Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 37: A Group Of Four Surrounded By Monsters (Seeking Flowers And Comments)

Soon, Phil Coulson released Thor, but out of fear, he still let several agents follow Thor. After all, this guy is Thor, and in any case, he could not completely let the other party go. Romani doesn't care about this at all. Now he is more concerned about his ring. Although he hasn't confirmed it yet and doesn't know which ring it is, he must go to Odin's treasury.

There are a few problems with this though, not the least of which is that Thor and his brother Loki, after this fun play session, are two spoiled kids who will ruin Bifrost. If I go to Asgard by myself, even if I get the ring, I don't know how to get back, and I don't know if the portal learned from Kamar-Taj can connect Asgard and Blue Star.

Definitely, I can also ask Thor to bring his ring with him when he comes to Blue Star next time after helping Thor solve the Destroyer. I remember that the next time this guy came over was when his younger brother was doing something again, and the interval in between would not be very long, but he was worried that Thor, a tough guy, would just forget about his affairs by then.

Let me tell you, no matter how you think about this matter, it is very troublesome!

"Doctor Romani!" Just as Romani was thinking about something, Phil Coulson came over with something like a tablet computer, and then put it directly in front of Romani, "Do you know these four? Actors from a certain crew in this world, but they suddenly appeared here."

After being pulled back from his thoughts by Phil Coulson, Romani also took a closer look. These four guys should not be too easy to identify. Although their appearance rate is not very high, they can be regarded as well-known fighters in Asgard.

"Vorstagg, Fandral, Hogan... and Sif, but the Sif here is not like Thor's wife in the myth. In fact, the two of them are considered close, but how should I say it?" Romani After thinking for a while, I finally came up with a suitable description, "It probably feels like Thor treats Sif as a brother, but Sif wants him, just such a relationship."

"Well, this relationship really makes people feel a little... well, it's hard to describe. But the crux of the problem is not here. I think these 'gods' may be in a little trouble now." As he spoke, Phil Coulson put the tablet With a flick of the screen on the screen, the scene of the Asgard foursome fighting appeared directly, and Thor also stood not far away with Jane Foster.

That's right, the correction ability of the will of the world is really very powerful. After being released by Phil Coulson, Thor met Jane and his party again, and he, who is so tough, even became a pair with Jane.

At this moment, the Asgard foursome are not fighting against Odin's Destroyer Armor, but the monster Ulidim. In fact, with the strength of the Asgard foursome, it won't be very difficult to face Ulidim, but the number is a bit too much. too much. There were at least sixty or seventy Ulidims surrounding them, and even the soldiers of Uruk, the gods, could hardly cope with this number of Ulidims.

Although the Asgard group of four claimed to be gods, they were actually just human beings with impressive strength. Presumably, they did not have much advantage over those powerful soldiers from the Age of Gods. Maybe it's just a little longer life, and then a better physique, it's as simple as that.

Definitely, Sif is an exception. As the future wife of Thor in the eyes of Asquid and the Queen, she is also a natural female warrior. Her strength has reached the level of a heroic spirit. With her present, there would be no problem dealing with sixty or seventy Ulidim, at most it would be a little troublesome.

"Let your people evacuate the entire town, and then evacuate yourself immediately. You can watch from a distance, but don't get too close." Romani stood up slowly, knowing that he was free all day long. not come down.

"Doctor Romani, you may have underestimated us a little too much. These monsters S.H.I.E.L.D have dealt with it a lot. To be honest, although they are a bit difficult to deal with, they don't need to..."

Before Phil Coulson finished speaking, Romani interrupted directly: "The trouble is not Ulidim, but what will appear later, human power can't do harm to that thing at all, unless you plan to throw a The nukes are here, but that's not realistic. To be honest, the upcoming major war will level the town, I hope you will cherish the lives of your men."

After saying this sentence, Romani opened a door directly and appeared beside Thor.

Seeing his appearance, Thor immediately greeted him: "Hey Romani, they are my friends and they are here to find me."

Well, it’s a simple greeting, but Romani can probably understand Thor’s meaning, just want to tell Romani that they are not here to find work, and also hope that Romani can help, after all, there are a lot of monsters. Even in other places in the Nine Realms, he has never seen such a monster. Definitely, he has also dealt with a stronger one, but now...

Hmm, can't hold a hammer anymore.

"definitely, I know they're your friends, but I'm not here for them this time, but for something that's about to fall." Romani nodded, "Thor, you have to try to change, Odin The King of God is a wise king. He allows his children to make mistakes, but he cannot allow his children to not admit and repent after making mistakes. I hope you can pick up your hammer quickly, otherwise the next thing , it’s not that easy to deal with.”

As he said that, Romani pointed to the distance, where dark clouds gathered and slowly fell to the ground. Among them, a guy like a robot slowly stepped out, and now, Phil Coulson has begun to evacuate the crowd in the town .

Seeing the appearance of the Destroyer, Thor's face also changed rapidly, his eyes fixed on the direction where the Destroyer appeared: "Jane, you must leave immediately."

If you want to talk about this iron man, he usually looks like a straight man of steel, but he doesn't forget to flirt with his sister at critical moments.

"Remember what I just said, try to change it!" After Romani said this, his whole body began to glow. The Destroyer armor was Odin's armor, and even he couldn't take it lightly when dealing with that thing.

In a blink of an eye, Romani directly turned into King Solomon, waving his hands forward, and dozens of magic whips flew directly at Ulidim. Almost in a blink of an eye, all these monsters were dealt with by Solomon Lost. Then, Solomon looked at the Asgard foursome and said in a deep voice: "Ms. Sif, I am the magician Romani Aqiman. I think now, we should focus on the big guy from Asgard!"

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