Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 496: Behind The Scene.

Wanda was stunned for a moment, and then she pushed Hawkeye away in front of her.

The red-eyed Wanda stood up, her soul seemed to be trembling at this moment, she hadn't noticed the mutation in her body, and immediately yelled at Hawkeye: "Don't make fun of my family!!!"

Hawkeye was also a little dazed, his mind wandered for a while, he didn't know what to think, and he nodded pitifully at this moment.

"Okay, I was just joking." Hawkeye nodded, stood up, and opened the door.

"Please don't go out, it's dangerous outside, we are avengers, even if there is something bad between us, don't worry, we will protect you... sorry."

After speaking, Hawkeye rushed out alone, his figure was so determined and angry.

Wanda was a little confused.

Outside the door, bullets flew horizontally, human physical bullets, and cosmic energy bullets shot at each other. While the two sides were fighting back and forth, the battlefield was turned into a muddy pool that could not be seen clearly.

This made Wanda feel a little familiar, and then, strange memories suddenly appeared in her mind.

The scene in front of her changed, and Wanda seemed to have come to a new space again, which made her a little at a loss.

A familiar figure appeared, that figure had silver broken hair and was wearing a decent tights. Wanda looked over carefully, she felt a little familiar.

After undergoing body modification by HYDRA, so did his brother Pietro, who was fitted with tights for his High-speed movements.

Only that kind of high-fiber, special flame-resistant, wear-resistant battle suit can keep his body from burning while running.

And now, the man who appeared from Wanda's memory seemed to be wearing a battle suit like Pietro's, and what made Wanda's heart beat faster were the snowflakes that spread out like roses on that figure.

"You..." Wanda looked over, as if afraid to accept that answer.

It's just that her body walked forward involuntarily. Although she told herself that the imagination was impossible, there seemed to be another voice in her heart constantly telling her to take a look.

So, she saw that familiar face...


Time seemed to stop for a moment, Wanda felt so, her heart seemed to have stopped.

Pietro's body fell weakly, but Wanda's stiff body moved quickly. She hugged Pietro, her pale and trembling lips wanted to say something, but the words seemed unable to come out of her mouth.

"Sister... I'm sorry." Pietro apologized to Wanda full of apology. His lips were also pale. It seemed that several wounds on his body caused him to bleed too fast.

Wanda can easily feel that the body in her arms is getting weaker and softer, and the formerly strong body seems to be gradually losing strength. This feeling is no stranger to Wanda, and it is a sign of slowly losing life.

It's just that Wanda didn't expect that all this would happen to her brother.

"Ah... ah... this is not true... Pietro... this is not true..." Wanda shook her head frantically, her rationality warned her frantically, telling her that all of this was false Yes, but the sense of touch in her hand was so real that she had to believe that all this happened for real.

"I'm sorry... Wanda, I'm sorry, you have to live well, don't cry, I feel sorry for you." Seeing Wanda's miserable face, Pietro seemed to be unbearable, he quickly held Wanda's face, but This hand is not only cold, but also a little weak.

Wanda firmly grabbed Pietro's palm, put it on her face, tears fell down one after another, she forced a smile and said to Pietro: "I don't cry, I don't cry Pietro, You wait, I will definitely save you! Don’t die, don’t die”

Listening to Wanda's words, Pietro nodded, pulled up the corners of his pale mouth, and smiled.

Then, his arm fell limply...

"NO!!! Pietro, Pietro!"

Wanda roared crazily, as if she didn't dare to accept this reality.


The voice came from the Crystal ball.

Murphy Snow scratched his ears and shrugged.

"Oh, although the howling of human beings is very beautiful, I seem to turn up the volume a little bit."

Mephisto poked on the Crystal ball, and the volume from there was cut down quite a bit.

"Well... your ability is really good, little guy, I like it very much." In the distance, another voice let out a sigh of enjoyment, praising Mephisto

After Mephisto heard it, he also pulled a smile on his face. He was like a nobleman, with a polite and decent smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

If he does not have the identity of the Lord of Hell.

He half-bent, turned towards the direction where the voice came from, and saluted the most supreme existence: "...々It's a great honor, Mephisto will be your most powerful servant, my master..."

"——Lord of Chaos, Your Excellency Chthon."

There was a voice of "Du...wait..." from Chthon, like a slender finger pointing to the armrest on the throne.

"I think...there is the second half, right? Mephisto." Chthon's interested voice came.

Hearing this sentence, the corners of Mephisto's mouth pulled further apart, and he said the half sentence from his mouth lightly (Qian Nuohao).

"All of this is based on our contract."

"Hahahahaha...!!!" Hearing this answer, Chthon broke out into crazy laughter immediately.

"Yes, yes, a contract! What a lovely word this is. If I make a contract, I have the opportunity to interfere with reality! If I make a contract, I can exchange my infinite power for more useful things! Make a contract [I can return to my throne!"

"Yes, if you make a contract, you will kill that hateful, hypocritical, and weak Solomon. Only when that bastard is dead can the world return to their true master."

Mephisto raised his face, only then did he realize that his entire face had been cracked, but this did not affect the crazy and sickly smile on his face at all.

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