Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 315 Focus On Objects

Avengers base.

After the Silver Surfer left, Tony and the others returned to the base directly.

After listening to Romani's explanation, Tony finally understood why he became the main target of those bosses in the universe. Well, it's not those big bosses, the only one who really regards him as the main target is that purple potato, big shoehorn face, family planning office, Thanos!

As for the reason?

One is because the Mind Gem is in Tony's hands now, and Thanos, who is committed to collecting all Infinite Gems and giving birth to the universe, will definitely not let go of the Mind Gem in Tony's hands.

In another word, it was because Tony directly sent a large nuclear bomb to Thanos's legion during the previous battle in NY City.

Although the portal was opened by Romani, it was Tony who actually sent the nuclear bomb out!

Definitely, now Tony is worried that he is still secondary, he is more worried about this world, before he planned to put armor on Blue Star, an invasion from hell.

But judging from the current situation, not to mention putting on armor, even if all the nuclear bombs are arranged around the blue star, it may not be able to stop the coming danger~.

I don't know who Lan Xingjun provoked. Anyway, in such a big universe, everyone wants to turn this world into dust.

What are aliens, lords of dimensions, demon kings of hell

They appeared in this world one after another without stopping, and what is even more interesting now is that this group of intruders who were swept out by them before are united together!

If you want to say that it’s just a big alliance of villains, that’s okay. Other villains are united together, but the Avengers are divided into two parts due to internal strife. So far, Tony doesn’t know where Captain America is and what they are doing. .....

"Well, I can almost accept these miraculous things, but what should we do next, can we deal with so many enemies?" Before Tony could speak, Rhodes said directly.

He can be regarded as a person who has seen the world, but after listening to Romani's words, he still has a lot of uneasiness in his heart.

"That depends on how you choose. Now that Chaldea has made arrangements, every enemy will be responsible. However, I don't know what the outcome will be. After all, every enemy I face this time has a The power to destroy this world." Romani spread his hands, and handed over the choice to the receivers.

"I think you can talk about the current arrangement first, so that we can follow the safer side." Tony said slowly.

"Actually, the strength of each side is similar, but the ones who are responsible for protecting you and the Mind Gem in your hand are Knight King Artoria Pendragon, King David, Kiara Saseiin, Quetzal Coyate And Li Shuwen obeyed her command."

Looking at the situation, Artoria has not yet contacted Tony, so Romani just told the matter directly, so that cooperation will be more convenient in the future.

"Do you think I'm the one who needs protection? If that big purple potato comes here, I can beat him back wearing a steel battle suit! Have you ever seen a fist as big as a sandbag?" Tony felt insulted , stood up all of a sudden, and said very seriously.

But for what he said, Romani expressed complete disbelief: "Even if the magic steel battle suit made with the help of Da Vinci, it can't deal with that purple sweet potato essence. He is called the overlord of the universe. If you don't order Strength, do you think he can dominate the universe? What's more, now he has obtained the power gem in Infinite Gems.

Romani's power is very strong, but this is the Marvel Movie Universe. His power originally does not belong to this world. To be able to have such a powerful power in this world is originally unexpected.

But in Romani's view, the six Infinite Gems are powerful things that existed at the beginning of the world, and the power gems almost represent the ultimate power. If Thanos really pushes the power gems with all his strength, the burst of power may be able to The third Noble Phantasm beyond Romani.

...asking for flowers...

Hearing this, Tony suddenly remembered something, then fixed his eyes on Romani, and said in a deep voice: "You said just now, that guy's goal is Infinite Gems, right? That means the most dangerous person now is not only Just me, and you, the Space gem is always in your hands!"

"You tell me now that you are not sure to win against that guy, what if he finds you? I don't want to show up at your funeral in a black suit one day!

Romani was stunned, he didn't expect Tony to have such a sudden reaction, but it's good to feel that someone cares.

"Don't worry, that big purple potato won't have any good way to take me. By the way, if you have time, you can try to contact the captain and the others. After all, we need more power now. This world... .need more heroes!"


After saying this, Romani left, and Rhodes didn't say much. He needed to report some news to the military because he was a soldier.

Therefore, in this base, Tony was left alone, and he was thinking about whether to rule the captain and the others.

"Wow, is this Kamar-Taj? The gathering place of magic looks pretty good." After getting in touch with Strange, Gudazi followed the new Sorcerer Supreme to visit Kamar-Taj .

Both Mash and Miyamoto Musashi were by Gudazi's side. After all, they were two real combat powers, helping Strange protect the Eye of Agamotto hanging on his chest.

"Well, it is indeed a gathering place for magic, but I have tried to teach them to use magic recently, but even a magician with extraordinary ability can't use magic." Strange can use magic himself, because he has magic Loop is simply a special existence in this world.

Other magicians may have some ability in spiritual power and magic practice, but without magic circuits, they cannot use magic. No matter what Strange teaches, this will not change. .

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