Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 38 The Destroyer (Seeking Flowers And Comments)

Seeing Romani's appearance at this moment, even the Asgard foursome couldn't help feeling a little respect in their hearts, and even Thor felt the same way. In fact, Romani felt that if he held Mjolnir like this, he might be able to lift it up. After all, Mjolnir requires high character and righteousness. As King Solomon himself, he seems to meet this condition.

What? You said that I, Solomon, almost burned down humanity and destroyed the world?

Just kidding, it was made by my family's Gaitia, and it has nothing to do with me!

"To be honest, because of a certain person, I hate spellcasters like you, although the title may be different, for example, are you a magician?" Verstagg saw that his monster opponents were suddenly eliminated Yes, he said a little annoyed. And the "someone" he mentioned actually refers to Loki. After all, among the Askids, there are really few spellcasters.

"If you're here to chat with me now, wait until you've dealt with this big guy, soldier!" As soon as the words fell, Romani's body floated up, and then he rushed directly towards the Destroyer.

"Don't let the people of Midgard show their prestige, and help me distract the big guys." Sif looked at Romani who rushed out suddenly, a light flashed in her eyes, and then she immediately turned to the side past.

Romani stopped only ten meters away from the Destroyer, waved his right hand, and seven or eight magical long whips rushed towards the Destroyer, binding his limbs respectively. However, after doing all this, Romani felt a little strange in his heart, as if restraint didn't seem to have much effect.

At this moment, Vorstagg suddenly jumped up, ready to give the Destroyer a hard blow while he was restrained, and at the same time he shouted loudly: "For Asgard!"

To be honest, if Vostagg is a little shorter, and then shouts for Khaz Modan, the style of painting will definitely become fresh and refined, do you believe it?

Definitely, Vostagg's prestige is just a matter of an instant. When he jumped in front of the Destroyer, the Destroyer directly ignored the restraints on his body, and then slapped Vostagg away with a flick of his hand. up. Falling down on a car, Vostagg muttered depressedly: "Damn, I actually forgot the Destroyer's magic resistance..."

The materials used by the Destroyer are very rare, and their resistance to magic is extremely high. Like the magic whip that Romani cast just now, he can almost ignore it directly.

Walking in front of Vostagg, the Destroyer immediately began to gather energy, intending to directly deal with this guy in front of him. At this critical moment, Sif jumped down from the roof with his spear high, directly piercing the Destroyer and nailing it to the ground. But the Destroyer just stopped for a moment, and then his whole body began to twist, ready to deal with Sif first.

The moment Sif turned around to avoid it, a fist hit the Destroyer's head directly, and the concentrated energy shot into the sky, and the Destroyer was blown away by the punch, bringing the long spear that passed through his body with him. The spear slammed into the facade of the building next to it.

At this time, the four members of Asgard stared at Romani who punched the Destroyer in dumbfounded, unable to react.

Are we unable to keep up with the trend of the times? Isn't a magician a spellcaster who has been hiding behind and playing tricks like Loki? Why does this guy seem to be more ferocious than us fighters even in hand-to-hand combat.

Vostagg got up from the car and looked at Romani floating beside him: "Hey friend, to be honest, I started to like magicians because of you. In my opinion, you are the real caster. Others don't count at all."

The corner of Romani's mouth twitched inexplicably. I, the Israeli boxing champion, was praised as a real spellcaster, but that's not a problem, after all, I'm still the magic king. But I always feel a little weird, why didn't you guys react at all when I cast magic before, but now I blow the destroyer away with a punch, you think I'm a real spellcaster?

So, wouldn't Ax of Uruk and Juggernaut of Avalon be judged as excellent magicians in the same way?

At this moment, a beam of energy light suddenly shot over, but Romani responded immediately, and the huge magic power quickly formed a shield in front of him, directly blocking the beam of light. Then he didn't have the slightest hesitation, and immediately rushed out, punching the Destroyer one after another, but this guy was made of steel after all, and after so many punches in a row, there was no damage.

"It's really troublesome. If I have another ring, I'll just tear it up!" Romani is tired from fighting now. The Destroyer has high magic resistance, even if he uses Kamar-Taj's With the learned magic, use a magic weapon to pierce this thing, and the Destroyer will recover soon. The only good thing is that the one who controls things is Loki, that unlucky kid. If it were Odin, I really couldn't suppress him.

However, Loki of Asgard seems to have discovered that Romani did not have the means to kill the Destroyer, so he directly ordered the Destroyer to attack Thor. As for Romani, you can fight as you like, anyway, you have no time to kill the Destroyer. , that Thor guy was almost killed.


Taking advantage of the gap between fighting with Romani, Destroyer suddenly released a ray of light in Thor's direction, huge amounts of explosion came out instantly, and Thor's whole body was swallowed by the energy and sea of ​​flames. The Sifs who were blown away by the explosion, and Jane who was not far away shouted loudly at this moment, their faces full of worry.

It's also fortunate that the enemy is present at this time, otherwise a battle between the original partner and the mistress will have to break out...

But to be honest, Romani was also a little puzzled, how did Thor stand in that position alone?

After a few breaths, the sky suddenly became cloudy, and a huge amount of lightning fell directly into the sea of ​​flames. Mjolnir in the distance also moved at this moment, rushing directly into the sea of ​​flames. A figure stood proudly at this moment, holding a small hammer, receiving the baptism of lightning, and the clothes on his body changed a little bit, and the battle armor and cloak that belonged to Thor also appeared on him at this moment.

The terrifying power exploded at this moment. At this moment, Thor of Asgard finally returned!

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