Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 50 Public Identity (Asking For Flowers And Comments)

"Turn around." Hill agent said directly.

"Barton should be able to get the material they need easily. At present, he still needs the same power source with high-density energy, which is used to activate the Rubik's Cube. It should be almost there." As he said, he stretched out in the blind spot of everyone. He opened his hand and glued a gadget on.

And mentioning his series of inferences, Romani is also a little helpless. You have made it so clear, but you didn't think that the power source of the high-density energy is your reactor, the big one in the Stark Building? And everyone present couldn't think of it, what is this, the sudden and temporary loss of everyone's IQ?

"Since when did you become a thermonuclear astrophysicist?" Hill agent folded his hands on his chest and said. I have to say that the posture she is standing in now is really beautiful.

"Last night." Tony said that as a genius, isn't learning these things as easy as eating and drinking?

Seeing Hill agent's obvious disbelief, Tony explained a little bit: "Phil Coulson's report, Savig's notes, articles on extraction theory, am I the only one doing homework? Romani, great wisdom Doesn’t Wang know these things too, stop making trouble, I will feel the pressure of being a genius.”

"You expect an old man from 3,000 years ago to know modern science? I only learned modern medicine in this era. If you operate on Loki first, then I can help." Romani raised his eyebrows slightly, and he wanted to tell Tony that if If he wants to open the portal, the answer is as simple as waving his hand.

But with the Space gem, it would be easier. He doesn’t need any energy sources and stabilizers at all, because the huge magic power in his own body is sufficient energy, and his superb understanding of magic is the best stability. device.

"I thought I was an antique seventy years ago, but now I'm still young." Steve couldn't help complaining, but soon he became serious, "Does Loki need some kind of special motivation? source?"

"He has to heat the Rubik's Cube to at least 100 million degrees to meet the theoretical requirements." Dr. Banner gave full play to his ingenuity. Only at this moment did he feel that he was much better than Hulk. He has seven Ph.D. Hulk doesn't have one.

"Unless Savig can find some way to stabilize quantum tunneling."

"If he could do it, he could make ion fusion happen in any reactor on Earth."

Facing the dialogue between these two scientists, whether Romani or Steve, they all expressed that they did not understand at all. It even felt like listening to those classes that I didn't understand when I was in school, and I felt a deep tiredness in my mind. Sure enough, the class is the best Hypnotic Ability, which has been confirmed by countless sciences!

"Look, there are still some knowledgeable people." Tony walked over to shake hands with Dr. Banner, "Nice to meet you, Dr. Banner, your achievements in the field of positron collisions have proven to be unparalleled. I am a big fan of yours, and I appreciate you Lose your temper and turn into a big green monster."

"Thank you." I really couldn't think of what to say. After hearing the first half of the sentence, Banner thought Tony was a pretty good person. Why did the second half of the sentence just kill him? Are you sure you can chat?

"Dr. Banner is here to help us track down the Rubik's Cube. I hope you can help him." Nick Fury also came out at this time, and then set his sights on Tony and Romani, "And you Romani Doctor, in many ways, these things have already entered the realm of mysticism, which is your field of expertise."

"I'm going to start with Loki's scepter. It's very similar to HYDRA's weapon. It might really have magic power." Steve couldn't help but said.

After Romani heard it, he smiled: "I don't need to follow your orders Nick Fury, but since I'm here, I will definitely help. And the captain, that thing does have magic power, and it's not just a little bit, HYDRA's weapons and Compared with the scepter scepter, it is like an ant meets an elephant. To be honest, Asgard is mainly a powerful fighter like Thor. In terms of magic, only Frigga is on the stage. If I use it, then With a scepter, there is no need for an army at all, and the world can be brought under control."

Hearing this, Nick Fury's eyes changed slightly, but he hid it very well, and quickly returned to normal without finding anything. At the same time, there was a trace of vigilance in his heart, not to let Romani control the scepter. It's just that he didn't know that Romani wasn't interested in that thing originally, what he's interested in now is the Space gem, and with that thing, he can summon it.

"Speaking of which, aren't you going to introduce us? Seeing Dr. Romani, I suddenly feel very young, if what he just said is true." Steve still doesn't know Romani's identity, and the information given to him is only It shows the two identities of caster and doctor.

Seeing that Romani had no intention of stopping, Nick Fury said directly: "King Solomon, who existed for three thousand years, can be regarded as our ancestor in terms of age, although he is not from the same country."

"Now I really feel that I'm too young for a seventy-year-old man." Steve was surprised, but accepted it quickly.

"I didn't expect Romani to be older than me. Three thousand years old is considered an elder even in Asgard." Thor said in amazement at the moment. He himself had about fifteen hundred, but Romani was a year older than him. times.

Romani shrugged: "Actually, I am still very young. I did pass away three thousand years ago, but I just woke up in this era. According to Eastern countries, it should be called reincarnation. So, please don't Think of me as an old man, I'm actually only in my twenties, a young man..."

"However, there is indeed 3,000 years of wisdom here, although it has nothing to do with modern science." Romani pointed to his head and said with a smile. In fact, if he wanted to, learning modern science would not be a troublesome thing, just like when he was studying medicine, but it would definitely delay his time watching anime, so he chose to give up.

"Okay, let's all get to work, Doctor." With that said, Tony and Dr. Banner were about to walk towards the laboratory.

At this time, Romani said: "If possible, I can separate a little energy from the scepter and study it. After all, black stewed eggs are afraid to let me hold the scepter now. It doesn't need much, just one cubic centimeter is enough."

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