Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 316 Darkness Begins To Fall

In NY holy place, Strange called Tony here as well. Gudazi, who was in charge of the Time Gem, and Artoria, who was in charge of the Mind Gem, both agreed to this behavior.

After all, in the face of a crisis, it might be better to concentrate their strength. As for the other gem on Blue Star, the Space gem held by Romani, they don't need to worry about it.

But now Tony is obviously a little upset, because when Strange called him over, he just interrupted his date with Pepper.

"When the universe was born, the world was in chaos..."

Wang was explaining the specific origins of the six Infinite Gems to everyone at this time. After all, he felt that everyone needed to understand these basic knowledge: "Then with a bang, the big bang created six elemental crystals, which were floating in the newborn universe. , These six elemental crystals are what we know as Infinite Gems."

"Each gem holds a specific property, Strange has time, Stark has mind, and the one held by King Solomon controls space. Beyond that, there is power. , reality and soul.”

When Wang 23's voice fell, Tony opened the gauntlet of his magic steel battle suit, Mind Gem stayed inside quietly, and at the same time Strange also opened Eye of Agamotto, and the one emitting green light was Time Gem.

As soon as these two gemstones appeared in front of everyone, the energy fluctuations that emanated made everyone present stare at them, including the existences like Seshoin Kiara and King David, who also showed a little surprised expression.

In this world, six Infinite Gems are the true symbol of the power of the source!

"And the guy who is eyeing these six gems now is the purple sweet potato that Romani mentioned before? Let me think about it, that guy is called..." Tony only remembered the purple sweet potato, but forgot the name up.

Artoria took a deep breath, and then said: "Thanos, the overlord of the universe, has an invincible army and incomparable power. Wherever he goes, half of the creatures will be brutally slaughtered. Including the previous instructions to Loki, He is also the one who led the Chitauri army to attack NY City."

"And this time he's not the only one. Enemies we've encountered before and enemies we haven't encountered have all gathered together. Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, Dr. Strange should know this guy very well."

Gudazi also said with a serious face at this time: "The master of the hell dimension, Mephisto, Kamamara, who is called a beast, and the master served by the silver surfer, the planet devourer... If we can't work together, it's definitely not just Blue Star that will be destroyed."

"According to the news from Chaldea, now that Thanos has obtained the power gem, and other bastards are also starting their operations, we must be extremely careful. If

Definitely, I mean if all six gems fall into the hands of Thanos, then the consequences will be disastrous. "

Strange is also very serious now, dealing with one Dormammu is enough trouble, who knew that he would have to deal with so many big shots this time. He kind of missed the Ancient One magician, if he didn't die Sorcerer Supreme, then the Time Gem wouldn't be in his hands, so naturally he wouldn't have to face such a big trouble now.

"If that purple sweet potato essence wants to collect six Infinite Gems, don't we just have to destroy the gems?" Tony suddenly thought of this, as long as the gems are destroyed first, everything will be solved ?

"It's not easy to destroy Infinite Gems, not to mention we vow to protect Time Gem with our lives!" Wang said very seriously. Definitely, he's always been like that, except when he gets to the point of laughing.

"I swore I would never eat dairy again, but with ice cream named after me..."

Before Tony could finish his sentence, Strange interrupted directly: "Stator's wild nutty flavor? Listen to it and you'll be teething.

"I love Hulk with his sweet smile"

I don't know who can come up with such a name, will this ice cream really be eaten by anyone?

"Stop talking such useless nonsense!"

Arturia stood up suddenly, with a cold face, and said seriously: "What we need to do now is to protect these Infinite Gems. No matter what you want to do, at least we Chaldea will do our best to protect people Reason! No matter what kind of guy the attacker is!"

At this moment, everyone felt the ground shaking. At the same time, Artoria directly raised her weapon and walked out of the holy place. She felt that the enemy had come, and the next thing was It's fighting!

"The King of Knights is right. In my opinion, destroying Infinite Gems will only anger that guy called Thanos. To protect this world, we must fight and must win!"

Miyamoto Musashi was also holding the two swords in his hands at the moment, and then stepped outside: "Artoria and I took the initiative to attack, and you are responsible for guarding the bottom of the two of them, so that no accidents will happen!"

After watching Arturia and Miyamoto Musashi leave, Tony's eyes also changed suddenly, and he walked outside while cursing in a low voice: "Damn, who wants to hide in the turtle shell, those damn intruders long as you knock down all the opponents!"

"Actually, I think it's a good idea. Besides, no one would want to hide in it, right?" Strange also chose to fight. As the new Sorcerer Supreme, he couldn't allow himself to cowardly hide in others. behind.

"Hehehe, don't be so anxious, the old man also plans to go out and enjoy the battle." Li Shuwen put his hands behind his back, and there was a faint killing intent in his eyes.

"For Solomon, I will do my best to enjoy the battle this time." Immediately afterwards, Sesseiin Kiara activated his magic power and walked outside.

"Everyone is very passionate, so naturally I don't need to say more, just use the flesh to communicate!" At this moment, it was Quetzal Colyat who was walking.

Only King David was lazily following the crowd at the moment, and said helplessly, "Take it easy, I'm not used to being so hot-blooded."

Just after everyone walked out of the holy place, what caught their eyes was a circular spaceship with huge amounts of light. As a blue beam of light fell, several figures also appeared in front of everyone.

Different from the original plot, there are five people who came to earth this time!.

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