Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 554 You Can Eat It By Turning Your Head

The sun was destroyed, and the whole world fell into eternal night and silence, which undoubtedly meant that White Yaksha lost his home court advantage.

The feeling of metamorphosis in her body disappeared.

But in the next second, Shiro Yaksha's body was almost as tall as Romani's, with long snow-white hair fluttering, and the small Yaksha horn on the top of his head stretched back, turning into a huge dragon horn.

In an instant, Romani saw her grow from a lolita to a sassy beauty, and the beauty's fists were infinitely enlarged in front of her eyes, accompanied by the sound of intense breathing.


A round ball of fire exploded between the sky and the earth, and its short-lived burst of light hotspots lit up the long night sky. This is no less powerful than a nuclear bomb explosion.

If it is on the ground, there will definitely be a huge mushroom cloud with smoke and dust pillars rising at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom——

Fireballs kept appearing in the night sky, and flickered in all directions for an instant. The two moved while fighting, and they couldn't see the specific situation at all.

Izayoi, Kuro Usagi, Asuka 23, Kusukabe Yo, and the old cat in Kasukabe Yo's arms, looked up at all this in a dazed way in the protective cover that Shiroyasha made for them.

The entire confrontation between Romani and Shiraiyasha took less than a minute, and they witnessed the world as the game board, from complete innocence to almost destruction.

Especially when the sun is extinguished, seeing this boundless power, you seem to have lost the ability to speak. It is the first time that the word "destroy the sky and destroy the earth" is so vivid in your mind.

"Mr. Roman, it can't really be a god..."

The black rabbit who reacted first, looked at the huge sparks shining continuously in the sky, and muttered to himself.

"It can be removed." Izayoi sighed unwillingly.

Before, he had various speculations and conjectures about Roman's origin, but he never thought that it would naturally be the result of the gods.

Jiu Yuan Asuka's expression became more complicated: "Is God so unreliable?"

Kasukabe Yao comforted the shivering old cat in his arms, and his always quiet face also showed a daze.

Izayo stared at the sky, without the protection of Shiroyasha, just the aftermath of the battle would wipe out several of them...  

Izayoi, who still doesn't know his true strength, not only was not hit, but a wave of stubbornness and fanaticism arose in his heart.

The two people in the sky are not at the level that he can reach now...but, as long as they are in the Hakoniwa world, anything can happen, isn't it?

He patted Heitu on the shoulder, and the latter looked puzzled.

"Participating in the gift game, the individual has the possibility to become stronger infinitely, is that so?"

Kuroto's eyes flickered, and he said firmly to Izayoi: "That's right! As long as we work hard together to manage the community, it's not impossible to become a class ruler like Lord Shiroyasha!"

"Hehehe, sir, I'm on fire! Let's take those two as the criterion, let's set a small goal first!"

It has nothing to do with the desire for strength, Tian Liuye just thinks it will be very interesting.

However, Hei Tu's hands hidden behind his back, two fingers were stirring back and forth at the corner of the skirt, and he couldn't bear to hit him.

To be honest, everyone has the opportunity to become a god, but in the long history of mankind, how many people can do it?

Suddenly, there was a deafening rumbling sound, like countless thunderbolts blooming at the same time, and the sky exploded in full bloom in the long night, suddenly radiating crimson light, illuminating the whole world.

Thunderbolts, thunderstorms, gusts of wind, and unforeseen changes in the celestial phenomena are impossible to predict. In the crimson sky, the images of two people finally appeared, and they were extremely close to each other on the top of the sky.

Romani finds the right moment and makes an invincible sound


As if the small universe had been burned, Romani's arms were left with only shadows, and the shadows of the fists poured towards Shiraiyasha,


Every punch reached the third cosmic speed, and the sonic boom cloud continued to spread and condense around him, but all attacks were blocked by the adult beauty version of Shiroyasha with a folding fan.

Romani was unable to attack, so he put his hands together at his waist, the pure divine power was concentrated between his palms, and finally launched towards Shiroyasha's face!

"Kame Kami-ha!!!"

The light cannon with a diameter of more than tens of meters submerged Shiroyasha!

boom boom boom boom

The light cannon lasted for a few seconds, but was cut off suddenly, Shiroyasha rushed out with a gritted grinning grin, and went straight in front of Romani.

"Ha, sister!"

The fan hit Romani hard on the head!

Romani was directly knocked down from the sky by this irresistible force, and fell towards the ground weightlessly while being dizzy!

Fortunately, he woke up quickly, and a flash opened the distance, reappearing in the sky thousands of meters away.

The situation was very difficult. In the melee combat, Romani did not have the slightest advantage, but was suppressed by Shiraiyasha instead.

So from the loli form to the female form [Chou is for the convenience of fighting happily?

Romani gasped slightly, looked at Shirayasha with half-closed eyes, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture.

"Please, pause!"

Bai Yasha, who was about to beat him up in the next second, said "huh?", still not understanding what Romani wanted to do, and he really didn't make a move in his doubts.

I just looked at Romani angrily, wondering what he was going to do, if he still dared to play tricks, don't blame her for being ruthless!

But what Bai Yasha never expected was that when Romani grabbed it from the air beside him, a pink devil stretched away in an instant.

The wave of summoning demons emerged, and Romani inserted half of his arm into the magic circle, and then pulled out a little girl with short legs kicking around, a black four-pointed star pinned to her white hair, and an Angel ring floating above her head. .

Solomon's Seventy-two Pillars Mephista Calling.

The original seventy-two Mephistas have been sublimated together with Romani and unified, so what Romani summons now is actually no different from a certain power of its own.

Or in other words, Romani was separated from the nature of Paimon in his own body.

"Is it an enemy? Romani, I didn't expect you to summon me in this situation, but an enemy that even you can't deal with, is it useless to call me out?"

Paimon, who was held by the back of Destiny's neck by Romani, asked in a crisp and lovely voice, obviously not knowing what he was about to face.

"Do you expect that kind of thing to be useful to me? I don't know what to say to you if you waste your strength at this moment!"

Bai Yasha also snorted coldly, as if his appearance had changed into a mature body, and his personality also changed.

"No, it's just to replenish physical strength."

In Bai Yasha's unbelievable, unbelievable, lying down, you are seriously ill eyes, Romani's five fingers stick to Paimon's little head.

Horror appeared on the little girl's face, as if she understood something: "Wait, wait a minute! Romani! Pimon is not emergency food!"

late. .

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