Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 21 The Bald Cape Man (Add More For Love? Poetry??℡?, Ask For Flowers And Comments)

Losing the soul, no matter how powerful the body is, it is useless, especially after a Mephista like Dantalin forcibly sucks the soul away, it is really dead, and a professional demon will not leave that body A little soul.

"I have to say that the evil and madness in this soul are of very high quality. Now I almost understand why that guy Mephisto chose the soul of this monster." But Lin Lin looked at the closed book in his hand and smiled lightly. said. As a demon, he can feel the specialness of hating souls.

Although this kind of soul can't make Mephisto stronger, in fact, most souls can't make Mephisto continue to grow stronger, unless he can get Romani, a great soul like King Solomon. However, the loathsome soul can be used as fuel by a good demon, that is to say, Mephisto can use this soul to let him exert a little power in this world.

Don't underestimate this little power. Mephisto is the lord of hell, and even one-thousandth of the power is not something that ordinary existence can contend with. And for Mephisto, who likes to stay in this world for a long time, this power can sometimes play a key role.

Just when he was about to leave, Romani's revelation suddenly gave him a special message, and he turned his head to look at Dantalin: "Go and complete the deal, tell Mephisto, I will see Richard as soon as three months are up Fisk's soul, otherwise I will let the Supreme Four Pillars go to him to have a good talk about the breach of contract."

The supreme four pillars, the seventy-two pillars Mephista, the four rulers who rule the Quartet, none of them are weaker than Mephisto, but in this world, without the bonus of hell, it is not clear who is strong and who is weak . But in any case, their existence is extremely powerful and extremely deterrent, except for King Solomon, no one can make them respect and submit.

Definitely, Romani's words are just a simple threat. After all, summoning the Supreme Four Pillars is not an easy task, at least for the current him who came to Shu Ou Shi. But Mephisto may not know it clearly, even if he knows it, he will definitely be afraid, because the person who said this sentence is King Solomon, and this is enough.

After saying this sentence, Romani walked in another direction, and his figure gradually faded along with his steps, until everyone present could no longer notice his existence. As for Dantalin, he hid himself very well when he came, and no one noticed him at all, not even his shadow left in those monitoring equipment.

After bowing slightly to Romani, Lin also turned around and left...

After walking for a long distance and knowing that there was no one or agent around, a small yellow halo suddenly appeared in front of Romani, which gave people a feeling of sparks flying.

Soon, one is huge... one is dazzling... one is shiny...

No matter what, a bald head just walked out of that aperture. Judging from his face, this bald head wearing a yellow cloak is still very kind. If he goes in front of the public, he might be able to win the title of a bald cloak man. It would be interesting if she added that she is a hero out of interest or something.

cough cough!

In fact, Romani already knew the identity of this person when he saw the light circle and that bald head. He had thought about getting in touch with this person from the very beginning, but he had Tony's troubles first, and then he was busy. Form your own forces. Well, it must be so, it definitely has nothing to do with staying at home and watching anime!

Just because I lost too much, I left this matter behind, but I didn't expect that the magician who guarded the earth would take the initiative to find me.

"Nice to meet, Sorcerer Supreme, Ancient One magician. I am Romani Aqiman, definitely, you can also call me Roman." Seeing the appearance of Ancient One magician, Romani did not have any special feeling, just very common Introduce yourself.

Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One is a very powerful existence, and she is also the Asgardian of this world. Regardless of the reason, Romani has no idea of ​​​​making her an enemy. Definitely, even if Ancient One plans to deal with him, Romani will not be afraid. In fact, there are not many existences in this world that he can be afraid of, at least he can't think of it now.

"Well, I know your existence, magician Romani Archman. Can I call you Roman? You sound like a dreamer with a rich imagination!" Ancient One magician also maintained a smile at the moment, watching Romani in front of him said.

It's just that Romani seems to have heard her description before. For some reason, when she heard this, she suddenly felt a sense of defeat, as if she was praised but not happy at all.

But at this moment, he also felt powerful magic fluctuations from Ancient One magician. Besides, gentleness, justice, humility, and sunshine, many excellent qualities were displayed in Ancient One magician, at least this is what she showed. Come out in front of most people, a qualified Asgardian in the world.

"I didn't come here with any malice, I just wanted to chat with you. Although you summoned demons into this world, they didn't do evil, and neither did you. Besides, I have some attainments in the soul, and I can I feel the difference in your soul." The Ancient One magician took a step to the side, and then made an invitation gesture towards the aperture, "Then, will you accept my invitation?"

"If you want to visit the magician's holy place, as a magician, you will naturally not refuse, but since it is a formal invitation, I should also follow the etiquette."

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling light appeared on Romani's body. In this light, his clothes kept changing, and even his appearance changed at this moment. When the light dissipated, Romani reappeared in front of Ancient One magician. At this moment, his skin turned into a wheat color, and at the same time, his silver hair fell on his chest. The gorgeous red, white and black clothes on his body also showed his majesty as a king. .

Appearing in this form is enough to show his trust and respect for Ancient One magician, because before, he should be called Romani, or Doctor Roman. And when he showed such an appearance, countless beings in the world should show respect to him, because at this moment, he is the king of magic, Solomon!

Seeing Romani in such a form, Ancient One also nodded, and after Romani stepped into the aperture, she also said, "Welcome, Kamar-Taj!"

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