Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 138 Tony Treats

Tony emphasized several times in succession that he was definitely not a tool person before talking to Romani about the serious matter. Definitely, it's not so much a matter of business as it is that he wants to show his presence. Recently, there seems to be no chance for Iron Man to play.

It probably means that in order to celebrate Romani's marriage, Tony intends to invite Romani and Sheba to have a meal together. At the same time, he also invites Dr. Banner and a great scientist that even he himself admires.

And the identity is still kept secret, it is said that Romani will definitely be surprised when he arrives at the scene.

"Tony, are you sure you want to invite me and Sheba to have a top-notch meal, not a group of scientists having a party, and you feel a little bored, so you invited me?"

At the moment, Romani feels that ten thousand people don't want to go. What does it have to do with themselves and the two magicians of Sheba that they invited mad scientists to a party?

"No, this is definitely to celebrate the great love between you and Ms. Sheba. As your best friend, I have specially invited the top chefs in the world. They can cook whatever you want. And, I I also prepared a very beautiful little gift for Ms. Sheba..."

If you tell Romani at this time that the ear girl's hearing is the best in the world, then he will definitely not refute, not even half a sentence!

Because he was talking to Tony with his mobile phone now, but when Tony mentioned the little gift, his mobile phone disappeared from his hand.

In Sheba not far away, you can directly see the twinkling little stars in the two big eyes at the moment. He was originally a cool queen fan, but when he mentioned money, he changed into another look.

Could it be because she accidentally died of poverty after giving the treasure to herself in her previous life?

Romani feels that this possibility is very high, otherwise how could there be such a greedy Queen?

But he didn't expect at this time that in Uruk in the Age of Gods, there was a goddess who was even more greedy for money...

"Just now you mentioned a gift, a gift for me, right~?"

After Sheba snatched Romani's mobile phone, she said excitedly, "Tony, you are definitely Solomon's best friend, so what gift are you preparing and what is the original price?"

"About what the gift is, I don't think there is any need to say it now, so that there will be surprises then, right? As for the price, it's probably around several million, and I don't really care about it. You know, the relationship between me and Romani That is a life-threatening friendship, and money cannot be measured."

Tony said this very grandly, but the fact is also the same. He never cared about whether the other party had money when he made friends. Anyway, he would be fine without him having money.

And he really doesn't care about money. From the first time he met Romani, he directly gave away the rare wines that appeared at the auction, and he gave away a box of them in one go. He didn't know where he found them.

"Well, what about the specific time? Well, I will definitely bring Solomon with me...... Do you want to study something about the combination of magic and science? Definitely no problem, Solomon will not refuse, After all, you are best friends..."

Romani, who was already helpless on his face, let out a long sigh when he heard this, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for Tony to find him as simple as having a meal

The combination of magic and technology sounds like a very troublesome thing. What excuses will we have to find to avoid it?

But looking at Sheba's current state, it is estimated that no matter what excuses he can't hide, he can only resign himself to fate.

That is, on the second day, Tony prepared a large table of dishes at home, including oriental food, Italian food, etc., which he put on the table. Anyway, it seems that four or five people can't finish it, unless these people There's a guy named Kakarot in it.

Romani is also guessing this day, who is the scientist whom even Tony admires.

After all, there are very few scientists in this world that he can admire. His own father, Howard Stark, is one, Dr. Banner is one, and Dr. Helen Zhao from Han Country can barely be one...

Romani really can't think of anything else. Anyway, the top scientist of HYDRA, the level of Dr. Zola, is not taken seriously by the bottom.

But to say, Tony really prepared very well this time. Anyway, as soon as he entered the door, the aroma of delicious food hit his face.

"Hey, Romani, and the beautiful Ms. Sheba, welcome to the sumptuous dinner prepared by Iron Man. It's a pity that I can't wear a battle suit to greet you. After all, the last time I wore a battle suit at home, I left a lot of bad things for Pepo Impression." Tony walked over quickly and said happily.

After greeting, Tony introduced the other two people in the room: "Dr. Banner is also an acquaintance of Romani, a scientist with great accomplishments in gamma rays, and also a very brave fighter Then there is this one, to be honest, her scientific attainments are only a little bit worse than mine, up to..."

Before the words were finished, a familiar figure came over, narrowing his eyes slightly, with a slightly insincere smile, his eyes moved on Romani and Sheba, after all, Sheba at this moment was hugging very intimately Romani's arms are completely like a bird and a person.

"It looks like you're having a good time, Yan?"

This tone of speaking, and the name Roman, the scientist Tony admires is obviously Da Vinci Sauce.

"Big, probably, hahaha!" The moment he saw Da Vinci, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Romani's face. He should have thought of it a long time ago. Da Vinci is definitely one of the scientists who can make Tony admire one!

As a veteran in love, Tuo (Qian Wangzhao) Ni, when he saw this scene, he smelled gossip: "Wow, I didn't expect you to know each other, and there seems to be some ulterior relationship... ...But there is one thing I don't quite understand, Romani, you are a person from 3,000 years ago, and if I remember correctly, Ms. Da Vinci should be.....Toilet

"From the middle of the fourteenth century to the fifteenth century, from the time point of view, Roman and I should not have any intersection, but there will always be some surprises."

Da Vinci's gaze was locked on Romani's body like this, and Romani's back felt a little chilled, and he subconsciously moved two steps to the left, and pulled his hand out of the pocket that he had never held.

He was worried that if he didn't pull out his hand, these two bosses might fight here, and it was not impossible to release the treasure.

If this happens, Tony's villa will probably have to be rebuilt if Iskandar is not here...

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