Marvel's Strongest Magician

The 500Th Bathroom Chapter 7 Simulated Star Creation Map

When talking about the Almighty Domain, Bai Yasha looked at Roman with a playful look.

She was very sure before that Roman was not the Yahwei who created the world in seven days, because there was such a guy in Little Garden, but it was only in three digits.

Because of the existence of the Hakoniwa Center and other gods, there is a paradox of omnipotence in the entire Hakoniwa world, and this also led to the Christian guy, whose own strength was directly slashed, and became the same as Zeus and other god kings. Level three digit gods.

Roman is different, the conceptual attributes of the godhead are inherited from the one who bestowed his wisdom, but he himself is not limited by the paradox of omnipotence.

Roman was born in the Marvel universe, and Marvel also has the will to create the world, that is OAA, above all myths, but that is already at the level of the infinite box, and the person who made him is at least at the same level as O-AA.

So if it is not strong enough to surpass the current constraints of the truth of the universe, it will be weakened into a batch like that guy in Little Garden.

On the contrary, the Messiah, who is only the Son of God in Little Garden, has directly become a double-digit plenipotentiary under the blessing of Christianity's almost endless achievements.

"It's almost understandable, but I have a question, is the authority only possessed by the full power domain?"

When Roman asked this question, his expression was subtle. He had a lot of power. After the fight just now, he was even confident that the descending of the main body would definitely be able to suppress Bai Yasha's spiritual status.

"That definitely." Shiroyasha was puzzled, "For example, the leader of Hakoba, Insaten, his Brahma-shak gun can be used for victory. After using it, it will definitely win and defeat the enemy.

"The scary thing about this gun is that the favor of boarding is not "killing" but "victory". No matter who the opponent is, no matter how indestructible the shield is, it can change the world without authorization. Absolutely surpass the righteousness of the enemy.

"It can be said that power is the ultimate truth of the universe.

Roman laughed after hearing this, which means that he has mastered the power that can only be mastered in the omnipotent domain in the omnipotent domain.

At this time, I don't want to think about anything, my father is awesome.

Roman didn't ask any more questions, and naturally changed the topic: "So what is the process from the omnipotent domain to the omnipotent domain?"

"Come to Hakoniwa, is this what you are for?" Hiyasha whetted his appetite with a smile.

"Traveling is also right, but if I find a way for me to reach the sphere of full authority, I can promise to be your husband." Roman replied solemnly.

"You think so beautifully!!" Bai Yasha, who couldn't bear it any longer, slapped Roman on the head with a folding fan, "You are a hentai young girl!"

Roman's face was calm, as if it wasn't him who said this.

Back to the topic, Bai Yasha's purpose of attracting Roman is also to win over, before the other gods are aware of Roman's existence.

Although it doesn't seem very reliable.

However, from omnipotence to full power, it is too difficult to rely on one's own strength to achieve it. Even for Mantian gods and Buddhas, most of them rely on the achievements left in human history.

And even those people became plenipotentiaries because of the actions of the gods.

That's why so many gods have the idea of ​​overthrowing the existing Hakoniwa, abandoning human beings, and completely controlling the primordial star to re-divide the cake.

Well, White Yasha is the original star.

"Anyway, that's one of my many purposes, you can figure it out." Roman threw the question to Shiraiyasha very bluntly, as if he was the master.

Bai Yasha gave him another slap in anger, before explaining: "Double-digit gods and demons are either born or blessed by legends of glory among human beings."

"Or, keep challenging other gods through games in Little Garden, harvest everything from other gods, and strengthen yourself, but this will be feared by the gods. One day the same thing will happen to you."

Roman thought, the first one can be ignored, and the second one is not enough for him to reach that level, and the power obtained by relying on human willpower is not what he expected.

The third one seems to be the only way, but this way is bad, I don't know whether Shiroyasha is intentional or not, once he chooses that way, he will definitely fall into the schemes of the high-ranking gods in Hakoniwa.

Because no matter what game, you will never be able to play against the organizer. Participating in the game is tantamount to agreeing to be bound by the rules, so Roman intends to choose any one.

Roman turned his eyes to Shiroyasha's delicate face again.

...asking for flowers...

Shiroyasha was originally the most powerful group of people in Hakoniwa, who once ruled the apex of all cosmology. After the development of civilization, human beings continued to deny the myth of the sun, resulting in shrinking spiritual status, and was defeated by the twin goddesses of creation and the end. And received as a family member.

Only then did Shiroyasha serve Qianyan now.

If you can liberate White Nightshade's freedom, help her regain her spiritual status, and become White Nightshade again...

Forget it, as far as the present is concerned, he still thinks too far, and Bai Yasha will not trust himself.

It was only after seeing Shiroyasha that he felt uncomfortable all over, that Roman questioned deeply:

"What about the simulated star creation map?"

Bai Yasha's eyes froze.

She really didn't expect Roman to know this, she secretly raised her estimate for Roman, pondered for a moment, and said slowly.

"Simulating the creation map, a cosmology (Cosmology) observed from the two perspectives of the mythical world and the material world.

Giving form to the cosmology and making equipment, there is no means of resistance in the face of this rush of power.

Whether it is the mythical weapon that stands at the apex of the world, or the omnipotent magic theory that dominates the world, they are just one of the elements that make up the world. is out of reach in this realm that wields the world originally as a weapon.

Its power is so great that even just activating it outside Little Garden can wipe out the old world. Even I don’t have this ability, and I don’t know how to obtain it [Where did you hear that?

Shiraiyasha couldn't figure it out, it was clearly the first time for Roman to come to Little Garden, why did he know so much about Little Garden's secrets?

Roman smiled mysteriously.

Originally he didn't have it, but after Bai Yasha admitted, now he has it.

"Wait a minute, I will pick up a plug-in."

He closed his eyes and sent a text message to the throne, and the power of the godhead was transmitted immediately, and Aiying quietly transformed into the form of the white-haired King Luo Somon.

Relying on the omniscient power of the godhead, a certain kind of self-generated seed in the body awakened and germinated, and turned into the power that Roman completely grasped.

Roman named it: Simulated Star Creation Map·Creation Prison.

As I said before, Roman's omniscient power can go downwards and is horizontally compatible, but it cannot go upwards, and the same is true in Little Garden. .

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