Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 535 Genesis

Appeared as the only god who is omnipotent and omnipotent, but Romani's godhead has not yet reached the level of that one.

Because He is the divine, the Lord of all, symbolizes the one-dimensional rule, that is, the creation of the worldview with the will of the Creator, and it is the beginning of the origin and the converging line of the three-dimensional universe.

Definitely is not as good as OAA's infinite box vertices, only Rufas or Shitian can compare, but the author who is also an infinite box

However, Chthon's influence is sky-high in high-level multiple masters, and it is still early to go beyond the "outside paper" of the dimension. Romani is still in the growth stage. If it reaches the full body, two fingers will teach it what dimensionality reduction strike is.

Romani is now at the same level as Chthon. In terms of weight, it is really hard to tell the winner. Coupled with the four wretches watching from the sidelines, thinking of the fisherman's gain, I am afraid that it will only make Romani and Chthon both losers.

However, the contest between dimensional masters has never been based on who is of higher order, even if the law is in the hands of these people, it is still a plaything... Therefore, it can only be seen who is in a higher dimension and a box with a higher level many!

Romani's winning point is that although he is not perfect at his current stage, his authority is completely author-level authority!

Whether it is the Great Shadow or the others, they are just members of the Creation Authority!

Seeing that the created universe has been torn into shreds by the big phantom, all the energy has been absorbed and digested by it, leaving only the powder dust that is too lazy to eat, Romani sighed desolately, and decided to use that power.

"Father, forgive me for creating a cage with anger."

Romani's eyes radiated a little star silver light, and with a single thought, this square world has been erased.

Just like a bubble in the deep sea burst, the boundless sea water filled the gap in an instant, and Romani and the big phantom were both in Chaos.

"Oh? To get rid of this burden, do you want to return to your real home?"

The big phantom made a muffled and deafening thunder, which was an energy message that only Romani could understand.


Romani opened her arms, let go of the divine power barrier, and let Chaos get close and wrap herself.

With a soft snort, Romani's body untied and merged into Chaos, his gaze was raised infinitely, overlooking a corner of infinite Chaos, "This is my home field."

How to eliminate the Great Shadow?

Romani thought about this question thousands of times when it appeared. After all, this is the Marvel universe view. Before his power can completely crush the Great Shadow, it is impossible to completely eliminate the creation-level Chthon, because it The roots are here.

Otherwise, even if the Great Shadow is defeated, it will be reborn infinitely.

Therefore, only in Romani's own world view can the shadow of the building be wiped clean!

"Hehehe...are you crazy? Chaos doesn't work on me!"

The big phantom lost Romani's trace, and the first reaction was that this guy wanted to escape? So he extended his body and turned into countless tentacles to stab Chaos and stir, trying to capture Romani's divine power trajectory.

But the result is invisible without a trace, obviously the existence of Romani can be felt everywhere, but it cannot be specific to a certain location.

"Your reaction made me laugh, Chthon, now, I am Chaos!"

Romani used himself to wrap Chaos in reverse, but Chaos was too big, even he only cut one-eighth of the Chaos world in a hurry [used to limit Chthon has already landed.

Chaos is the cornerstone and image quality of the formation of the universe. Chaos is not a specific reason, but the conceptual elements and footholds of the formation of the universe. Chaos is the possibility and impossibility of all unknowns. It is both existence and non-existence, the dual existence of medium and virtual , is the unformed beginning that cannot be observed by the naked eye.

Here, Romani's oracle and accompanying power come.

"This is the beginning, invisible and indefinable."

The part of Chaos that was wrapped in Romani... disappeared.

In other words, the part of Chaos divided by Romani, including the part of Chthon, has become a zero-dimensional imaginary number space that exists and does not exist.

But at the same time, it has no boundary conceptually, and there is no "wall" separated by Romani. All positions in it are in a non-superimposed state. No matter which direction you go, the edge is the center, and the center is the edge.

"How is it possible! Have you already mastered all the powers of that person? Impossible! If so, you should have used it long ago!"

Sound is transmitted without a medium, so it is the energy of the Great Shadow that transmits the message, and it knows that Romani must be able to hear it.

The big phantom turned pale with fright, the place where it was located was vast and boundless, everything was "nothing", only it itself was not affected, but its energy continued to radiate into nothingness, in this place without medium, it is impossible to maintain existence It takes a lot of energy from the big phantom.

This problem is too simple, but Romani tore off a part of the most basic drawing paper of the multi-universe. The big phantom is like a two-dimensional creature on this drawing paper, and Romani is a "々God" above the drawing paper. "Perspective" is neither in the painting nor in Nanzhong.

"It's not that easy to trap me in such a low-level way!"

No matter how you say it, the big phantom is also at the level of multiple gods. Even if it is on a torn drawing paper, it can travel to another drawing paper!

However, when the big phantom tried to break through the cosmic level and came to another universe, it found that it was affected by Romani's divine power, and it could not go beyond this zero-dimensional non-existent "border".

In a hand-to-hand fight, the higher the level, the higher it is. Romani's divine power already has the upper hand, and he has a complete godhead. With its unitized power, unless it finds and defeats Romani, it can only stay in this nothingness. in zero dimension.

Jie Jie Jie... Do you want to seal me? How long? Ten thousand years? One hundred million years? Or at the end of time?"

The big phantom is very disdainful, and has the ability to consume it. It is also the most basic element in this infinite box. It is impossible to die. reborn.

And the root cause is the will of OAA, who has the guts to raise its own father!

So naive, Romani is too lazy to talk to it, the training has just begun!

The oracle of the creation of the world came again: "The mystery is dark, and all the mysteries are in bud."

So the zero-dimensional universe initially had a mysterious darkness, and ink and color did not appear on the drawing paper, but there was a traceless production.

The zero dimension is originally nothingness, but now it is unsolved, and there is a possibility that has not yet happened. The mystery is zero or ten thousand, the beginning and the end, which gives it infinite depth of development.

But the mystery originally is a kind of concept, it can do nothing, it can't form anything, it's just a budding mystery.

The big phantom is keenly aware of the changes in the universe, and can't help guessing, is this guy trying to cultivate something in this universe that limits himself?

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