Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter Five Hundred And Fortieth Ix Finding Fault

Shiroyasha shifted his gaze to Roman again, "Oh? If that's the case, then it's not surprising.

Regarding the statement that Roman killed the godhead, Shiraiyasha was not surprised at all, as if it was definitely taken for granted.

The so-called godhead does not refer to the inborn god originally, but refers to the gift that can change the body into the highest rank of the species.

The godhead bestowed on a snake will become a body with huge amounts of snake gods, the godhead bestowed on a human will become a fairy god, and the godhead bestowed on a ghost will become a ghost god that shakes the heaven and earth.

"Why did Shiroyasha-sama say that? You seem to know Mr. Roman very well?" Black Rabbit asked again.

Roman pressed the pause gesture: "Let's stop this topic here. You know what you know, and you don't understand what you don't understand. It's not good for you to know too much. I'm just a tenant. Although it's a bit mysterious, don't worry. I won't do anything to hurt you."

The black rabbit who was dazed by the circle of knowing and not understanding nodded and only understood the last sentence. This Mr. Roman didn't want to reveal his origin.

"Since you can say that, I'm relieved." Bai Yasha was also happy to play riddles, and said with a smile.

23 Izayo looked at it with folded arms for a while, and suddenly said: "It's too mysterious, and it can't make people trust."

He stared at Roman, his eyes were sharp: "You acted very casually all the way, but you concealed your identity, and Bai Yasha's performance obviously saw through you..."

"Since you are a tenant who wants to live in our community temporarily, you have to be somewhat honest?"

Roman scratched his hair and found that the eyes of several people were all focused on him.

"I can't accept it either. People who are traveling with us don't know the truth but behave so dangerously. Mr. Roman, how can we trust you?"

Jiuyuan Asuka and Kasukabe Yao also raised doubts.

"Hmm..." Roman pondered for a while, then decisively reached out to the black rabbit.

"Okay, it's because I didn't think carefully, return the sapling to me, and I will withdraw from you."

The words were very natural, there was no hesitation at all, and Roman had no reason to be with them. Before, he thought that he could eat and live, but now that he saw Shiraiyasha, even this consideration can be dispelled.

As the stratum ruler of the eastern district, the left and right are only rich loli, right? As a guest here as a foreign god, can Bai Yasha not be a landlord?

Roman's idea of ​​going soft and tough is very straightforward. He doesn't need to publicize his identity. He only needs to show a little strength. I don't know how many communities outside will kneel down and beg him to be the boss.

Black Rabbit choked up, holding Shuishu tightly with both hands, and the others didn't expect Roman to be so decisive.

"But, but, but—" Miss Rabbit was so anxious that her tongue was tied up, "No, they said, you don't have to be so anxious [you can stay for two days before we talk about it?"

After speaking, he winked wildly at Izayoi next to him, and said quietly: "Without the power of Mizuki, there would be no clean hot water and hot springs in the community to entertain you!!"

Jiuyuan Asuka was the first to realize that the Black Rabbit's community had to rely on a group of children to walk kilometers every day, picking buckets back and forth, and wanted to take a hot bath to relax. Without the water tree, I'm afraid It would be an extreme luxury.

Pulling their lips, Asuka File Size and the quiet Kasukabe Yō looked at each other, and finally swallowed the words, let's just see what Izayoi said.

sixteen nights:...

"Okay, okay, you guys don't have to do this, I believe what Roman said." Bai Yasha took out a small folding fan, spread it to cover his small mouth, and looked at the end of his eyes, but he could find a smile.

That person really wants to be a nuisance, I'm afraid you will be wiped out when we meet... Bai Yasha shook his head secretly. For her, the ruler of the Eastern District, Roman is more or less a time bomb.

From Roman's incoherent behavior, he knew how uncontrollable it was, and it would be a bit of a headache.

"I still plan to ask you to entertain me." Roman said it very lightly.

"Forget it! You just stay in Heitu's community, I'd rather be your guarantor! Heitu, listen to me. With him, even if your community is approached by the devil again, you won't be in trouble. "

Bai Yasha made a clicking sound, and the road was full of banter.

Heitu breathed a sigh of relief, not because she was reluctant to part with the treasure, but because the children in the community, every time they went out to fetch water was not only extremely hard, but also accompanied by the risk of being attacked by monsters or other unexpected events.

As long as it can improve the strength of the community, Hei Tu will not give up.

At the same time, he felt astonished, and looked at Roman inconceivably——even if he was approached by the devil again, he would not be in trouble...... What is Roman's identity, so that Lord Shiroyasha, who is the supreme ruler of the Eastern District Make such a comment?!

"Why should I listen to you..." Roman suddenly threw a sentence at Bai Yasha as if he was not happy, making the atmosphere in the air freeze.

"Hey, don't be so stingy~ Girls don't welcome men who are too serious?" Bai Yasha still smiled and tried to smooth things over.

Roman pondered, and actually looked around seriously, "With all due respect, everyone here is not the type I would be interested in."

"I don't know how to flatter you, I can't help but want to beat you—" Bai Yasha's eyes gradually twitched.

"Want to fight? Ha, flat loli, just you right now, I can punch you until you squat on the ground and cry for three hours!"

For some reason, Roman directly quarreled with Bai Yasha877.

"Wait...why are they fighting each other all of a sudden?"

"So the contradiction is not on our side?"

"It's going in a strange direction again."

Izayoi, Asuka, and Kasukabe Yao got together to discuss this inexplicable development.

"Eee? Eee?! Wait a minute, Mr. Roman..."

Black Rabbit Chaos's brain reacted slowly as if it was restarting after a shutdown, and hurriedly wanted to speak out to dissuade him, but was pointed at by the fan pinched by White Yasha.

"It's okay, Black Rabbit, I've always been short of opponents who can play with me. If this visitor can bring me new fun, I will be very happy."

"Don't worry, Miss Rabbit, I'm definitely not a conservative who doesn't shoot when I see a woman. I will beat her into a colorful cloud and throw you on it to travel around the world. 17

Roman comforted the black rabbit solemnly.

Heitu, who had too many slots and couldn't get it out, let out a weak voice: "Why can you talk about beating women so elegantly, and why did you throw me on it to travel around the world! What are the colorful clouds!"

Shiroyasha took out a card from the hem of the kimono with the image of the twin goddesses on the thousand-eyed flag, and smiled arrogantly.

She didn't even ask whether it was a challenge or a duel. If At the moment couldn't settle Roman, her intuition told her that there would definitely be a very headache follow-up incident. .

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