Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 19: Ugly And Evil (Ask For Flowers And Comments)

Although Romani's face was calm at the moment, his heart was full of depression. He found an empty bicycle from the side of the road, and rode towards a few blocks away. Because of the war that broke out a few blocks away, he couldn't get a taxi even if he wanted to, so he could just take it... Well, I borrowed a bicycle. Anyway, it is a good thing for the country and the people to deal with the abomination by himself!

Even when riding a bicycle, I always feel that there is a guy next to my ear telling him that it is impossible to work in this life, this world is too strange!

At this time, a few blocks away had become dilapidated due to the madness of the abomination, and the army of ordinary people had no way to stop this monster. In addition, it can't do more meaningful things. If it wasn't for Bruce Banner's reincarnation as Hulk at a critical moment, there would be no one to stop the Abomination from continuing to destroy.

Definitely, these two big guys wrestled together and also caused large-scale damage. Once a powerful extraordinary person loses control, the damage caused will far exceed that of ordinary people.

With the current situation, not to mention General Ross' army, even S.H.I.E.L.D, which specializes in dealing with extraordinary people, can only stand by and watch. Otherwise, you still expect Black Widow to live and Hawkeye to rush up and get involved? Just the two of them, it is estimated that they will be beaten to the ground by the abomination in one round, and it is estimated that they can be thankful if they survive.

As for our Iron Man Tony·Stark, he is currently staying at home desperately looking for something that can replace the palladium element, and this kind of battle outside does not catch his eyes at all. Well, actually it was because he let J.A.R.V.I.S block the outside information when he was working hard, otherwise, with his flirtatious character, he would definitely show his face.

"Coward, you are not worthy of your strength!" Hate punched Hulk's body, and the huge amounts of impact sound made it painful to hear.

But Hulk never cared about these things, it can be seen from the color of his body, no matter who offends him, that definitely forgives the other party!

Therefore, Hulk just let out an angry roar and continued to pounce on the hatred. His mind is like a child, and he has no idea what the other party is talking about. He only knows that he doesn't like the guy in front of him and beat him, so He must crush this annoying guy to death. However, judging from the current situation, he is obviously not an opponent of hatred.

Abomination, Bronski, he has a clear consciousness after his transformation, but he has been twisted by madness to some extent. This distortion and his inability to return to his normal appearance is the price he pays for his power. But because of this, Abomination has the combat experience and skills of a professional-level commando. With these, he can completely crush the current Hulk.

When he ravaged Hulk, he didn't even notice that a 1.8-meter-tall man in a white coat was stepping towards him step by step through the broken buildings around him...

"General, an ordinary person appeared there!"

"Director, Romani Archman has appeared on the battlefield!"

For a while, the military and S.H.I.E.L.D all reported to their superiors. After all, it was unbelievable for an ordinary person to appear on such a battlefield. All normal humans want to escape now, and this one is wearing a white coat, like a doctor. The guy in front of him is constantly approaching those two indestructible monsters.

"Don't stop him, maybe he can stop those two big guys." Nick Fury gave the order immediately. He actually wants to learn about Romani's magic. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D has too little information about Romani. Since Romani plans to make a move at this time, he can just observe what kind of battle this last magician has. means.

At this moment, Romani walked step by step to a position only a dozen meters away from the abomination, looking at the big shit-yellow guy in front of him calmly (the abomination is green, but here it follows the shit-yellow appearance in the movie), and then, the magic power attached to his body, Let ordinary people see his face clearly.

Then, the voice of the magic power came out at this moment, directly injected into the soul of hatred: "Pure power seekers, monsters born under the twisted soul, this is not a place for you to make a fuss, I can take you to your place The destination, the world called hell."


The voice echoing in the soul can be heard very clearly even in the maddened hatred. He threw Hulk aside casually, then turned around and stared at Romani who was standing not far away, and subconsciously said : "The breath of a coward!"

"Eh..." Romani's face turned dark instantly. Could it be that the guy in front of him can be regarded as a follower after he becomes an abomination? Why do you call yourself a coward the first time you meet.

By the way, no matter which servant it is, the first impression of Romani is "I don't know the reason, but it must be this guy's fault", so they will instinctively complain about him. It's just that there has never been such a situation before, so Romani didn't care, and now hearing the subconscious words of hatred makes him feel that this characteristic of himself has also been brought to the Marvel universe.

"Forget it, you are only part of the deal. Before Dantarin rushes over, let you lose your combat effectiveness." Romani directly urged his injured Four Rings at this moment, and rushed towards the abomination without any hesitation Going over, and then jumped up, the whole person jumped to the same height as the head of the abomination, and he was about to hit him with his fists.

"Little bug." Hate grinned, and a contemptuous expression appeared on his ugly face. He didn't care about Romani's behavior at the moment, he had unparalleled strength at the moment, and an ordinary human's fist was nothing to him. ,

And the people watching here all sighed for Romani. From their point of view, this guy dressed as a doctor must be a schizophrenic patient, and the white coat is not a doctor's clothes, but a resident of a mental hospital Take it. How can mortal powers fight against such a terrifying monster?


After a muffled sound, everyone was stunned, especially those who witnessed this scene with their own eyes. Their eyes were round and their mouths were wide open, probably able to swallow a durian!

what did they see Hate that big monster was blown away by an ordinary person's punch, and the whole person slammed into a building, and even sank directly into it. Immediately afterwards, that small house collapsed immediately, and countless stone slabs pressed on the abomination body.

"It will be a disadvantage to look down on me, the Israeli boxing champion!" Romani squeezed his knuckles and said softly.

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