Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 49 Adopted Loki (Ask For Flowers And Comments)

Because of Romani's appearance, Tony and Thor didn't fight. After Steve parachuted down, they took Loki back to Quin Jet. As for Thor, it's a good thing he brought the ring to Romani, otherwise, Romani would definitely beat him up with the hammer just now, even though Thor solved the destroyer before, but Romani couldn't.

After that time, Romani thought about it carefully. If it wasn't for Odin's arrangement, and Mjolnir is indeed an artifact, there is no reason why Thor can hammer the Destroyer, but he can't solve it. The Destroyer has very strong magic resistance, but his own power is also very terrifying under the strengthening of the Ring of Four, which is no worse than Hulk.

Definitely, another ring is harvested, then the hammer just now counts... Let's see if we can trick Thor during the New York War!

At this time, Nick Fury put Loki in a cage, and at the same time, he also held back his heart for a long time, and talked about the topic of shoes and ants. But Loki used this time to taunt Nick Fury, and tried to draw his attention to Dr. Banner.

"This guy is really long-winded." The conversation between Nick Fury and Loki can be heard from across the room, and when their exchange ends, Banner shrugs with feigned ease.

Steve has a serious face at this time: "I think he did it on purpose, Thor, what do you think he wants to do?"

He suspected that Loki had a conspiracy on the fighter plane, because Tony, Thor, and Romani had been arguing for a short time, but Loki had no idea of ​​running away, which was unreasonable.

Thor, who was pretending to be deep, also responded: "He has an army called Chitauri. They don't belong to Asgard, or even any planet. Loki intends to lead them to attack Blue Star. They will help him, I think. The condition is that Tesseract."

"It is indeed a Tesseract, but it is not just a Tesseract. Although the Chitauri do not belong to any planet, they have their loyal masters. Obviously, the masters behind them have watched the world we are in, and he is very interested At this moment, Romani also opened his mouth to reveal a little bit, he has a deeper understanding of this world than anyone present.

"An army, from outer space..." Steve felt that it was extremely troublesome. He used to fight only on Blue Star. Although the opponent had some unexpected weapons, he still faced humans after all. But now, what he had to face was visitors from outside the sky, so he couldn't help but not worry.

"So he wanted to open the portal, so he took away Dr. Savage." Hearing this, Banner almost understood the essence of the matter. The invasion of huge amounts of troops naturally requires a passage, otherwise it would take time The long space voyage comes directly to Blue Star.

And Thor heard his friend's name: "Savig?"

"He's an astronomer." Banner thought Thor didn't know him, so he introduced it a little.

"He's my friend, Romani, what's going on?" Compared with other people present, Thor still believed in Romani, the person who helped him. In his opinion, Romani, like Dr. Savig, was also his friends.

As a result, before Romani had time to answer, Natasha Romanoff on the side said directly: "Loki used magic to control him, and one of our colleagues." Thinking of Hawkeye, Natasha Romanoff's tone became a little dull.

"I don't understand why Loki doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​fleeing. In that woods, he should have a chance. Now, how does he command the army here?" Steve couldn't help expressing his doubts, but only Romani knew he was right, but wasn't about to say it outright. After all, the ending is revealed at the beginning of the story, isn't that a spoiler?

As a senior animation disaster, this life is not a spoiler dog! This is persistence and faith!

"I don't think we should focus on Loki. This guy's thoughts are elusive. If you ask me, he is a lunatic." Banner couldn't help complaining, after all, he really couldn't understand what Loki was doing. In addition, if it wasn't for that guy Loki making troubles, he should still be enjoying his peaceful life.

Hearing that someone belittled his younger brother, the protector, the mad devil Hammer God, couldn't help it, and said with a serious face: "You'd better be careful what you say, Loki is really unreasonable, but he is from Asgard, and we are brothers .”

"He killed eighty people in two days," Natasha Romanoff said.

For a moment, Thor's face became embarrassed, and then: "Actually, he was adopted."

Banner didn't care about these things, he came here just to do his own work: "I think his plan has something to do with machinery, metal iridium... what do they want iridium for?"

"It can be used as a stabilizer..." A group of people on Quin Jet didn't speak, and Tony was too suffocated, so he opened his mouth as soon as he entered the aerospace carrier.

Before he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Romani: "Wow, is this the ring of King Solomon? Although I have seen two of them before, what is the function of this one?" He is very curious about mysterious, beyond-scientific things. Out of curiosity, he wants to use science to understand things that ordinary people can't understand.

"The ring of eight can give the holder a very interesting ability, maybe it can be used in this incident." Romani also sold a pass at this moment, without expressing it.

Seeing that Romani didn't say anything, Tony didn't care, and continued to explain to everyone: "This way the new portal won't collapse like S.H.I.E.L.D's... You don't know big stars if you don't hit them, your hammer is very powerful, even Romani It can be smashed into the air, this is the first time I have seen it, you must know that even a big shit-yellow guy couldn’t smash him into the air before.”

As he spoke, he patted Thor's arm.

And Romani is depressed at the moment. Tony will remember this matter for a long time. He opened the door at that time. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen. May be left on all the time...

"Also, depending on Loki's needs, that portal can be made bigger and last longer..." After taking two random steps, Tony showed his indecency, "Uh... hoist the mainsail, get ready Let's go... that person is playing a game! He thought no one was paying attention, but I found out."

The scene is instantly awkward, Tony is helpless that these people can't understand the humor, and the person is really playing the game: "How does Fury see this?"

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