Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 139: The Idea Of ​​A Magic Battle Suit

During this period of the meal, Romani felt like he was sitting on pins and needles. It was supposed to be a delicious dish in the world, but when it was served in the mouth, it was tasteless.

There is no way, you can still enjoy the delicious food with peace of mind in this situation? The one next to you and the one opposite each other stared at each other, making Romani afraid to speak, not to mention eating.

In case I said something wrong, the beautiful woman next to me would say "three puzzles", and the beautiful woman on the opposite side would say "the omnipotent man".

That scene, I can't even think about it!

If that's the case, maybe I will really go to the tomb and pay for Tony's villa.

And under this atmosphere, Tony is also very embarrassed, he must know that there is also an unclear relationship between Da Vinci and Romani, and he will never invite them together

But then again, how could he think that Romani is also a big carrot like him?

No, how can I say that I am the same as myself? Now that I have rehabilitated myself, I only have Pepper in my heart, and the fact that Romani turned into a big carrot has absolutely nothing to do with me! It has nothing to do with me!

"Forget it, Mr. Stark is here this time because he has business to discuss, and I won't care about other personal matters for the time being." Da Vinci is always considerate, and she can see that Romani is very embarrassed now, so she also He didn't intend to continue staring at Sheba coldly.

No matter what happened, she was very happy to be able to come to this world and meet Roman this time.

"Tch, I'm too lazy to bother with your sneaky cat."

Sheba snorted softly, then turned his head to the side, and said arrogantly: "You know, I am justified, even that guy named Big has told me, it doesn't matter to call him Lord Yifu." .

The big thing Sheba was talking about was actually King Solomon's father, King David. Although he was a praised king, he was actually a bit unscrupulous.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about extra things, anyway, no matter what, the boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge. How about this old saying from the Eastern Kingdom that I learned, isn't it good?"

Tony also saw that these two had the intention of a cold war, so he immediately opened his mouth and forcibly changed the subject: "Romani, this time I called you to come over with me. There is actually something important, and I need to discuss it with you. You know, When it comes to science, I'm the greatest super-genius in the world."

"You may not be as good as me in the study of gamma rays." Dr. Banner complained without any hesitation. During this time, he and Tony also got along very well, and the two often did research in Japan.

"Let him go, it's not important." Tony didn't bother to refute, and he didn't spend much time studying gamma rays, but he believed that as long as he was willing to study hard, even the aspect of gamma rays, Dr. Banner is no better than him.

After a short pause, Tony went on to say: "A lot of things have happened during this time, Romani, you know very well that our dealing with aliens is outrageous enough.

Now there is hell, and the mother of all things sleeping in the waters of Bermuda, God knows what will appear in the future?"

"I even wonder if there will be some kind of trickster who will kill us with a snap of the fingers..."

Hearing this, Romani trembled all over, looked at Tony in a daze, and subconsciously uttered a sentence: "Did you see it?"

"That's right, I saw that there will be many dangers in the future, isn't that obvious?" Tony didn't notice anything wrong at all, and he didn't even think that those ten sentences just now were just a prophecy of God!

If it wasn't for Romani's knowledge, Tony would still be the same Tony as before, with no change in his soul. He even wondered if the soul of a time-traveling boss had passed through Tony's body and snapped his fingers... Maybe there will be such a thing in the future!

Tony, who didn't care about these details at all, went on to say: "So, I think we must make the most complete preparations (cdff) and unite all forces that can be united. Only in this way can we protect our homeland and our , who we hold dear."

Having said that, Tony held Pepper's hand and looked at his little secretary lovingly.

After a while, Tony looked at Romani with a serious face: "So, in order to unite all forces, the first thing is to unite Chaldea. At least for now, on the entire Blue Star, the two most powerful That force is us Avengers, and Chaldea. Dr. Banner has agreed, and I need your support, Romani!"

Originally, Tony also had the attitude of giving it a try for this matter. He approached Chaldea and joined forces with Chaldea. At the same time, if there was any problem with Chaldea, he believed that he would be able to detect it immediately. , Take precautions before they happen.

But now, he basically has confidence in Chaldea, not because he believes in this organization, but because he believes in Romani.

Just look at the relationship between Romani and Leonardo da Vinci, maybe they will be a couple in the future, so why worry?

"I agree." Romani has no reason to refuse. Originally, he created the Chaldea in this world, and joining forces with the Avengers is also a very good choice.

"I knew you would agree, and I will discuss this matter with the captain and the others later. With you and Dr. Banner on my side, I have more confidence in my heart. After all, you also know that that old antique is not easy to persuade.

Even though Tony had thought that Romani would be on his side ninety percent of the time before inviting Romani to dinner, he was still very happy to hear this answer.

"Now that the first thing has been resolved, I'm going to talk about the second thing, which is mainly about myself."

Taking a deep breath, this time Tony's expression was more serious than before: "First of all, I must declare that I believe that when technology is developed to the cutting edge, it is absolutely not inferior to any magic or the magic in your mouth. However, I have to admit that now I need stronger strength, only in this way can I face the crisis better."

"Romani, does magic need any special support?" Tony asked.

"Let me answer this question, although I am all magicians, I should be the best at this aspect.

Before Romani could speak, Da Vinci replied directly: "To make props, you don't really need any support, you just need some good materials. From my understanding, Vibranium is a very good material." .”

"In this case, Romani, Da Vinci and Ms. Sheba, I need you to help me perfect a special battle suit, a battle suit that combines technology and magic!".

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