Zola's algorithm is a program, used to select targets for insight!"

"What target?" Steve didn't quite understand.


Sitwell did not intend to hide anything, saying that selling teammates must be done thoroughly: "A host in Cairo, the deputy secretary of defense, a high school graduate in Iowa City, Bruce Banner... ...everyone who would threaten HYDRA, present or future, but not King Solomon."

"Eh? Why don't you even HYDRA look down on me without me?" Romani now feels that he has received 10,000 points of damage, and it's okay for those normal heroic spirits to look down on him, but even a rubbish evil organization like HYDRA looks down on him. What do you mean?

Believe it or not, I will open the treasure right now and wipe you out!

"No! No! No!" Sitwell said to the back, he was terribly afraid of Romani now, "Because I haven't found a way to deal with you, the Helicarrier's guns are not very effective against you."

"Treat us, I can understand, but how do you know about future threats?" Steve couldn't understand.

"Why don't you know?"

Sitwell gave a mocking smile, Steve was just a relic after all, that's how he sees it now.

Then, he stood up slowly and looked at Steve: "King Solomon's eyes can see many things that ordinary people can't see. If occultism can do it, why can't science do it? The 21st century is A digital book, Zola taught HYDRA how to read it, so that "HYDRA can have the same eyes as Lord Solomon."

"What does this have to do with me?" When a person sat at home, the pot came from the sky, and he appeared in this world, Dr. Zola had been dead for an unknown amount of time, and this guy, Sitwell, said it as if He himself gave HYDRA revelation as well.

Seeing Romani's somewhat angry eyes, Sitwell, who managed to straighten his waist, shrank back twice: "Well, it's actually your bank records, medical records, voting patterns, emails, call information, and university records. Test scores and other data are combined. Then using Dr. Zola's algorithm 580, you can evaluate a person's past and predict their future."

"Then what?"

"My God, Pierce will kill me." Sitwell felt that he had said a little too much now, but he had already said so much, so he didn't care to continue talking

"Then the Space Carrier of Insight Plan will get rid of everyone on the list, and it can get rid of millions at a time."

"But you have already failed." Romani looked at this timid agent with a mouth like a cotton crotch, and said slowly.

"No, we've won, the insight plan will be completed soon, as soon as the space carrier takes off..."

The corners of Romani's mouth were the same, showing a smile: "As long as the big guys are lifted into the air, I can destroy them all directly, believe me, those big guys can't be shot out.

"You think we're not going to make any preparations?"

Sitwell was not intimidated by Romani this time, but smiled confidently: "Although we don't intend to provoke you, we have prepared measures to deal with you. It is unwise to use science to deal with occultism originally. It would be so stupid, so in order to deal with you, we found some helpers, some like you, masters of magic."

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