Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 53 Leaving The Helicarrier (Addition 3, Asking For Flowers And Comments)

Romani stood up suddenly, his eyes locked on Nick Fury: "I said, S.H.I.E.L.D is the weakest and most unqualified of all Asgardians, how many times do you want me to say this? Exactly It is an indisputable fact that you attracted Loki and the people behind him because of your development of Tesseract. Thor, you tell this black marinated egg, research Tesseract, activate the portal, what does it mean to other planets? "

Thor nodded, and also stared at Nick Fury: "For other planets, this is a signal that you blue star people are doing a good job in high level war!"

"High level war? You forced us to take action, and we have to take countermeasures." Nick Fury felt even more uncomfortable. He finally threw the blame out just now, how did it come back again? Are you people doing things so excessively? Is it because I have one less eye than you, or because I am darker than you, and you treat me like this!

Tony also said at this moment: "For example, nuclear deterrence, this method can calm everything down."

"Are you talking about how you got rich, Stark?" Nick Fury also mocked.

"If he's still making weapons, he's buried in…" Steve came out too.

"Wait, why did you target me?" Tony was depressed, the blame came to me for no reason?

"Isn't it always been to your mother?" Steve forced a wave of hatred.

"I thought the Blue Stars could be more civilized." Seeing this scene, Thor felt like a group of idiots were bickering.

Nick Fury finally got rid of the blame, and immediately became righteous: "We didn't go to your planet to run amok!"

"You have so little confidence in your teammates." Thor was really angry in his heart. He came to help and shouldn't be insulted like this.

"You're not our teammate yet!" Nick Fury retorted directly.

"Shut up!" At this moment, Romani suddenly yelled, and everyone present, except Banner, felt a terrifying pressure. This was Romani's magic power to suppress everyone. As for Banner, he didn't want to Just face that lunatic Hulk.

Feeling the terrifying pressure on themselves, everyone shut up in an instant, and the majesty emanating from Romani's body left them with lingering fears, especially Thor felt the most profoundly. Romani saw the shadow of his father.

"You know too little about this world, so little that you are like an idiot in front of a truly powerful existence!"

After a moment's pause, Romani focused his attention on Thor first: "Thor Odinson, from Asgard, I knew you existed three thousand years ago. Although I haven't met God King Odin, I agree His guardianship of the blue star. I can tell everyone here that if it weren’t for Thor’s father, Odin, the father of Asgard, this place might have become a colony of cosmic creatures. The enemy of the layer space, use the spear in his hand! Therefore, you are not qualified to accuse Asgard and Thor, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Hearing Romani's words, the anger in Thor's heart finally subsided a lot. He recognized Romani as a brave warrior, and at the same time felt that he was his friend. It was enough for someone to recognize Asgard's achievements.

"And you, Captain." Afterwards, Romani turned around and looked at Steve, "Steve Rogers, you saved this country, and you can be regarded as saving this world. I have a lot of respect for you, but in fact you It is still an old antique. The world needs development, whether it is civilian technology or military weapons. This is a process that civilization must go through. Without Tony, the world will not become better, but it may become better Poor, don’t refute me, my eyes can see everything farther away than you!”

Nick Fury also took a deep breath at this moment, and turned his head to look at Romani: "So what about you? Romani Aqiman, or King Solomon, you can hide as much as you know. If you really want to protect this world, Why not share everything you know?"

"Everything I know can explode your head, Nick Fury! But I can properly explain to you why you S.H.I.E.L.D are the most unqualified." Romani sneered, and now his heart is also a little angry, " In this world besides S.H.I.E.L.D, there are two special Asgardians, the first one is Thor’s country, Asgard. The second one is called the magician monastery, they resisted the invasion from another dimension for this world , at the forefront, at the cost of life."

Taking a breath, Romani continued: "The only thing I agree with you is that human beings should have certain countermeasures against civilizations stronger than ours, but they will never point their guns at our friends. You say, this There are a lot of people in the world who can't find a match, and they can't be controlled, but why should they be controlled? Do you have a match, can you be controlled, Nick Fury?"

"Like you?" Nick Fury met Romani's gaze without avoiding it.

"If you want everyone to be controlled, then what's the difference between your thinking and Loki's? It's just changing the person who controls the world from an Asgard to a blue star like you, a mortal. Romani shook his head, he likes humans, that's why he made himself a human, and chose to protect this world, but now, he's really a little annoyed.

The next moment, Romani continued: "Avengers, it seems like a joke now, I believe that everyone here is to protect the world, including you, Nick Fury. But I don't agree with your method, not every One needs to be in control..."

Shaking his head, Romani directly opened a portal and left here alone. Instead of watching this group of people quarreling and waiting for Hawkeye to blow up the mothership, he might as well go to Ancient One magician for tea. Moreover, he has already said what he should say, and then it depends on how this group of people thinks, especially Nick Fury, a black egg.

After Romani left, everyone was silent, which was better than before, at least there was no quarrel.

After a short while, Nick Fury just said, "Agent Romanov, take Dr. Banner to his room."

"My room? Didn't you lend it to Loki?" Dr. Banner sneered inwardly.

"That's just in case, I..."

"Just in case you need to kill me? Impossible! I know, I tried!"

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