Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 542 Times Have Changed!

Don't look at Nihui Izayoi's irritable and aggressive appearance, which is a headache.

Just kidding, if he is fooled by his aura and thinks he is a reckless man without iron guns, he will definitely suffer a big loss. Izayoi Zhengtai is a full-fledged brain.

It is precisely because it is too powerful that to a certain extent, it will do whatever it wants, as long as it is interested, it will do it without any special reason. Whether confronting the strong or looking for romance, his purpose only requires enough fun.

And Roman, a man who fell from the sky, a guy who lingers in mystery and hides a dark belly, just fits his interest.

The name is romantic enough, and the strength is beyond the normal range. He can stand up to Izayoi, and then look at the reaction of the rabbit, you can know that he was not summoned by the same group as him.

What could it be? Claiming to be a magician, but dressed as a doctor, can rub mushroom clouds with hands, conjure guns, and change shape without being aware of it.

It's getting more and more interesting!

"You're really impatient..." Roman said helplessly.

Izayoi had already called unreasonably, and the black rabbit was startled. He didn't expect Izayoi to do it when he said it, and hid on the edge to avoid being affected.

Roman used the levitation magic to step back into the air twelve or thirteen meters away, while Izayoi jumped up with only physical strength, broke through the shackles of gravity in an instant, and came up to the dragon with a right hook-fist!

The fist looks unremarkable, but Roman knows that this guy is Saitama + Handleman, who possesses both "the gift of crushing the world" and "the power of crushing the gift", and the lower-level gods are also instantly killed in front of Izayoi Degree.

"That's where you do best—"

With five fingers clenching into a fist, Roman looked down and drew a bow with his right elbow behind him, with a smile on his lips.

At the moment, the power is surging in the body. The ancestors of Israel were the ones who fought against God, but now he has become a dictator. Although he only descended a human body that carries the will, he accepts the challenge of mankind as God!

"Beat you!"

First of all, the air vibrates, and the turbulent and violent flow sweeps up and down in all directions the moment the two fists collide, confusing people's eyes.

Heitu tightly covered her ears, she was already sensitive to sound information, this sound stimulated her to stand up unconsciously.

When she raised her eyes worriedly, there was a huge explosion in the river above the waterfall, the riverbed was just exposed, and the turbulent flow was cut off for a brief moment, as if a depth bomb had been detonated, and billions of water droplets rained down. fall!

But it was Naihui Izayoi who was completely suppressed by Roman's incomparable strength in the fistfight, and immediately shot off into the river at a speed three times faster than when he came, like a cannonball!

"Ah? Did you use too much force?"

Seeing that the river closed in the next moment, the waterfall continued to flow endlessly, but there was no movement of Izayoi, Roman secretly thought, shouldn't he be killed directly?

"Izayoi!" Heitu, who was enjoying the shower in the river, yelled worriedly. After all, it was she who summoned Reverse Izayoi to help her. If something unexpected happened...

Gululu—a string of bubbles came out of the river, and then Izayoi got out of the torrent, wiped off the drops of water on his face, and shouted at Roman in a shitty tone: "Hey, you are right! You haven't done this before. Strong!"

Seeing that he was fine, Roman breathed out: "That's because I only used 50% of my strength before. Just now, 60% of it. Seeing that you are fine at all, it makes me feel that I underestimated you again."

"Hmph, it's not over yet!"

Sixteen nights with a heavy right shoulder, easily jumped out of the river and came to the bank, and silently squeezed a pebble with his left hand.

The next action seemed to be taken out of frame, Izayoi raised his arm, and the next moment the pebble was thrown out, aiming at Roman in the sky!

If the camera is slowed down, you can see that the air is squeezed out of wrinkles, and the cobblestone smashes the sound barrier at the moment of the shot, and a circle of bursting white water mist appears out of thin air!


The pressure wave after the explosion is circular and spreads and crushes, just like a stone stirring up a thousand layers of waves. In an instant, thunder is carried through, and the grass leaves fall down.

The cobblestone has left the sonic boom cloud far behind [the time has come to the prisoner's chest in less than a blink of an eye!

However, Roman had already made a prediction, and when he stretched out his hand to grab it, the pebble just hit Roman's palm, which made his palm a little painful.

The cobblestone was already densely covered with cracks, and Roman pinched it lightly and it turned into cracks.

"This stuff is useless to me!"

...asking for flowers...

Roman carried out space transfer again, and appeared behind Izayoi in the next moment, punching like a cannon, Izayoi only had time to return to the defense in a hurry, his arms were set up as a defense line, and he was punched thousands of meters away.

"Using such a method!"

Izayoi was very unconvinced, obviously this form of attack made him very difficult to resist, so he shouted angrily, "Where is your magic! Don't you call yourself a magician?!"

Roman almost laughed out loud when he heard the words, shaking his head amusedly and said, "Why are you acting like a naughty kid?"

It can only be said that he is really a problem child, and the angle of breaking the trick is too childish. Izayoi probably wants to find his own flaw by defeating the magic?

After all, Izayoi's ability is like it was born specifically to restrain the gods and Buddhas, um, it was like this in the first place - the savior appointed by the world.

Definitely, Roman's magic will also be cracked by Izayoyo, as long as Izayoyo can keep up with the equivalent.

"Well, you demanded so strongly."

I had no choice but to fulfill Izayoi's little wish.

Projection and Realization——

Phantom images appear on the left and right hands respectively. At first glance, they look thick and black and long, but they are six tubes full of modern technology, exuding a ferocious and oppressive atmosphere, and slowly beeping and turning.

"This is Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, with six pure depleted uranium bullets, 3,600 rotations per breath, who saves the world with great mercy, you must have awakened."

Humming——The preheated and rotating barrel has been filled with magic bullets.

With a kind smile on his lips, Roman pointed the guns of the two Gatlings at Izayoi.

Izayo stood up panting, and spat out, "I always feel that it doesn't match your image at all, but returning that sentence to you, this kind of thing is useless to me!"

With a firm kick on the ground, the ground seemed to be crushed, and cracks like spider webs radiated in all directions. The rocks and soil rose up at this moment, and Izayoi bounced high.

With a strong kick, he aimed at Roman and kicked directly. Izayoi did not hold back his hand. He knew that if he did not use his full strength, he would not be able to compete with this man in terms of strength!

"Then I can only tell you that times have changed!"

Roman took aim and squeezed the trigger.

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