Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 212 Putting The Battlefield To Hell

Iskandar said that he is very uncomfortable now, 50% of his body is covered with bandages, and it is a pity that there is no real doctor in Chaldea.

After all, under normal circumstances, Romani has no time to do what a serious doctor should do, but fortunately, with Ami, he can add some vitality to Iskandar, which will help the recovery of the injury.

In addition to him, some Mephistas were also injured because of that Bodhisattva, even Asmodeus. Strength is not fully restored either.

Definitely, even if he recovers all his strength, he is not an opponent of Kiara Seshouin, after all, that guy is similar to Gaetia no matter what.

In fact, it's not just Iskandar who is feeling uncomfortable now, Gilgamesh and others are not in a good mood, just like Tony and the others, they finally solved the threat of Tiamat 23, and in the end A demon bodhisattva came out.

Jin Shining feels that this world is more troubled than Uruk in the Age of Gods, it's so difficult!

But being in a bad mood is one thing, but dealing with it is another.

Not long ago, Jin Xingxian issued a summoning order to call back the old man who had been away for a while. Although the demon Bodhisattva was indeed very strong, Jin Xingxian was not too worried.

After all, they have two crowns and a great king like him. As a crown candidate, his own strength is also very strong. What's more, the current him possesses the power of his middle school two period and the virtuous king period at the same time, even if it is a real crown, he may not be as strong as him!

Anyway, he has such confidence in himself!

So in Gilgamesh's view, what is really worth worrying about is the disaster that Kiara will bring to this world once Seshoin Kiara appears in the world, and that is what really makes people feel disgusted.

"The best thing is to be able to fight in hell. There will be no problem no matter how we release the treasure there, and if we are in hell, the human world will not be affected."

Seeing that everyone who was supposed to come was here, Gilgamesh also spoke directly.

This is the most reasonable method he thinks now, to fight in hell, where he can unscrupulously use the Deviation Sword. If the battlefield is set in Las Vegas, which is partially occupied by hell, then he will not be able to fight with his hands and feet.

Shu Ri'an himself will not have any psychological burden, but others will not agree.

If the power of the Deviant Sword is fully released in Las Vegas, no matter whether they win or fail this time, M Gui will be able to lose a piece of land in the future.

This group of people fighting with hands and feet, it is estimated that Las Vegas can be directly turned into a huge amount of abyss!

"It's okay to go to hell to fight, but there will be one biggest problem, that is, Mephisto can exert his strongest power in hell. Don't underestimate that sinister and cunning old devil, he will never be in hell. It will be weaker than Seshoin Kiara, and may even be stronger."

Romani thought for a while, and gradually frowned: "We haven't encountered any truly powerful enemies in this world until now, but we must not underestimate them. Mephisto is the Lord of Hell...he Definitely not as easy to deal with as we imagined.

Hearing this sentence, many people nodded. They very much agreed with what Romani said, that the old devil showed some power when he wanted to capture Tiamat's soul.

The strength at that time was definitely not all of him, but it was already extremely powerful!

"No matter how powerful that old devil is, we have to face it. He is just a master of hell. This king has never put that guy in his eyes."

Gilgamesh smiled arrogantly. He was the king of Uruk in the age of the gods. He had dealt with those gods countless times. A mere lord of hell would indeed not be looked down upon by him.

"Indeed, although it will be more difficult for us to fight in hell, it will be much better for this world and mankind."

Enkidu also nodded at this moment. He originally cared about human beings very much, so he naturally agreed to go to hell to fight.

Everyone discussed for a long time. After all, it is not easy to deal with a human evil. Because the discussion took so long, Fufu fell asleep directly on Romani's shoulder.

Anyway, these things have nothing to do with it. It is just a mascot now, and it will not make a move unless it is the last moment when Humanity is about to be destroyed. Also, Romani wasn't about to let it go.

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, Romani slowly raised his head, looked at everyone with a serious face, and said softly: "I have two ideas, can everyone listen to them?"

"Roman?" Seeing Romani's expression at the moment, Leonardo Da Vinci was also a little stunned, and then his face became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Only that thing is not okay, you should know what I'm talking about !"

The thing she said was Romani's first treasure, which Da Vinci absolutely didn't want to see.

But this time Romani really didn't think about it, he is not someone who likes to commit suicide all the time!

213 Does his image look like a muscular man holding a big stick and warning people with thunderous gossip?

Unless it is really at the last moment, he will not be able to use the first treasure, and it is best to seal up that kind of thing forever.

"Don't worry, Da Vinci, I don't have that kind of dangerous idea...well, but speaking of it, I feel that my current idea may be more dangerous for this world."

After a short pause, Romani went on to say: "We have three enemies this time, Dormammu, the lord of the dark dimension, Mephisto, the lord of hell, and Kiara, the demon bodhisattva. Dormammu has Sorcerer Supreme to deal with, we don't need to worry too much , so it is the other two that are really causing us trouble."

"To be honest, those two guys are very strong, especially if the battle stage is placed in hell, they will be stronger. Maybe saying this is a bit of a pretentious meaning, but it's just us, and we may not be able to win the final victory. But in the environment of hell, the strength of the Mephista I summon will also be strengthened, but relying on them alone is not enough, after all, there are countless demons in hell, so I think..."

"Summon all the Mephistas in one go, if you can, and get that guy on our side!".

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