Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 538: The End

Romani was full of bad water, and let the big phantom fight with his own strength. Although these goddesses were not strong, they were the nails that could replace Romani to restrain the big phantom.

Unless the Great Phantom can destroy all these goddesses and regain all its power, it will not be able to break through the enchantment limit left by Romani, and it will never find the edge of the universe.

And tm wants these goddesses to be created by it and Romani. Either it commits suicide or it kills Romani to completely destroy the goddesses!

But suicide and rebirth will take a long time, not to mention, its power will be exhausted to the extreme during rebirth, then Romani will definitely come out and beat the dog in the water! At that time, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now, and there will be arm wrestling with Romani power up!

The most important thing is that now Romani hides herself, I don’t know where to hide!!

"Romani you coward! "One Thirty Seven"!!"

The big demon was so angry that he waved his shadow limbs and knocked these goddesses away one by one!

These goddesses can't beat it, but together they can cause enough pain to the big phantom!

Chthon is completely crazy, constantly destroying, and constantly reorganizing the world.

It knows that this is of no use and it will be stuck here forever...

Repeat the battle with the goddess until its power is exhausted, and this universe still exists...  

In the pure white temple, the endless white stretches to the surroundings, infinitely flat and infinitely far away, the horizon cannot be seen, and there is actually no boundary point.

The white sky is vast and unadorned, so empty that it makes the atmosphere chill.

The pure white ground was devoid of any sundries or stains, except for a pale stone-textured throne standing alone in the center.

Ordinary people can't even see things normally here, because too many flawless whites are connected together, making it look like complete black, losing reference contrast.

The pure divine power of creation lingers here, looming rhythmically like breathing.

Therefore, it is a place with a higher dimension than the current world, the anti-world, and the imaginary space, [Temple of Time].

Romani sat obliquely on the throne, propped his face on his knuckles, his white hair drooped, his eyes were closed, and he fell asleep so leisurely, his chest heaving slightly.

I don't know how long he has been in a coma, it may be hundreds of years, it may be several epochs, he woke up from a certain point in the long flow of time, and slowly opened his amber eyes.

Looking at the Pure White Temple, Emmani let out an unknown number of sighs.


To be honest, he doesn't want to look back at that horrible world anymore, and what kind of god position is not what he wants.

That person is like a parent who insists on money, but instead makes the neighbors' children and grandchildren jealous-definitely not blaming him, it's just that he has no taste for it, Romani can't bear it. 0

After a little inspection, his strength has been consumed too much, and now it may only be about 50% or 60% left.

Well, it is a bit different from what Chthon expected. After all, he only uses his divine power to create the law framework [most of the consumed energy is provided by Sibu·Mother of All·Sos.

Even if you kill Chthon, it will regenerate infinitely, so reflect on it in that universe!

The connection to the created universe told him that Chthon was still there, just hidden somewhere.

Romani is too lazy to look at Chthon's current state, he has no interest in visiting the prison.

Why don't you go and relax.

Thinking of this, Romani thought that he hadn't experienced the feeling of a god since he became a god.

In other words, he wanted to see what was beyond the universe.

Standing up from the throne, layers of ripples appeared in front of Romani, and the fluctuations of time and space appeared in front of him so easily.

Stretch out your hand, your fingers and wrist penetrate into an unknown space, and a wonderful feeling wraps around your palm.

If you really want to compare it, it's a bit like putting it into water full of impurities, and it feels rough and stagnant.

After a pause, Emmani stepped into the gap between time and space.

The world changed in an instant, and Romani came to the upper layer of countless multi-universes, beyond the ultimate void of all material worlds.

The content here is difficult to describe from a human point of view, because it is a complex overlapping space that exceeds human cognition. It is necessary to know that every shape in the space is just a surface produced by the intersection of higher dimensions with this space, and once Anything beyond three dimensions cannot be understood by humans.

The time here is static, with no beginning and no end. Rather, the flow of time is an illusion in a limited dimension. The past, present, and future are displayed in front of Romani at the same time.

Definitely does not mean that there are three or countless Romani here, but that the Romani are in all time, but they are like the princes of the human microcosm. Once they interfere, the time point will collapse and converge, and the current situation of the Romani will be established.

And the background of this world is filled with psychedelic flowing colors, and countless colors are changing every second. They seem to cover the entire canvas of this time and space, and there are also some completely dark places, exuding extremely weird and distorted energy. Romani knew it must be the abyss.......

After taking a few glances, Romani discovered that these flickering colors are actually the light emitted by the combination of countless universes. The light of individual universes is like extremely tiny pixels, which together form the background covering the upper void.

The universe seems to be very close, but in fact it is extremely far away. It's just that the void is so large that it gives the illusion that the entire void is full of colors.

The radiances all contain unique information, which is the information of the operation of the origin of the universe. Countless universes are mixed together and chaotic, but basically they all refuse to visit.

If you want to break through, there is no universe that can stop Romani, but Romani's star is too big, small places can't fit it, and big places don't welcome it, so there's no need to make fun of yourself.

Romani simply drifts in this void, moving in the direction he wants to go with his mood, visiting the brilliance and changes of billions of universes.

When the universe is shattered, the brilliance will be dimmed forever, and when the universe is born, the brilliance will be released. Romani has neither joy nor sorrow in his heart. He knows that hundreds of millions of creatures turned into stardust at a certain moment.

Suddenly, Romani raised his eyes and looked directly at a piece of streamer that occupies a huge space. Its color is very gorgeous and the light is strong. Not to mention it is particularly outstanding among the surrounding colors, and it also uniformly releases 2.6 weirdness like "Welcome" message.


Romani slowly put out a question mark, what does it mean to welcome foreign gods to visit? Are you really not afraid of evil gods?

That being the case, it is better to choose Li as the place to travel.

Just do it when you think of it, Romani has a thought, and travels outside the void again, and returns to the Temple of Time.

"It turned out to be such an interesting place..."

Rubbing his chin, Romani sat back on the throne.

Then, an avatar appeared in front of him. The difference from Romani's body was that it was the image of his human period. He was fifteen or sixteen years old, with orange hair tied into a ponytail, and a white coat from the Chaldean period. He had a handsome and elegant appearance.

In order to distinguish it from the divine body, let's call this Luo Man.

"Then you have to go, don't you?"

After leaving the Divine Body on the throne, Roman tilted his head and smiled at himself, then turned and walked into the ripples of time and space. .

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