Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 210: The Incarnation Of Happiness


Hearing this name, everyone present was stunned. Can that thing also appear in hell?

Well, let alone where it appears, but according to the myth, the Bodhisattva should be opposed to the devil, right?

Even if they don’t belong to the same mythology system, it should be like this. After all, Bodhisattva should represent compassion in mythology. They should be happy that such an existence appears in hell. After all, Mephisto will find it troublesome~.

But looking at Da Vinci's appearance now, things are obviously not as simple as they imagined. This serious expression seems to be the same as when he faced Tiamat not long ago.

"I said, what you said just now, the Bodhisattva who appeared in hell, shouldn't it be that guy?"

Seeing Da Vinci's serious expression, Romani's eyes froze for an instant. Generally speaking, a Bodhisattva does represent compassion, but there are always exceptions.

In his memory, there is such a guy, although he also has the title of Bodhisattva, but he has nothing to do with compassion!

"So, what are you guys talking about? I dare say that no one besides Romani and you understands what you are talking about." Tony also asked with a puzzled look at this time. , He also has obvious uneasiness in his heart.

Da Vinci stared straight at Romani at this moment, took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "It is indeed that guy, although she has not officially shown up, but not long ago her power really gushed out from the gate of hell, Iskandar and others were injured to varying degrees, and if Enkidu hadn't arrived just in time, the situation would have been even worse."

Hearing this, Steve, Tony and the others were stunned. Although they didn't know who the other people Da Vinci was talking about, they were still very familiar with Iskandar, the heroic conqueror The king, even without an army, has extraordinary combat power.

That is to say, even if Iskandar doesn't use the Noble Phantasm, there are not many Avengers who can compete with it, but such a strong person will be injured.

And Da Vinci's last sentence, what do you mean if Enkidu hadn't arrived, the situation would have been worse?

In other words, is Iskandar not the opponent's enemy at all?

The King of Conquerors, who is invincible in the face of thousands of monsters, and wins all he not an opponent at all?

Steve also stood up at this time, with a dignified expression: "Is it a demon? Or did Mephisto do it himself? Or, the so-called Bodhisattva you mentioned just now, what is she?"

At least to know the identity of the other party, that's what Steve is thinking about at the moment.

After being silent for a long time, Romani let out a long sigh. He really didn't know what these guys were up to!

Is it interesting to appear in this world one after another? Definitely, it’s good for Fufu to come here, or forget about the others, this world can’t afford to be tossed all the time!

After finally dealing with a Tiamat, and now another beast of disaster, what is going on?

Believe it or not, it made me anxious, go grab a glove and grab the other five gems, just snap your fingers and play?

"That guy is the same existence as Tiamat, separated from the principle of 'love and lust', a beast of disaster based on the principle of 'happiness'... Demonic Bodhisattva, Kiara Saseiin !

When saying this sentence, Romani's face has become extremely ugly. Although it is not a complete theory of "love and lust", Sesseiin Kiara is also a very terrifying existence. After all, it is one of the evil existences of human beings. Anyone who meets this kind of guy will find it difficult.

And this guy is not like Tiamat, who does not have too much rationality when acting. Sesseiin Kiara acts with her own unique rationality. In a sense, she is more rational than Tiamat. Danger.

But when it comes to its true strength, it can't compare to Tiamat's existence with the characteristic of immortality.

Seeing the changes in the faces of Steve and Tony, Da Vinci also slowly opened his mouth and added: "Kiara Saseiin, who claims to be the new god of the third foreign law happy day

An extremely secretive person who takes Houle as the top selling priority!"

"In the process of so-called enjoyment, she will continue to consume other people's lives and feed on them, and will eventually become a disaster that destroys the world. But she is indeed a peerless beauty. Under normal circumstances, she is also An introverted and kind-hearted guy who is also active and compassionate...but as a disaster beast...she is a terrible disaster!"

……ask for flowers……

Hearing this description, Tony's expression instantly became extremely interesting: "Such a guy can also be called a Bodhisattva? I have learned some Chinese culture a while ago. If my literary level is not a problem, a Bodhisattva should be a Bodhisattva." Is it something like a saint?"

Romani sighed again, and said softly: "It's a demonic bodhisattva, which is completely different from the Chinese culture you understand. That guy has a kindness like a virgin, and everyone who gets close to her will be touched and believe in her crazily.

"But it won't be long before, because I expect too much to be loved by her, I will blindly pursue my own desires, even if I am ugly. However, desires originally become thinner as they are continuously satisfied, just like a A person who likes wealth becomes the world's richest man, his desire will fade, and such a person will lose her love!

"As long as you are a believer in Kiara Seseiin, no matter who you are, as your desires are satisfied, there will be such despair as 'I can no longer get her love', and then cut off your own life. And she will take the lives of these people." The body and property are all treated as food!"

"Perhaps she won't have a big impression in hell, but once she appears on the blue star, just seeing her existence, it is possible to lose everything. As long as you admire her beauty, you may lose yourself, Became a follower of Sashoin Kiara, standing in the palm of that demon bodhisattva!"

Romani's words made the already serious atmosphere even more serious. According to Romani's description of the demon bodhisattva, its threat is indeed greater than Tiamat.

Tiamat relies on the army of monsters and its absolute power to destroy the world, so that they can build the wall of the world and gather troops to resist.

And a disaster that destroys human beings spiritually, how can it be prevented?

"Spirit......Spirit......Captain, where is the Mind Gem we recovered earlier?".

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