Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 495 Your Brother Is Gone

It seems needless to say what kind of relationship is between Origin Magic Power and the Lord of Chaos.

Wanda looked at Chthon in disbelief, and Chthon seemed to be enjoying such a gaze extremely, he stretched his body, and the magic power of Chaos overflowed constantly from his body.

Memories came one after another, and some memories buried in Wanda's heart slowly emerged.

Certain whispering voices gradually appeared in her ears, which were noisy and full of delusion, and they gradually pulled Wanda into the abyss of consciousness, making her lose her mind.

Only then did Wanda understand that the man she saw in front of her eyes must not be Chthon's real body.

"Get out!" Wanda roared, holding her head, the voices from the depths of her soul not only did not disappear, but became more rampant, which made her extremely painful

"Oh, my poor child, look at you." Chthon shook his head, looking at Wanda pityingly.

"Being deceived by your kind since childhood, driven by hatred, and manipulated by a group of hypocrites, fighting for them 23, oh boy, how can you be so stupid?" Chthon is no longer the same image as before, At the The moment seemed to turn into Wanda's old father, sighing for the fate of his child.

"Serve me, I will give you the most powerful power, let you hold your most precious things with your own hands, and I will eradicate your enemies. I will also bestow this power on your family, so that your The family is not born, old, sick, and dead, let your father get the love of your father, let your husband be reborn, and become a real human being. Stay away from those painful and dirty things.

Can Wanda understand these words, father, husband?

Wanda can still understand what her father said, just choose?

If you want to say that the person closest to you is your brother, but that is his brother, what's the matter with your husband?

She didn't know what the things in Chthon's words meant, she just thought it was the evil god's bewitchment and nonsense.

"You in this world are not strong enough, and you can't even hear my voice clearly, which means that it is difficult for you to even bear knowledge, and you can't bear your responsibilities, um... Let's expand your original existence now.

Chthon stroked his chin, frowning at Wanda.

Wanda shook her head as hard as she could, not letting those inexplicable voices occupy her mind [Ten pairs of silver teeth almost gnawed! "Get these things out of my head! Chthon!"

Chthon seemed a little dissatisfied with Wanda's tone, he frowned, and said to Wanda: "Child, it seems that you still have to learn to respect your master first, I wanted to be gentle, that's fine, let's learn a lesson first Well, this is not a bad thing for a servant, you have to get used to it first."

Immediately, Chthon pointed his finger at Wanda, and Chaos' magic power immediately rolled up and flew towards Wanda's brain.

This energy immediately entered Wanda's brain as if there was nothing there, and in an instant, countless memories were sent into Wanda's mind.

Wanda's body twitched crazily on the spot, she was foaming at the mouth, her eyes rolled white, she looked like a twisted sackcloth.

And amidst the convulsions, her consciousness couldn't bear it, and she passed out.

The wind and sand rose up.

The air here is very dry, with countless winds and sand blowing by, the sound of gunshots, mechanical collisions, and then complete shattering can be heard outside.

In the chaotic battlefield, Wanda seemed to have just cried, and she raised her head in a daze.

Tears left quite deep marks on her eyes, she was a little strange to this feeling, but also a little familiar.

Familiar because Wanda's childhood was not a peaceful childhood, her country was full of civil strife.

Maybe at some point a bomb will fly over his head and kill him. His parents also died because of such things.

That's one of the reasons this woman hated Tony so much after that.

Wanda is quite familiar with crying. At that time, she was just a little girl.

Because of this, her tears had already dried up, and she was so focused on revenge that she could even escape the pain.

And this is also the reason why she is unfamiliar with crying, she hasn't shed tears for a long time, this feeling makes her a little confused, she doesn't know why it is so powerful.

"Hey, listen." In the darkness, a man stepped out.

Wanda shrank back in fear, she had just lost her magic power, which made her extremely powerless.

It's just that the face that appeared before her eyes made Wanda a little stunned.

Sunlight peeked out from the hole above the house, illuminating the face of the visitor.

It was an English face, not to mention handsome, years of training, as well as the erosion of wind and rain, made this face as if it had been carefully carved by a carving knife.

Also, this face is very familiar to Wanda, and this is indeed someone Wanda knows.

He is also a member of the Avengers.

agent Barton, you can also call him... Hawkeye.

When she was stunned, Barton knelt down, frowned, put his hands on Wanda's face, turned her head away, and fixed his sharp eyes carefully on Wanda's.

"hey listen to me"

It seemed that it was the first time in her life that she was touched by a man like this. Wanda seemed a little flustered for a while, and she couldn't help but backed away. At the same time, her perennial habits allowed her to independently stimulate her own ability.

An accident happened, and the red energy burst out instantly. Wanda didn't expect it, and Hawkeye couldn't expect it. His body immediately flew backwards, and his whole body was smashed into a pile of broken wood and gravel.

Suddenly Ability is back?!

Wanda looked at her hands in astonishment, but after a short pause, she immediately came to her senses, 327 had no time to think about the messy things, and then realized that something had happened to her live.

She ran towards Hawkeye in a panic, rummaged through the trash, and turned Hawkeye out. She quickly helped him up, and apologized to him repeatedly: "Sorry, sorry [Are you okay?"

Soon, Hawkeye managed to regain his breath, he also looked very depressed, and shook his head at Wanda wonderingly: ...It's okay, it's my problem, maybe I was a little too rude. "

Wanda was still a little flustered, after all, she was really embarrassed to make such a thing happen.

It's just that Hawkeye calmed down a little bit, looked outside with some worry, and quickly said to Wanda: "Hey, Wanda, listen to me."

Wanda quickly nodded earnestly, and replied: "You tell me, I'll listen."

"This has happened to me many times, and all I can tell you is that this is no time to get emotional, Wanda, heck."

Hawkeye coughed, but immediately went on to say: "On the battlefield, people will die, so, look at it, there are more important things waiting for you to do now, which is also good for Pietro."

Wanda was a little confused, she asked strangely: "What's wrong with Pietro?"

And Hawkeye was even more confused, he looked at Wanda with an expression of "are you kidding me?", and then slowly replied: "You..."

" is dead..."

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