Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 494: Origin Magic Power

Ping Jingqing in the air showed her physical ability far beyond that of ordinary human beings. Although countless violent energies in the air gnawed at her delicate skin, there was no emotion on her face at all. The two long knives in her hand seemed to be It can split the space, and the energy in the air is easily dissected by her like dissecting flesh.

Then the light of the knife flashed past, and Ping Jingqing surpassed all magic power, or other things, and brought his knife down from the sky, and Wanda's body, whose physical strength was only a little healthier than ordinary humans, was naturally destroyed by these two knives Cut it apart.

Wanda's power seemed to stagnate all of a sudden, and the berserk energy also stopped like water.

Power began to flow from the body, and it was appropriate to take away Wanda's life at this time.

When the power was "zero five zero" along with the wounds on his body, the pain also appeared in Wanda's body.

At this time, Wanda couldn't help being left with a disheartened image, and her body was slowly falling apart.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie." Then, a cold laughter came from Wanda's ear.

According to this laughter, the image of a sinister man appeared in Wanda's mind.

"Who are you?" Wanda couldn't control herself and asked.

The man seemed to hear it, but he didn't stop his smile, but laughed even louder. Wanda frowned, and a cold feeling pervaded her heart

Then, she opened her eyes suddenly, and what came into her eyes was a big face, with two big yellow and orange eyes wrapped in energy staring at Wanda, who couldn't help but backed away. a few steps.

She raised her hand, using her strength habitually, trying to destroy the big face that appeared inexplicably in front of her!

It's just that no matter how Wanda mobilizes the familiar power, she can't arouse the power she often uses!

Wanda lowered her head and looked at her hands. On her hands, there was no longer the red energy that was entangled in her palms in the past.

Her gaze extended down again, and she saw the scars left by her body being cut by the previous warrior. Several scars surrounded her body several times, and divided her body into four pieces.

Obviously, this is fatal.

"Hahahahaha." Looking at her like this, that big face couldn't help but smile wildly.

Wanda looked over and realized that the face was actually on the huge amounts of 'man' in front of him. Wanda could see the whole body of this man clearly when he was far away.

The mountain-like man was showing a sneer, looking at Wanda, and Wanda found that she couldn't take her eyes off him, and forced herself to look at him, which made Wanda's thin body tremble slightly.

That is the fear of living creatures coming out of the deepest part of their bodies in the face of a life form that is several dimensions higher than their own.

Under such pressure, Wanda blushed, shouted, and straightened her arms, but the red energy projected from her body in the past still failed to come out

Wanda looked at her hands and asked in confusion, "Why?"

The man's wild laughter slowly stopped. He watched Wanda, who curled up slightly and was still constantly urging her strength, laughed and said: "Don't waste your time, you don't really think that Origin Magic Power is something that humans can use at will. right?"

"Origin Magic Power?" Wanda's face became even more confused, but the name Origin Magic Power brought her even more confusion.

He can be sure that what the man said is not something she can understand, but Wanda can directly understand the meaning of those words, and after she heard the word Origin Magic Power, a strange sense of familiarity appeared on her chest .

Then, Wanda found some familiar, red energy gradually floating on the surface of her body, they were like a layer of halo, always covering the witch's body, Wanda found these energies seem a bit strange?

The originally familiar things seemed a little strange, Wanda's pupils suddenly dilated, and she found that these energies that could be easily controlled by her in the past did not seem to be under her control.

Then, these energies turned into spikes one after another, piercing Wanda's head.

A painful howl came, and Wanda immediately came to the brink of collapse...

Immediately afterwards, some knowledge from ancient times that was unknown to human beings quietly fell into Wanda's mind, and the powerful force instantly brushed Wanda's mind like a brush.

These forbidden knowledges have long been lost in the long river of time, but they reappeared because of these red energies, and appeared in Wanda's mind.

The man shook his head, looked at Wanda, and showed a pitiful expression, as if he felt sorry for poor Wanda, his eyes were like a human being exuding sympathy when seeing a poor animal.

It's just that he didn't intend to relieve the animal at all.

"Ha...ha...ha..." Time actually passed quickly, but for Wanda, the pain she experienced during this period made her spend 10,000 years. Because of this inhuman pain, it became a little distracted.

At the same time, some red runes appeared on her skin.

But then, Wanda looked at the giant in front of her. The knowledge in her brain and the fear in her heart were like flames burning more and more fiercely. She trembled and asked, "Are you Hui?!!"

As if he had been waiting for this question for a long time, the man sneered, raised his head, and slowly trembled his voice to Wanda: "Your master, Chthon."


Listening to this word, the knowledge that appeared in Wanda's mind 4.4 immediately emerged.

Chthon, also known as the god of the underworld, the god of black magic, and the great shadow.

He is one of many Old Gods [and one of the earliest life forms on Earth.

That is, the so-called ancient gods or something.

And these things are actually not too important to Wanda, the most important thing is that this guy still has a title.

Lord of Chaos.

And Wanda knows it through the extra knowledge that comes out of her own mind.

It turned out that when I came into contact with Mind Gem, the kind of super ability produced, those red energies that appeared on my body, and those magic that can be manipulated at will, it is enlightening...

It's called Origin Magic Power. .

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