Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 20 Crushing Abomination

The Four Rings provided overwhelming power to King Solomon, that is, Romani. The power of this force made the current Romani possess a power not weaker than that of abomination. As for combat skills, although Romani is a magician, his combat skills are definitely not weak. Let alone a special soldier like Bronski, even a super agent like Black Widow cannot compare to Romani in terms of combat skills.

The title of Israel's boxing champion is not a joke!

After the blow, Romani quickly moved a few steps to the right. When he regained his footing, the big shit-yellow guy rushed out of the ruins and hit the ground where he was just now with a punch. The location, kicked off countless dust.

At this moment, Romani rushed up again, and once again smashed his powerful fist on the head of the abomination, smashing him directly into the ruins under his feet. Then he moved again, every time just avoiding the attack of the abomination, no matter what fighting skills the abomination used, no matter how good his combat experience was, but in front of Romani he was like a child, being played with in the palm.

After several rounds, Hate was being beaten unilaterally. He didn't even touch Romani's clothes, and he could only keep roaring to vent his fullness.

Before he turned into an abomination, because of the appearance of Hulk, he had an unparalleled desire for strength, and at the same time, he doubted himself. He suspected that his physical strength was not enough to support him to enjoy fighting. Now, he has a strength not weaker than Hulk, but the appearance of Romani once again made him doubt, this time he doubted his own combat experience and skills.

It's a good thing that an ordinary-looking human has strength no less than his own, because it allows him to enjoy fighting. But what is this now? This is not a battle at all, I am just being beaten unilaterally!

In the eyes of Romani, all of this is definitely taken for granted. To be honest, unless he has some special means, no one can suppress him in battle. Because his soul, as Mephisto said, is a great soul, and it is such a great soul that gave him the reserved skill called "revelation".

Hearing the "Voice of Heaven" and choosing the most appropriate action, this is the essence of revelation! And in battle, this revelation will turn into "intuition", that is, the sixth sense of the battle. With this "intuition", everything in the battle will be invisible to him, even if he closes his eyes. The eyes can also make the best judgment at the most appropriate time.

It's like he moved to the right after knocking off the abomination before, so as to avoid the sudden rush of the abomination. On a deeper level, revelation applies to all matters related to the achievement of goals, such as being able to choose the best path during the journey. King Solomon in his previous life received only one revelation, and based on this, he completed the establishment of magic.

Romani who can hear the "Voice of Heaven", any combat experience and skills will be nullified in front of him!

"Huh?" At this moment, Romani suddenly sensed danger, and subconsciously took several steps back.

Then, a fat green man slammed into the place where he fought just now, and at the same time yelled: "Hulk!"

"Damn, I'm here to help you deal with this shitty yellow, and you suddenly turned to me?" Seeing the sudden scene in front of him, Romani couldn't help but cursed in his heart, if he hadn't " Instinct", it is estimated that it was directly knocked into the air when it was picked up just now. And if it was hit so hard by Hulk, it wouldn't feel too comfortable!

Although now that he has retrieved the Second Ring, his injuries can be recovered in an instant, and he is immune to death, but... it will hurt!

Forget it, there's no use getting angry with the fat green guy now, because the idiot doesn't even know that other people get angry too. The focus now is to get rid of the abomination, and then collect his soul. After that, this fat green man is left. How he wants to make trouble is none of his own business!

Thinking of this, Romani rushed directly at the abomination, and the abomination also focused its attention on him.

Just now, Abomination felt that he had defeated Hulk, but this human who looked like an ant was hitting his confidence again and again, so he wanted to get rid of this little bug first.

As for Hulk, he has completely played the role of a shit stick now. He will hit anyone who gets close to him. He doesn't care who is the enemy or the friend. In a word, it's over! For a while, a three-way melee broke out on the ruins, but in this melee, only Hulk and Abomination were hit again and again, and Romani shuttled between these two big guys without taking any injuries.

With the ability to listen to the "voice of the sky", no matter how dangerous the battle is, he will become more than capable.

"This Hulk is really a shit-stirring stick!" Romani punched the abomination again, and at the same time immediately backed away to avoid the Hulk's attack, and couldn't help cursing.

And at this time, Dan Talin also appeared on the battlefield, and said with a depressed face: "Master, if he is a shit stirrer, then we..."

Hearing this, Romani's face instantly turned dark. He felt that if he had a mirror, he would definitely be able to see his own face, and he probably had to catch up with Nick Fury's black marinated egg!


Turning around abruptly, Romani sent Hulk flying with one punch, and at the same time said softly with a straight face: "How dare you treat me like that pickle!"

Hulk: "Who am I? Where am I? What did I do? Why did you hit me?" He is also very puzzled now, why did that little guy blow himself up all of a sudden? Didn't he just have a good time? I thought I might be able to make a friend...


After knocking Hulk into the air, Romani punched Abomination's face more than a dozen times in a row, then grabbed the head of Abomination with his right hand, and directly pushed him into the ruins under his feet.

After being constantly bombarded by Romani's terrifying power, Abomination has also become weak. After all, he is not a Hulk, but a fake and shoddy product, so from all aspects, he is not as good as the real Hulk. Even if Romani didn't make a deal with Mephisto, the Abomination would not be Hulk's opponent, there is an essential gap between the two.

Holding down the hatred with one hand, at the same time, the vast magic power like the ocean rushed out of his body, suppressing the hatred frantically.

"But Talin, smoked this guy's soul!"

"Obey, my master." After answering, Dan Talin walked to the side of Abomination, slowly opened the book in his hand, and at this moment, the evil breath poured into it crazily through the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of Abomination, and then dragged This translucent special material returned to the book.

The moment the book is closed, everything is over...

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