There was undisguised hatred in Mephisto's eyes.

This flame seemed to turn into substance, and the Fire in the surrounding hell also danced wildly at this moment.

"Mephisto..." The figure tilted his head, looking at Mephisto with curious eyes: "I didn't hate that Solomon so much..."

Listening to this question, Mephisto finally restrained his At the moment gesture, and in an instant, he became that elegant hell nobleman again.

"Sorry, I lost my temper, master." Mephisto saluted Chthon neither humble nor humble.

"Well... It's okay, although hatred has many side effects, it will make you lose your mind and lose your sense of proportion when doing things, but this kind of emotion is just a delicious food for a demon like you, isn't it?" Chthon shook his head.

Then, he looked at the Crystal ball in Mephisto's hand. The scene inside changed quickly, like a double-speed movie, which made people dizzy, but Chthon converged all of it into his field of vision. Little question.

"Look at this..." Chthon seemed fascinated.

And Mephisto came over with great support, lifted the Crystal ball up, and tried to see the contents inside with a curious expression.

What flashed by there were countless memories, all of which were the scarlet witch Wanda's memories.

There are scenes of walking on the street with his brother Quicksilver, brother and sister dating, and countless years flashed by in the picture, and the two fought side by side in business.

Then, miraculously, Wanda fell in love with a robot named Vision, and the two fell in love. In Wanda's memory, they were tender and enjoying the time of family.

An old man appeared in front of Wanda and Pietro, and he led the two to join the X-Men. Although he was a bit strict, the old man was like a loving father, slowly guiding the two of them how to use their abilities. , let Wanda and Pietro feel endless warmth.

"This is...?" Although he knew the answer, Mephisto still asked this question with a curious expression and a puzzled expression.

He is a very competent supporting role.

Many times, when some people climb to a high position, they must learn to flatter, and the highest state of flattering is that there is no flattering, and they must create flattering to flatter.

You have to learn to ask simple but compelling questions for the boss to answer. This is the complete body of a sycophant.

Obviously, although Chthon knew about Mephisto's little thoughts, he didn't bother to care about them, because in the face of the powerful king of black magic and the lord of Chaos, how many people can maintain their own hearts? Worship is their Everyday, yourself, just need to accept it.

As soon as Chthon lifted his finger, the red energy immediately held up the Crystal ball and slowly approached him.

"Brother, husband, father, these are the three most important roles in my poor child's life. Unfortunately, each of them hurt her deeply."

Chthon's finger poked upwards lightly, and a burst of red waves seemed to be rippling in the Crystal ball.

Immediately afterwards, the things on the screen changed rapidly, and these things were reflected in Chthon's eyes.

Pietro, whose body was covered with several bloody holes in key parts of his body, was lying peacefully on a white stretcher, and Wanda, who was crying and tearful, fell all over him.

The surrounding energy overflowed crazily, Vision struggled with all his strength, but he still couldn't escape Thanos' control. Thanos' thick fingers pierced Vision's red head, and the magical Mind Gem slowly pulled out. But Wanda, who was suppressed, could only watch from the sidelines, her beloved was about to die in front of her, but she couldn't even move a finger.

In the past, the trustworthy boss was actually his father. Wanda and Quicksilver also learned the worse news, that is, this father didn't take them seriously, and even regarded them as a reason for their own expansion. tools of ambition.

As a result, father and daughter became enemies, and the two manipulated frantically to fight each other.

Then, tragic scenes like this (cdbh) are changing all the time, and their endings are without exception, accompanied by Wanda's tragic howling.

"No matter which world it is, this child named Wanda has suffered such unfair treatment, it's really pitiful..." Chthon sighed Wanda's fate.

Mephisto couldn't help complaining from the bottom of his heart, when did you become such a good person? It's really hypocritical... It's just that his appearance didn't show it at all, and even his eyebrows were stained with a little sadness at this moment, as if There is also some empathy.

At this moment, Wanda's eyes were blank, she hugged her legs, curled up in a black corner, her eyes were completely broken by tears.

Black, it seems that Ping wants to eat her bit by bit.

"My child, this world shouldn't treat you so badly, go find true happiness." Chthon nodded, the red energy on his finger shot out instantly, and a huge amounts of rune appeared behind Wanda.

Wanda raised his head suddenly, and what caught his eyes was not the huge amounts of blood-red rune, but three people standing in the air.

An old man with silver hair, the old man showed a kind smile for the first time, he looked at Wanda so tenderly.

One was also full of silver hair, but this time it was replaced by a young man, who was more familiar to Wanda, that was her brother, Quicksilver Pietro.

The last one is a gentle man with half a normal face, and the other face is covered with a red metal shell, which looks like a robot, but Wanda finds it hard to believe that it is a robot

The eyes of this robot are so aura, and these aura eyes are suffused with sorrow, and they are also looking at Wanda gently, but the love revealed from those eyes almost melts Wanda's heart.

...Vision...Pietro...Father" Wanda murmured the names of the three, seemingly infatuated.

"Come on, Wanda.

"Come on, sister.

"Come on, Wu.

The three called Wanda differently.

"Come, my boy."

Then, another voice seemed to be looming, and it was the voice of Chthon far above the dimension.

"Let's go home together!" The three said these words to Wanda in unison, and also sent their hands out, as if they wanted to hold Wanda's slender arms.

And Chthon's voice also sounded at this moment.

"Put yourself in the arms of your father."


The corners of Chthon's mouth curled up slightly, as if a hyena stealing food smelled the smell of carrion.

"Give your all.".

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