Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 553: White Yasha Nemesis

"It's quite a trick—"

As Bai Yasha said this, he pressed his closed fan against his lower lip, raised the corners of his lips like a cat, and squinted his golden eyes, facing the light that came like a waterfall of meteors, but remained motionless.

Neither dodge nor counterattack.

Because, when those rays of light were about to reach Bai Yasha's petite body, they intentionally or unintentionally brushed aside, passing by like a storm of hundreds of millions of rays.

whoosh whoosh—

Tracing the side of Shiraiyasha's figure, the torrent of light lasted for a full two minutes before revealing Shiraiyasha's figure like an ebbing tide.

Finally fly to the distant horizon.

"Hey~" Bai Yasha tilted her head in doubt, she definitely wouldn't think that it was Romani who really couldn't hit her.

"Are you being merciful, or... are you underestimating me?!"

The narrow golden eyes flashed dangerously, and "283" clearly meant that he was really angry.

Being an original star but being underestimated by a mere foreign god, losing face like this is a big deal for Bai Yasha's temperament.

Romani remained expressionless, but spit out words that had nothing to do with his temperament: "Statement, my subconscious refusal to hurt such a lovely woman has nothing to do with the current competition.

"Eh, eh?!"

Bai Yasha's eyes widened, and he took a step back unexpectedly. How could you say such shameful words seriously?

"It's cute..." Bai Yasha, who has always teased others, was the first time he met someone who dared to tease her so boldly.

Wait, what's wrong? Now she looks like a little lolita, right? The maximum death penalty is three years old!

And Romani still had that cold tone as if mechanical intelligence had taken over his body.

"Additionally, this has nothing to do with appearance. Through your physical body, looking directly at the soul that outlines a perfect arc, the bright and shining original light, contains countless histories and miracles. It is undoubtedly an irresistible temptation for this consciousness."

Acute eyes, an ability that Romani would not normally use, was used at At the moment without any hesitation, just to see the details of Shirayasha.

However, an unexpected situation unfolded. After Romani used his godhead, he was like a madman who just took off his clothes and ran wildly in the street.

What he said may not be the truth, but as long as the thoughts appear in his mind, he will say them without hesitation.

The corners of Shiroyasha's eyes twitched, turning into a shooting star and flying towards Romani as if enraged.

"Listen carefully to what you're talking about!"

The folding fan is drawn horizontally on the chest, and a dimensional crack appears and expands infinitely horizontally, as if the gap between heaven and earth opens up to swallow Romani in one gulp.

But compared to Guangyu just now, this move can only be regarded as Bai Yasha's level A.

Romani stretched out Sima's face, stretched out his hand and pinched the space until it was distorted, and put the dimensional crack into the skin of the dimension.

"This is very clear that the words spoken by this body can be said to be love at first sight, if this body is not unwilling to be honest, it will definitely pursue you.

The several-kilometer-long dimensional rift melted away, gradually turning into transparent ripples, and when it hit Romani, only a layer of warm wind remained.

"——shut up! hentai!!!"

Bai Yasha became angry from embarrassment, and pushed forward with both hands holding the folding fan. In the fan-shaped area thousands of meters ahead, the air piled forward like water waves, transpiring and distorting.

The incalculably high temperature and pressure have brought about tremendous changes in the world at the microscopic level, such as the extranuclear electrons getting rid of the shackles of the atomic nucleus.

Atomic nuclei attract each other and collide together, and the atomic nuclei aggregate together to generate a new heavier atomic nucleus: helium.

However, the temperature rises instantly to an ultra-high temperature of 200 million K, causing the helium element to undergo nuclear fusion at the microscopic level, and the temperature rises again, further increasing the rate of helium fusion and the reaction area, but no longer increasing the pressure, which means that the core is out of control .

In a few seconds, the thermal runaway caused the heat to exceed a million times that of a normal Fixed Star. This phenomenon is simply called a helium flash.

And this is not an ordinary helium flash, but a helium flash created by Shiroyasha with the power of the sun. Although it is not as good as the explosion of the sun in Hakoniwa Universe, destroying the current world is not a problem at all.

Romani can't take it easily.

He didn't come in his own body, and he was far behind his peak period. His current strength has just squeezed into the bottom of the all-around field.

Now it seems that Bai Yasha is under pressure, but he has exploded to the second stage, and people are still playing with him normally.

Romani stretched out his right hand, touched his palm hard, super-standard gravity appeared in the center of the helium flash, and the black hole of time in the fourth dimension bloomed quietly for a thousandth of a second from a three-dimensional unobservable perspective...

On the time axis where the helium flash occurred, the time of the degenerate matter state combustion explosion was distorted and swallowed, and the explosion stayed at the starting point of the initial diffusion moment, and the follow-up was silently lost.

There was silence.

Only the indescribable space-time hole ahead left, causing the surrounding time to fall into disordered and directionless turbulence, the arrow of time was shattered, forming a spectacle-like confusing and incomprehensible area.

This kind of abnormality is not long-lasting. Whenever the black hole of time suddenly appears and then subsides, the state of space-time is repaired and filled under the self-compensation of the world constant law, just like a bubble bursting on the seabed, and the blank part is filled by seawater for a moment.

Let's put it this way, the irritated White Yasha slapped him forcefully in coquettish anger, and then in order not to be hit, he used the top-level godhead power to roughly resolve the attack.

"I wonder, did your attack just ignore the original creatures in this world?"

Romani asked mechanically.

Bai Yasha smiled madly, probably because of anger, her golden eyes deepened, and her aura began to change, as if something elusive was about to break open the cocoon

"Who do you think I am——" In other words, this world is just an empty shell without life.

However, at the moment, this world fell into complete darkness of 3.0 without warning, with no brightness at all, and with human eyes, absolutely nothing can be seen.

Bai Yasha turned his head suddenly, and found that the sun that maintained the world of Bai Ye was extinguished.

Where the sun was originally, hundreds of millions of rays of light dissipated faintly at the same time, which is the light-year of Romani's retrograde canal.

The retrograde canal did not stop after passing her, but went straight to the sun. Afterwards, Romani disturbed Shiraiyasha's mind, making her forget to take into account the trajectory after the retrograde canal.

Because even if the retrograde canal is hidden somewhere to fight back, Shiroyasha doesn't care at all. With this conceit, Shiraiyasha was accidentally changed home.

Obviously, Shiroyasha was tricked by Romani.


As if a tendon had collapsed, she connected the front and back and realized that it was a shameless tactic played by Romani.

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