Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 537 The Poem Of Light Yichen

While ignorance is dreaming, the dream is plundering the energy of the sea of ​​Wei Yuan.

The Sea of ​​Weiyuan completely stopped its movement until the ignorant dream integrated with it.

From then on, virtual and real, regardless of each other, seems to be a Chaos again, but it doesn't look like it, because the dream begins to become stable from chaos, and the impossible nature turns into a law of order.

Chthon was surprised~ "What's going on?"

I thought Romani would use paradox to solve it, but I didn't expect the universe to return to normal development.

Naturally, Romani would not kindly give it an answer—because of the appearance of high-dimensional.

The ignorant dreams continue to expand, gradually covering the chaotic zero-dimensional, zero-dimensional has no boundaries, but dreams do.

So the center of the dream becomes high-dimensional, and the edge of the dream becomes low-dimensional. The closer to the center, the more chaotic, because the possibilities are the most.

The more marginal the place is, the more stable it is, because there are fewer possibilities.

After the dream expands to the extreme, it disintegrates and splits into dream bubbles. These dream bubbles have different file sizes. The small dream bubbles are attached to the edge of the big dream bubbles, and the dream bubbles are secondary universes.

The big dream bubble has the highest dimension, so it contains the most complete rules, while the small dream bubble can only be counted as a demiplane because of its low dimension and incomplete rules.

The multi-universe has already taken shape!

The biggest dream bubble is definitely the dream itself, which becomes the subjective universe.

What first appeared was a "silent thing", an "empty shell" created by the ignorant mother, without thought and soul, and even indeterminate in shape.

Chthon realized that something was wrong, because these objects were so similar in nature to it!

Unknowingly... this multi-universe has a very close relationship with it! Unknowingly, it is regarded as an element by Romani, and it becomes a part of the foundation of all things!

It has now become a seedbed for Romani to do whatever he wants!

"Hahahaha, it's ridiculous, aren't you afraid that I'll devour you in turn?"

Bursts of muffled thunder emanated from the big phantom, it was laughing wildly!

In the absence of a medium, the sound of thunder reverberated throughout the main body of the dream, and those lonely objects were all shattered into dust, and countless giant tentacles emerged in the dream, drilling through the dream bubbles one by one, causing these dream bubbles to be destroyed one after another.

However, with this action, Chthon felt an inexplicable threat!

Romani finally waited until Chthon took the initiative to make a move, and the fifth divine words appeared just in time:

"I said, light is born in the dust!"

At this moment, the dust that is transformed into dust powder, each dust contains hundreds of millions of infinite possibilities, and infinite brilliance is released from these dusts!

At the same time, the black shadow tentacles in the dream also bloomed with brilliance one after another... Chthon suddenly understood that the ignorance turned out to be the simulated self! And the reason why those lonely things have no soul and will is the real purpose To create a carrier to receive Chthon's power!

Moreover, due to its interference, Jiwu has already completed the qualitative relationship with Chthon, forcibly recognizing his father!

In an instant, Chthon became the largest light source in the universe, its dark power continuously released brilliance, providing the universe with constant energy!

"Romani! If you have the ability, come out and fight! What kind of creation god are you for playing tricks!"

Chthon felt that he was caught in a series of conspiracy calculations, this Romani, can't he come down and fight head-on?

Chthon crazily tried to smash the world with his body, but intensified the energy movement of the Weiyuan Sea, causing Chaos to appear in large numbers!

It tore apart ignorance, which was born of Chaos, neither dead nor alive, nor life at all, and the crystallized residue of Chaos melted into the unfinished sea.

It devours Chaos, but regardless of its function, Chaos is the possibility of converging and overlapping Mystery, as long as Mystery is still there, it will not be able to eat it up, and Mystery is a concept, and it is still a concept of "possibility".

Even if the existence of Chthon is an "absolute", its power cannot destroy the occurrence of "possibility", because Chthon originally also has "possibility".

Standing still? It's useless now, Chthon is emitting radiance all the time, providing energy to keep Chaos constantly appearing.

Destroy the dream? The dream is the information entropy created by ignorance. It doesn’t matter if the ignorance is gone. As long as the entropy is still increasing, the dream will regenerate infinitely, and here Chthon is the greatest entropy.

Perfect closed loop!

"Romani! You coward! You bastard! Come and fight me straight!"

Chthon was furious, it never expected that Romani would have such a high stream of consciousness with it, it hadn't fought like this since its birth!

The more Chthon exerts himself, the more the light on his body increases, and the more angry he is, the more he is providing energy for the universe, so angry that he is extremely angry under extreme anger.

...asking for flowers...

"Romani! Romani ahhhhh!!"

The big phantom has been reduced to a big light egg, and almost endless energy releases light and heat from it.

Romani's sixth oracle comes: "Color is what light paints!"

Colors have meaning, everything illuminated by light shows infinite colors beyond human cognition, beautiful and dreamy, and at the same time intensifies the consumption of Chthon!

In the ignorance of the dream, the still objects are synthesized again, and the still objects are illuminated by brilliance, with colorful colors, and their indefinite shapes have specific forms, because the colors give them contours, textures, shadows, and all appearances.

The seventh oracle comes at last:

"The soul uses color as a bed!"

A lonely thing has a soul.

With Romani's arrangement and Chthon's insignificant little help, the two gods of creation joined forces, and the universe god was born.

These first-generation gods have consciousness and understanding of the universe from birth, and due to the influence of Romani's will, they are all beautiful goddesses.

They are not high in personality, compared to the level of a single cosmic god, but they realized that Romani is the father of all forms and the one who bestows light, and the Great Shadow is the mother of all things, but also the source of destruction.

As long as they are still in this multi-universe, they are immortal, because they are of the same origin as the Great Shadow and Romani, and they will be resurrected with the help of the Great Shadow after death.

"No! Romani! You can't do this! What's wrong with you!!"

The big phantom panicked unexpectedly, because these gods were no different from its duplication, not only could it not be eliminated, but it would also weaken its power unprecedentedly - at least one-fifth

It's so tm disgusting!

Romani's figure manifests in the main universe.


Delicate and beautiful goddesses flocked to salute. Because of the different colors in their souls, they have different appearances and clothing, but they are all human.

Romani nodded and fondled the tops of their heads lovingly.

"You are the result of my battle with the evil god, but you are born innocent. Children, this world needs order and balance, and the evil god must not let the evil god destroy your home!

"And I've consumed too much power, I can't fight anymore..."

In the mourning and crying of the goddesses, Romani's figure disappeared without a trace. .

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