Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 543: Middle

Since it is a magic projection, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva will definitely not simply shoot out ordinary metal storms.

3,600 revolutions per breath is not an exaggeration, from warm-up to accelerated shooting, it seems that endless magic bullets are pouring down like locust rain, and the purple beams cut through the bullet tracks visible to the naked eye!

The dense net of barrage formed in a few moments has completely covered Izayoi, and the rain of bullets was so fast that he didn't have any time to react!

Like a sieve pierced by countless lasers, the barrage penetrated Izayoi's body in an instant, and the gorgeous purple light trails even drowned it.

Da da da da da da --

This lasted for about five or six seconds before Roman let go of the trigger, and billows of smoke came out of the slow-rotating barrel.

Bang, Izayoi crashed onto the dry bank, throwing out a cloud of smoke and dust.

"Sixteen Nights!!"

Heitu stamped his feet anxiously, his ears stood upright in panic, his long cherry-colored "six seven three" hair fluttered, and he jumped to the place where Izayoi fell without hesitation.

If that guy is killed, what will her community do!

However, on the ground cracked by the impact, amidst the dust and smoke, Izayoi lay motionless, without a sound.

"If he dies, it can only be because of his lack of strength."

Roman maintained that casual expression without any change, and the Gatling Bodhisattva he was carrying flickered a few times, dissipating the invisible with a flow of magic power.

"Damn—" The black rabbit's face was distorted, biting its plump lower lip, and staring at Roman's eyes full of water.

Roman tilted his head and asked, "Are you going to attack me?"

Hei Tu let go of the lower lip that had teeth marks on it, and the black rabbit thought in his heart, especially if Izayoi was already dead.

No, no! She is the one who summoned Izayoi, so she has to take responsibility for Izayoi's life!

"Who the hell are you!"

Hei Tu put on a hostile attacking stance, with his legs together and his palms crossed in front of his chest, as if desperately trying to teach him a lesson.

The girl's angry expression, her almond eyes were wide open, not to mention pretty, but Romando took a second look.

"It's just Roman." After finishing speaking in a casual manner, Roman couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could it be that the main body secretly changed his personality again, why is he with a hentai now?

"I suggest you check the one over there, it might still be alive."

Black Rabbit took a deep breath, looked away, really couldn't figure out Roman's identity, slammed his tongue, and turned to check the situation of Izayoi.

In the sunken hollow of the earth and rocks, Izayoi lay with his eyes closed in a big character. Although his clothes were in good condition, his stiff posture made one wonder if he had burped.

Tears couldn't help but overflowed again, glittering and translucent, winding down, and falling down in big drops along the chin.

The black rabbit trembled with his slender arms, and carefully touched Izayoi's chest with his fingertips, poking with unknown meaning...

"Damn it, sixteen......... the first time he summoned..."

His voice was getting more and more trembling, and he could no longer maintain a smooth speech. The girl's pitiful appearance really made people feel distressed.

Roman shook his head, feeling extremely bored: "I said, you pretended to be dead on the ground, didn't you look weak?"

Before the girl could react in the future, as Roman's words fell, a hand was firmly stretched out, holding Hei Tu's arm, and her purple eyes opened: "What are you poking around?"


With firm and divine eyes, there was no sign of weakness. Amid the girl's surprise, Izayoi stood up as if nothing had happened. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Roman wasn't surprised. Izayoi was able to hold the [Simulated Epic Brahma Spear] with his bare hands purely with physical strength. It would be abnormal if a barrage of magic power broke through the defense.

"I almost understand, what happened to your magic attack just now, although I can't use this to deduce all your details, but..."

He dusted off his school uniform which was not damaged at all, and continued: "From the fact that the projected bullets are your own energy, not live ammunition, the projection magic you mentioned is more like fantasy magic."

"Oh?" Roman tilted his head, he didn't expect to see the truth, did Izayoi just try to experience his power?

"The word projection reminds me of a replica of the real object, but you have completely changed the nature of the object."

Izayoi stood up and twisted his sore arms, "It's more like a fantasy creation. You still use the word projection. Is it a habitual address? The original name made you a habit."

"So in terms of the magic you have mastered, you have reached the state where you can create whatever you want, right?"

Roman is silent, can he see through the essence through a few clues? It's a little underestimating him...

"But this kind of creation will also consume a lot of energy for you. It needs a lot of energy to pile up the carrier created out of thin air...... Well, I don't really understand your magic, but when you fire the bullet, it is obvious Not as easy as taking out Tring."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Izayoi pushed away the black rabbit supporting him as if he was holding a winning ticket.

"This is not enough for your long-term support, is it? And the power is not ideal."

Izayoi's inference, except for the result, all chains of evidence are correct.

Roman sighed, just this ability to calmly analyze intelligence has already stood in the elite class of human beings.

"Don't fight any more! Izayoi, you too, why do you have to decide the winner? Do you know how worried I was just now!" Hei Tu's eyes were red with anxiety, and he grabbed Izayoi's arm, making up his mind Can not spread.

Roman's performance so far is still capable, which makes Heitu very afraid. Hei Tu really doesn't want to provoke such a person with unfathomable strength.

The summoner was really surprised, all her calculations were over!

Sixteen nights glanced at her, and snorted unhappily, "Stop fighting, let's call it a day, I don't need to fight you for the time being."

With this arrogant temper, Roman shook his head, he didn't care whether to fight or not, to him it was just for fun.

Rabbit finally heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing that the strife ended in 2.7, and the cherry-colored long hair returned to dark blue, he persuaded him to go back together. The first members of the community are still waiting.

He opened his mouth but before opening his mouth, suddenly, the black rabbit was inexplicably stunned, and turned his head to see a big white snake that wanted to sneak away.

The black rabbit who just reacted, his mind was in a mess, wait a minute, that's...

Now that one, wriggling like a caterpillar and trying to slip away, is actually a member of the water god with a godhead?

And the dignified divinity, in the battle between these two people, didn't even dare to vent his breath, trying to escape?

Confused for a while, Heitu looked at Izayoi, then at Roman,

"Then... what's going on?"

"Oh, that little snake, I was looking for it to challenge." Shizaiye said indifferently: "I didn't expect to be cut off by that guy."

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