Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 548 Formal Meeting

The current Roman is indeed the type who will shoot rockets at cute loli without any hesitation.

So even though White Yaksha yelled to stop, Roman still pulled the trigger without mercy.

"This is a meeting ceremony for bad men."

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the rocket on Roman's shoulder spun and slid out, and the thick prismatic warhead exploded with a bang.

The rustling colored paper burst and danced in the air, blown by the cool wind, sticking to Shiroyasha's body piece by piece.

"Ri-Ri fireworks..." Kasukabe Yao said blankly.

Jiuyuan Asuka changed from covering his mouth to gently applauding, "As expected of a magician, can you turn into spinach?"

Roman glanced at her: "I refuse." After speaking, he stuffed the bazooka into the pocket of his coat.

Everyone saw the rocket launcher, which was nearly one meter long, and put it into a pocket no bigger than a palm like a magic trick.

"970" Bai Yasha came back from his stupor, took off a piece of colored paper from his lips, and suddenly put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you are really interesting! You don't mind your status at all? "

She seemed to mean something, but Roman responded very naturally: "Stereotypes are always just the prejudice of passers-by, and I just want to be happy. Isn't it the same for you?"

Faced with this casual discourse, Bai Yasha shook his head with a broken smile, and didn't say anything more, unwilling to discuss this topic too much among the public.

Izayo who was on the sidelines noticed a hint of clues, rubbed his chin and wondered what he was thinking.

"So you are from this store?" Jiuyuan Asuka then remembered the serious business, and she was stunned by the series of developments just now.

"Oh, that's right! I am Shiroyasha-sama who is the cadre of Thousand Eyes!"

Shiroyasha propped up his waist with one hand, showing a salty expression, and his eyes aimed at Miss Asuka also turned into a funny face.

"Miss, if you want to entrust work, just let me direct hehehe..."

Before he could finish speaking, Roman stepped forward and pinned his head, warning solemnly: "Don't be sensual."

"Huh? Aren't you an antique!" Bai Yasha forcefully broke his fingers holding Tianling Gai, but Roman's strength was beyond her expectation.

"It's not you, it's Roman!"

Roman put both hands up, and drilled the temples on both sides of Shiroyasha's head with his fingers.

"Pain pain pain——"

The two interacted as if they were very familiar with each other as soon as they met, Izayo saw it strangely, and said to the female shop assistant: "It seems to be a good match.

"1 — not at all! Come and drag him away!" Bai Yasha's shout was naturally ignored.

"Nerves who don't follow the routine, are the type to restrain Lord Shiroyasha." The female shop assistant nodded approvingly.

While twisting his half-wet clothes and miniskirt, the black rabbit who crawled ashore from the waterway "muttered to himself with a complicated face: "Why do people suffer all day long...

Jiuyuan Asuka complained: "Is this... retribution?"

"You're right."

The black rabbit squeezed the clothes sadly.

As for Shiro Yaksha who got wet all over, he didn't mind it. He finally broke free from Roman's clutches, and immediately jumped several meters away, rubbing his reddened temples.

"Sir Shiroyasha almost broke through my defense...It's really barbaric..."

She looked around at the group of people, and she was no longer in the mood to flirt with Hei Tu, so she said angrily: "Except for that bad guy, you are Hei Tu's new companions, right?"

"Forget it, let's talk in the store if you have something to say."

"But!" the female clerk showed a dissatisfied expression, "They should be "nameless" who don't even have a flag......"

"So I'm apologizing to the vicious shop assistants who deliberately asked for their names even though they knew they were "nameless"! I can guarantee their identities, even if the boss asks, I will take the responsibility!"

No matter how unconvinced the female clerk was, she couldn't disobey Bai Yasha's order when it came to this matter, and could only stare at these people and followed Bai Yasha all the way into the door curtain.

Roman followed at the end, and casually slapped the black rabbit on the shoulder, and the scorching air immediately surrounded her, drying the water marks on her clothes.

"Ah, this is... thank you! Mr. Roman!" Hei Tu was pleasantly surprised as he looked at his body that became dry in an instant, feeling warm and extremely comfortable.

"It's not roasted into jerky." Roman pretended to be puzzled.

"Why should I be roasted dry!" Hei Tu immediately withdrew his thanks to Roman, and his intuition told her that Roman might be the biggest problem child!!

The store seems to use some kind of space folding technique. From the outside, it is just a very simple store door, but when you enter, you find that it is an unimaginable wide Midgard....

Behind the porch, the neatly arranged shop windows are full of rare and exotic items, almost all of which are things that Roman has never seen before, let alone what they can do.

"Unfortunately, the store is closed, so please feel wronged and come to my personal room."

Saying so, Bai Yasha led the five people into the courtyard, along the retro corridor to a paper door.

Opening the paper door, a slightly pungent incense came out, Roman frowned, this loli seemed to have no taste.

After entering the room, Bai Yasha came to the seat and sat down, her clothes had been opened at some point.

"Let me introduce myself again. I'm a thousand-eyed cadre, Bai Yasha, who established a base in the four-digit gate and the three-three-four-five outer gate. I have a little friendship with this rabbit."

"Anyway, you should know that I am a beautiful girl with extraordinary abilities who helped you many times after the collapse of your community."

Roman twitched the corners of his mouth and held back his complaints.

The entire Hakoniwa City is divided into seven ruling classes from top to bottom.

Then the doors that separate each floor are marked with numbers, which are the outer doors.

Starting from the outermost wall, there are seven-digit outer doors and six-digit outer doors, which gather towards the center like annual rings. The smaller the number, the stronger its ruler or resident.

The outer sect with a four-digit number is already a land of gods and Buddhas, a completely inhuman demon realm. Even if Roman's body comes, it will only be a three-digit number. 2.8

After explaining to everyone, Bai Yasha smiled lightly, even though the laughter sounded like harsh children's noise to Roman.

"This is located on the east side of the four major regions of southeast, northwest, and north. Once you walk out of the outer door, you will come to the place opposite to the "end of the world". There are some creatures that do not belong to the community but have powerful gifts, such as that The owner of a water tree. "

Shiroyasha stared at the water sapling held in the black rabbit's hand.

"Since you got Mizuki, you must have challenged her? Who played what kind of game and won? Is it a competition of wits? Or a test of courage?"

"That, seems to be the reward given by Mr. Snake God after Mr. Roman directly defeated him?"

The black rabbit who caught up halfway at that time did not see what happened between Roman and Izayoi, but the big white snake admitted that it was Roman who won her. .

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