Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 211 Summoner...A Ghost!

If Mind Gem is used to deal with a Calamity Beast, maybe it will have a miraculous effect, but regarding this matter, Romani proposes to use it as a last resort

Because no one knows, whether Mind Gem can solve Kiara Saseiin or make him stronger!

"To be honest, we should also be thankful that that guy is a beast of disaster. If she appears in another form, things will become even more troublesome."

The other form that Romani mentioned is the most terrifying form of Kiara Sesseiin. In terms of nature, she in that form, even Romani in his heyday, would find it extremely troublesome.

"By the way, Da Vinci, is there anyone who is more suitable to deal with Kiara Seseiin?" Thinking of this, Romani suddenly asked. "eight fifty"

It's like the old man cut off Tiamat's undead feature, if anyone can target Kiara at Saseiin, then he can still bet on a wave of Holy Grail summoning immortality?

Who knows, Da Vinci's next sentence almost choked Romani half to death.

"Yes, that enlightened being can definitely do it, I don't know about others." Da Vinci smiled and said without hesitation.

"That one... just give up, let's think about other ways." Romani is a little embarrassed now, after all, it is impossible to summon that enlightened being, and his Holy Grail has not yet been able to summon that A kind of super-standard existence.

Moreover, if that person appeared in this world, he would be able to take care of himself for the elderly. Big purple sweet potato, in front of him, is probably just a poor kid, right?

If Kiara Seshoin saw that person, he would turn around and run away without saying a word. Even if he was a disaster beast, he would have no way to fight against this kind of dimensional gap.

But hearing the conversation between Romani and Da Vinci, Tony became interested: "Who is the one you mentioned? Why can't he help? If he can deal with the disaster just mentioned, I think... . . . ”

"Don't think about it."

Before Tony could finish speaking, Romani interrupted directly: "That one is the existence who has reached the truth of the world, transcends time and space, travels between different universes Sakyamuni, he is everywhere, maybe now he is also Looking at the world, but doing nothing to change the world. Do not participate in the rise and fall of human beings, the supreme Buddha who has no desires and desires!"

Although they don't know much about Buddha's culture, people like Steve and Tony can understand Romani's words.

The so-called enlightened being is actually an existence similar to God!

At this moment, a strange light suddenly flashed in Romani's eyes, and among all the people present, only Da Vinci noticed this strangeness.

"Don't think about your idiot's first treasure, you can't release it until the power is fully retrieved, and I will not allow you to use that treasure. I learned a sentence not long ago, if you want to If you dare to think about the first treasure, I will call Mash and the others to dance on your grave!"

Da Vinci's expression was unusually serious when he spoke, and she absolutely didn't want to see Romani give up everything for the second time.

A guy who hates to see sadness, but goes through the saddest thing by himself, and let everyone see his sadness...

"Actually, I also really want to know what is Romani's first treasure...

Tony was going to try it out, but when he saw Da Vinci's cannibalistic eyes, he immediately swallowed the rest of the words.

He didn't know if someone would give him the answer after he asked, but he knew very well that if he asked, although Da Vinci said he wouldn't solve him, he definitely didn't need to think about it. .

So the smart Tony said that he was not curious about Romani's first treasure, absolutely not... Even if he was curious, he didn't ask now, just find a time to ask Romani privately.

"Then what should we do now?" Steve brought the topic back directly, he didn't care who the enemy was, he just wanted to know how to deal with it, which was the most important thing.

"That guy Mephisto contacted Dormammu to make trouble together. Kamar-Taj is simply too busy to manage the gates of hell that appear all over the world. And Asgard suffered a lot of losses in the last war, so there should be no way to help to us...

Romani also thinks this matter is very difficult, but there are really not many forces that they can unite now: "The First Emperor of China, Skadi of Jotonheim, this is the strength that we can unite now...No, you guys Can anyone contact Black Braised Egg?"

The reason why I asked about the black corned egg was mainly because Romani thought of the blonde beauty I met in the universe not long ago, the only person who can contact her on Blue Star is the black corned egg... ...

It would definitely be a big boost if Captain Marvel could be brought back.

"Yes, yes, but he said that he doesn't want to hear anyone call him a black corned egg, although I think it's quite vivid." Steve shrugged and said directly.

"Better get him ready to call Carol if he can be reached!"

After Romani nodded, he walked to Da Vinci's side: "I have to go to Chaldea... Tony, you'd better maintain the highest vigilance, the guy you meet this time, the degree of danger Not at all inferior to Tiamat."

After the voice fell, Romani followed Da Vinci into the portal.

After the two left, Tony turned around and walked directly towards the lab: "I have to debug the battle suit... What is this all about? A monster that will destroy the world will come every now and then in 3.7. I don’t know how long we can last.”

Looking at Tony's back, Steve also felt a little helpless: "Let's go and see Wanda and Natasha Romanoff. Hurry up and train Wanda during this time. Her Ability should be stronger than what she has shown now."

"Another one, whoever of you plans to go to China, try to get the help of the first emperor if you can. This is very important to us and to this world. Finally, notify the World Security Council so that they can organize hell People in the city where the gate is located are evacuated, and I have a hunch that this war will be very difficult."

Hearing Steve's words, Falcon also walked towards the outside: "I'll go to Huaxia, and I will leave it to you to notify the Security Council, Rhodes...

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