Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 22 Changes In The World (Seeking Flowers And Comments)

"It's a good magic atmosphere. The air is full of magic power, but you don't seem to be good at using this magic power. In my impression, you should mainly use spiritual power, which comes from the power of the soul." After stepping into Kamar-Taj, Romani, or Solomon also felt the difference around him. Although this place is not as good as the temple he built before, it is still a good position.

"It may be my honor to receive your appreciation, please sit down." Ancient One pointed to the two seats in front of him, and said, "Judging from Dr. Romani's consciousness, it seems that he knew of our existence a long time ago, otherwise It won't say that we appear in your memory. But, if I remember correctly, I should never have met Dr. Romani."

After Romani sat down, he took a sip of tea. Kamar-Taj's tea is very good. If it is sold outside, it is estimated that it can be sold for a sky-high price.

After calmly putting down the teacup in his hand, Romani smiled and looked at the Ancient One magician in front of him, with a look of memory in his eyes: "It's been a long time, about three thousand years ago, I hope that such a long time has passed I haven't had a problem with my memory."

"Three thousand years ago?" Ancient One magician's pupils narrowed slightly, but she was not too surprised. After all, she had lived for five hundred years by relying on special means. mystery. And there is also the means of summoning demons to come to this world, so even if the other party has really been in stock for three thousand years, then she will not be surprised.

After a moment's pause, Ancient One magician continued: "Three thousand years is too long, and I only live five hundred years. I don't know how Dr. Romani saw me three thousand years ago?"

For Ancient One magician, Romani does not intend to hide too many things, because Ancient One is different from Nick Fury. Although she borrows the power of the dark dimension to prolong her life, it is precisely because of her existence that the dark dimension has always been Unable to descend to Earth, she is the true Asgardian of this world. Compared to Ancient One and the Priory of magicians, Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D are a joke.

And the Ancient One magician originally also has a firm will, only such a person can resist the invasion of the dark dimension. Otherwise, using the power of the dark dimension will corrupt your soul, just like the land of Ancient One magician, Kaecilius, the whole person becomes a servant of Dormammu, and he feels that he is doing the right thing.

Definitely, for Dormammu, what Kaecilius did was indeed "correct"!

"Sorcerer Supreme who holds the Eye of Agamotto, don't you know how I met you?" Romani's words actually told Ancient One the answer.

Eye of Agamotto is a Time Gem. People who know how to use it can see everything that happened on the long river of time. For example, Doctor Strange later used Time Gem to watch the ending countless times before Avengers alliance 4 was released. It's a pity he just doesn't spoil!

"You can see the future?" The Ancient One magician said a little surprised, because even she needs the Eye of Agamotto to peek into the future, and it is very exhausting for her. And she can be sure that the person in front of him has never held the Eye of Agamotto, that is to say, he can peek into the future with his own power.

Romani nodded: "It's the past and the future. My eyes can see things that many people can't see. The magician monastery, Asgard and the crisis that the world will face soon. But don't misunderstand, I can Not an old man who has lived for three thousand years, I am only in my twenties now, and the me three thousand years ago has passed away, but my soul has never changed."

"Reincarnation, or Awakening?" Ancient One magician has in-depth research on souls, so he can naturally understand what Romani said at the moment, "Okay, I can probably understand, then can I ask now, who are you ?”

This sentence of who are you is no longer asking Romani, but asking about the great soul that has existed for three thousand years.

Hearing this sentence, a trace of nostalgia appeared in Romani's eyes. He seemed to see himself sitting on the throne in the past, maybe it was himself, or maybe it wasn't the current self.

After being silent for a long time, Romani answered: "There used to be an all-knowing and omnipotent king, a man who was empowered by gods, not the self-righteous gods of Asgard, but similar to the root of the world, or the will of the universe. Things recognized his existence, so his wish was fulfilled. At that time, he prayed for wisdom, so when he woke up, he found that he was wearing ten rings on his hands, which was the proof of a wise man recognized by God, as a god The agent, a virtuous king, just walked through his body."

Hearing this, if Ancient One doesn't know what Romani is talking about, then she is ashamed of her erudition.

"The king of wisdom in the eyes of ordinary people, the third monarch of ancient Israel, but in the eyes of special people, he is dubbed the title of magic king. It is hard to imagine that it is you in front of me. No wonder you can summon demons And serve. Allow me to apologize to you for the disrespect and suspicion just now, and at the same time offer you the due respect of a person, or a magician, King Solomon." Ancient One slowly stood up, bowed to Romani, and faced King Solomon three thousand years ago, even she, as the Sorcerer Supreme, deserves due respect.

It seems that even Mephisto, who is the lord of hell, never hesitated to praise Romani when he saw Romani.

After praising King Solomon, Ancient One's face became a lot more serious, she sat down again, and said, "No wonder even I have to envy the great aura emanating from your soul, so I am more at ease I had an open and honest conversation with you. Your Majesty Solomon, I don’t know if you have noticed any changes in this world recently. These changes are different from what I saw with Eye of Agamotto before, and everything is even worse.”

Romani couldn't help but sigh in his heart at this moment, did the plot change because of his arrival? I don't know if there will be any changes to the main storyline.

At this moment, Ancient One magician waved his hand, and the surrounding scenes changed, as if something like a three-dimensional image appeared in the room.

"About three days ago, some strange things appeared in this world, and the source of everything was in the Bermuda Triangle, but this source was blocked by me, but no matter what method I used, I couldn't eliminate her. "Ancient One pointed to the three-dimensional image that appeared in the room, transformed into magic power.

And seeing the source in Ancient One's mouth, even Romani's complexion instantly became much uglier...


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