Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 54 The Great War Is Coming (Flowers And Comments Asked)

Dr. Banner began to tell about his experience: "I was disappointed because I couldn't see the future at all, so I shot myself, but the other me spat the bullet out... Make do with it, I try to help man, i was doing alright until you pulled me on this freak show and put everyone in danger. you want to know my secret, romanov agent? you want to know how i keep my peace ?”

Banner was heartbroken. Just now Romani told almost everyone, but he was not mentioned. Could it be that he was so inconspicuous? No, I must spit out my sense of existence!

Seeing Banner's actions at the moment, everyone became vigilant, and Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff even put their hands on the pistols directly.

"Dr. Banner, put that thing down," Steve said seriously.

Banner is also a little inexplicable now, how did this scepter come into my hands? Then he put the scepter on the table with a depressed face, and went to check the responding equipment: "Sorry everyone, it seems that I can't use my specialty."

As a result, as soon as these people heard that the Tesseract had been located, they immediately quarreled. In fact, when Romani left, Tony also planned to leave, so he is now walking outside. He is too lazy to participate in these troublesome things, and there is good wine and pepo at home, isn't it good? Do you have to quarrel with this group of agents who are either old men or scheming bitches?

"Oh, my God." After Banner determined the location, a look of shock appeared on his face. Before he could say anything, the huge amounts of explosion erupted on the Helicarrier. Everyone was not prepared to deal with the explosion, and everyone was confused all of a sudden. The longest one was Natasha Romanoff, who fell directly to the same place as Banner.

After the consecutive big explosions, the entire space carrier was in chaos. The scariest thing is not the Banner, which is estimated to be soon, but one of the main engines is broken. It is not known how many people survived the explosion.

But it’s not about Romani, he’s sitting in Kamar-Taj drinking tea with Ancient One magician, and the tea is really delicious at Ancient One magician. The mountain spring water, after a sip, makes the whole person feel better.

"Aren't you worried about them?" Ancient One magician smiled lightly and added some more tea to Romani.

"There is nothing to worry about. They need to go through some difficulties together to become a real team. When they are truly worthy of the title of Avenger, they will be no worse than the Magician Priory. Definitely, the premise I don’t count you, the Ancient One magician.” Romani’s mood became peaceful when he drank tea, and Phil Coulson was probably the only one who worried him about anything on the aerospace carrier.

But it doesn't matter, even Richard Wesker, who has been dead for a while, can drag his soul back from hell and bring it back to life, let alone Phil Coulson. It's just that when the time comes, it's inevitable to deal with the old guy Mephisto, which is a bit troublesome.

"What have you experienced during this time? Although there is no change in your soul, I can feel that the magic power in your body is stronger than before." Ancient One magician also asked at this moment. In her eyes, the current Romani has changed significantly compared to before. Although Romani had a strong soul before, she would not feel dangerous.

Regarding Sorcerer Supreme, Romani has nothing to hide. After all, he has read all of Kamar-Taj's collections: "I found one of my rings, so I also got back part of my previous authority. At least now I don't need to worry about the coming Chitauri army. It's the mother of monsters that needs to be worried!"

Purple Sweet Potato Essence is still far away, but Tiamat has always been on this earth. If there is movement in Tiamat during the Chitauri invasion this time, it will be a big trouble.

"I can only leave this to you. I can only seal her for a while." Ancient One magician didn't show too much worry. After all, she has fought against Dormammu for so many years, and a Tiamat is at most similar to Dormammu's invasion. What's more, in her opinion, the division of labor among the Asgardians is quite clear, like she is responsible for preventing the invasion of Dormammu, and the Tiamat is handed over to Romani.

"You said, can God King Odin deal with that guy? Anyway, both are existences in mythology." Romani suddenly thought of the aging God King of Asgard.

"Aren't you a mythical figure?" Ancient One magician smiled slightly. For ordinary people, they should actually exist in mythology. "Odin was very strong when he was young, but there is no difference between him and me. There will be too much difference, not to mention that his current divine power is weakening with his aging, and he has to find ways to prevent Ragnarök's coming, even if he wants to control Tiamat, he can't control it."

Romani is not surprised by such an answer, but he is still a little disappointed. It seems that the mother of the monster can only be dealt with by himself. In the face of such a behemoth, even if the Avengers can help, it will be useless. will be too big.

"I don't know if Reality Gem can modify the concept that she doesn't have "death". If it can, it will be much easier to deal with." Romani said softly while leaning.

Hearing this sentence, the Ancient One on the opposite side shook his head: "Dormammu transcends time, so he can't feel the passage of time, and the power of Time Gem can't act on him. Tiamat is not dead concept, that is to say, she is an existence beyond "death", and Reality Gem should have no way to change her special concept."

Romani also nodded. If these horrors can be modified so easily, then Reality Gem is too scary. However, if you collect all the Infinite Gems, you may be able to deal with Tiamat, but in this way, you will be able to fight against Purple Sweet Potato Essence, and the troublesome things are really one after another.

"By the way, Ancient One magician, have you paid attention to the Siberian Plain recently?" Romani suddenly thought of the disappeared Ivan Vanke, so he couldn't help asking.

The Ancient One magician thought about it for a while, and then said, "The magic over there is a bit disordered. Although it's a bit strange, nothing major has happened. If you're worried, I'll go and see it myself after this war."

"Thank you very much."

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