Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 536: Dimensional War

Definitely is more than that simple. As I said earlier, the Great Specter itself is also the initial element in the infinite box. Unless the OAA world view is destroyed, the Great Specter will not disappear.

But on this torn piece of drawing paper, Romani can overlay his own worldview.

He is exercising the power of creation!

Different from the imaginary number space created just now, this drawing paper is poured with Romani's divine law, which is a real re-creation of the universe.

To be precise, it is a multi-universe re-creation!

"Mystery is the sea of ​​the Yuan, the flower of the beginning of the tide."

Words follow, Mystery has an image, it surges in the zero dimension like an ocean, and the external force that makes this ocean move is the energy emitted by the absorbed big phantom!

Movement brings interaction, even though the energy dissipated by the big phantom is very thin compared to the entire zero dimension, but under the influence of the mystery that everything is possible, the tidal movement of this primordial sea emits infinite development lines.

So, Romani just has to wait.

Time is also meaningless in the zero dimension, a moment can be ten thousand years, immeasurable possibilities are like foam on the sea surface, born and withered, because these may be too small to affect the entire sea of ​​Weiyuan.

In the end, at a certain node, when the Sea of ​​Weiyuan was at its climax, all the energy was superimposed and squeezed to form a tsunami. The possibility broke through the critical point of virtuality and reality, and Mystery became more active than ever!

Romani saw the right moment, and then said: "A moment of sublimation will surpass eternity!"

This divine statement seems to have no specific meaning, but the rhyme contained in it has already given Wei Yuan Zhihai a mission!

That is a moment of sublimation!

Thus, at the moment when the Weiyuan tsunami was at its peak, all possible bubbles sublimated and surged, and countless possibilities were fused together. With the help of Chthon energy, a new Chaos was born.

Chaos is born from zero dimension, which is the instant sublimation and transcendence of the flower of mystery and darkness, but it is also an extremely unstable state.

Because the energy is not enough to sustain Chaos for a long time.

Chaos disintegrated continuously at the same time as its birth, and a large amount of absorbed energy volatilized, so the impossible side of Chaos returned to the mystery, and the possible side made energy condense into matter, and the embryonic form of the concept of matter appeared.

This can no longer be called zero-dimensional, it has the first material snow.

"It's a boring trick, I'd rather see what you want to do!"

On the surface, Chthon is unmoved, but in fact, he is secretly planning how to find the "perspective" where Romani is. He does not want to be locked in this universe by Romani, but he has not yet come up with a calendar to break the situation.

Romani ignores it and observes the changes in the universe. The universe under Chaos already has two sides, that is, existence and non-existence. The nameless matter condensed by energy can be called the crystallization of Chaos for the time being.

It contains the power of Chaos, and at the same time has all the possibilities of mystery. The essence of crystallization is high-density Chaos condensation. Once dispersed, it will be attributed to Chaos, so it cannot be observed in the normal way, and the observation of the second party will cause it. Possibilities collapse toward a point, and then reduce to ordinary mass factors.

Romani uttered the fourth line of divine words: You are all in an ignorant dream, and you are originally a "silent thing" without soul or thought.

According to the power of the godhead, he can create the universe with at most seven lines of divine words. He must rigorously embody a multi-universe logic chain, otherwise the big phantom is likely to find a logical flaw in the universe, and then break this universe drawing paper.

Therefore, the settings given by Romani are not as detailed as possible, and it is also a challenge for him.

The energy movement of the Yuan Sea not only produced Chaos, but also created an unprecedented cosmic storm. The storm roared in Chaos, but under the guidance of the divine words, it formed the eye of the storm, and all Chaos crystals were forcibly aggregated, forming one of the elements.


It can be said that this is the first creation of Romani, the original god of this universe.

Ignorance is like a whale in the primordial sea. Its image is indescribable and unimaginable. He is both solid and fluid, which is consistent with the nature of Chaos crystal. The difference (cdab) is that He is endowed with the concept of ignorance.

Ignorance feeds on the crystallization of Chaos, which makes it grow stronger. He stirs in the depths of the primordial sea, making the primordial sea continue to intensify its motion and create tsunamis.

The tsunami created new Chaos, and so on.

"Interesting, but pointless!"

The Great Demon Shadow watched the evolution of the universe and knew that he had entered a critical moment, but he was unable to intervene, so he could only say a harsh word.

Because whether it is ignorance or Chaos, or the previous Wei Yuanhai, it is not a complete material state so far, and it can be cycled between reality and reality at any time. If he intervenes, ignorance will turn into Chaos again at worst, and cannot solve the fundamental problem.

And the energy released by him will only help the universe to circulate rapidly, and he will not be able to completely withdraw his influence, because he is an element that must exist.

But he sneered and waited quietly, as long as he did nothing, the dissipated energy would not be enough for the evolution of the universe.

Sure enough, after countless incalculable times, Esuan's agitation couldn't keep up with the collapse of Chaos, and the energy stored in the Weiyuan Sea became less and less. Surge again.

Then something terrible happened—the heat death.

The heat death caused the sea of ​​Weiyuan to return to calm, and the whole universe was like a bowl of cold soup, and the energy no longer moved.

Ignorance has nothing to eat and has to sink into stillness.

Or rather, hibernate.

The ignorance in the long sleep decays slowly, and the body tissues continue to wither, disintegrating and melting into the sea of ​​Weiyuan.

However, the essence of Weiyuan Sea is mystery, which is the sum of all possibilities. These possibilities can no longer be developed on the material plane, and the divine words endow them with a basis for realization in another direction.

Ignorance began to dream.

This is a dream bestowed by gods, it is a frantic and confusing illogical dream that makes everything impossible and miraculous happen, ignorant and without self-awareness, his dream is the "empty" side when Chaos returns to the sea of ​​Weiyuan .

The nature of the dream is infinitely similar to that of "mystery", so they merge with each other, and the dream absorbs the "possibility" in the mystery, which is to plunder the original source of the sea of ​​Weiyuan.

All this can't be hidden from Chthon, but it only sees that the paradoxes in the dream are consistent, and the grotesques form something that cannot be a stable material concept at all.

It was extremely puzzled, and couldn't help stretching out its tentacles to probe into the dream, but naturally it couldn't get any results, so it was false.

"Are you here to take me to the movies?"

Chthon has not been attacked from the beginning to the end, but there is a strong vigilance in his heart, Romani can't waste divine power for useless work, and it guesses that when this universe is created, Romani's power is about to be exhausted. .

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