Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 209 A Bodhisattva Appeared In Hell?

The Avengers Base.

The atmosphere here is obviously not ideal now. In normal times, the atmosphere in the base is very cheerful. After all, everyone is originally good friends, and they would gather together to chat and drink when there is nothing to do.

But the situation is a bit different now. In a mission three days ago, both Wanda and Natasha Romanoff were seriously injured. If it wasn't for Pietro running fast enough, they would have taken the two of them away from the battle.

In addition, Tony and Steve delayed the time and waited for Chaldea's reinforcements, so they probably have to confess that they are in Las Vegas!

"Damn devils, each one is more difficult to deal with, even my magic steel battle suit can't withstand so many enemies." Tony sulked, and sat on the sofa like this, his left hand is still in a bandage, It is estimated that there is no way to continue fighting within three to five days.

"The information I just received shows that demons have appeared in London, Paris, Sydney, and Tokyo. It is difficult for the army to gain an advantage in front of these demons. Almost the weakest demons can deal with thousands of modern troops equipped with advanced weapons."

At this time, Steve came over with some information, looked at the guys with heavy faces on the sofa and said: "The devil also appeared in Huaxia, but it was directly eliminated shortly after it appeared, it seems that it should be the 527 The handwriting of the First Emperor."

All the news he got now was given to him by Hill agent. Although after the end of the Battle of the Wall of the World, Hill went to help the black marinated egg who didn't know where he was hiding, but if there is any latest news, she will report it in the first place. Dominate the Avengers for a time.

"The gap between us and those historical or legendary figures is too great. If this continues, we may be able to step aside when we encounter a crisis."

Rhodes now looks helpless, he feels that he is a little powerless when facing those elite demons: "I said Tony, can't you also upgrade my battle suit? Magic War Machine, I feel excited just thinking about it , if I have such a battle suit, I can face a hundred more demons without any problem!"

Rhodes has been coveting Tony's magic steel battle suit for a long time. He feels that when magic and technology are combined, he is really not an ordinary teacher.

"Forgive me, I can't build this battle suit by myself. I'm a scientific genius, not a magic genius. Unless you can get Dr. Da Vinci and Romani to help, then give up the idea."

Tony was like Rhodes, and then said: "Or you can wait until my nano-magic steel battle suit is manufactured, then I can modify the battle suit I am using now and give it to you."

That's right, as a super genius, Tony will not be satisfied with the first-generation magic steel battle suit. What he wants to develop now is the second-generation, using nanotechnology, so that his combat effectiveness can continue to improve.

But he really doesn't know much about magic, so what he studies now is all about technology, and the effect is not bad.

"We need to be extremely vigilant. Compared with those demons with amazing fighting power, those demons who confuse people's hearts are more worrying. But the only good news is that they cannot leave the leader or take too long."

Steve is also frowning at this time, the wars he fought in the past were normal people, using guns and missiles, but after waking up this time, the enemies he faced were either aliens or a so-called Creator god.

And now, he has met devils and demons from hell. If possible, he really wants to go back to sleep in the ice for another seventy years. Maybe when he wakes up at that time, he can enjoy his life.

After a short pause, Steve set his sights on Tony, and then said: "Tony, we need Romani, how long will it take for him to come back?

"My God, you don't think I can contact him who is honeymooning with his sister in the universe, do you? I can't launch an Ultra mark, and let him come back immediately after seeing it."

Tony now also hopes to be able to contact Romani, but he really has no way: "And Steve (cdbb), we can't rely too much on Romani, he is King Solomon, a part of this world, and exists in myths and legends Asgardian, that's true. But he's not our babysitter, and if he's missing, we've got nothing to do, and there's no need for Avengers."

"This time Tony is right. If that's the case, how about calling it the Solomon Alliance?" Rhodes nodded in approval, and he also thought it was the case.

"But we need him, he's part of the Avengers, isn't he?"

Falcon also said at this time: "But again, I also agree with Tony. We can rely on the doctor, but we cannot rely on his existence. The Avengers need more fresh blood now, and the world needs more heroes."

"Initiate a summons to the whole world, and at the same time let Fury help us find some suitable new members, we really need more strength to face the coming crisis in the future

Steve agrees very much with Falcon's words. He feels that he is too weak now. If possible, he would like to ask the people of Chaldea what is the treasure Phantasm, and he doesn't know if he can have it. A feast.

You see, the treasure of the King of Knights is the sword of the oath of victory, and the treasure of the king of conquest is the power of the king's army...

According to this statement, as Captain America, he might also have a treasure or something. He has already thought of the name, and it will be called Roaring Agent Team or HYDRA Buster. Regardless of whether it is vulgar or not, but this is his real achievement, and it is estimated that these are the only things that can be left in history.

At this moment, a person suddenly came out of the next room, which belonged to Romani. Although he rarely lived in the base, everyone still left one for him.

"Well, I heard you guys talking about me just now, did something important happen?" Romani looked at the few people with strange faces, and said with some doubts.

He just came back from the universe, and he wanted to come to The Avengers Base to see, but when he came, he heard Tony talking about himself.

What? How did you come back?

Definitely open a door directly with the Space gem, is there an easier and faster way than this?

"Oh, thank goodness you're finally back, we did have some... trouble, and it's a long story..."

Tony hadn't finished speaking when a golden portal suddenly appeared in the base, and then Da Vinci walked out from it, her face not so pretty.

"I came over when I noticed your aura, shouldn't have disturbed you?"

Immediately, Da Vinci directly got to the point: "Things are a little messed up, a Bodhisattva came out of hell...".

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