Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 558: Consuming Gas Again Mephista

The simulated star creation map is a power setting in Little Garden. Although it is often something that only those who have a central position in the gods have, there is no level limit.

It is equivalent to a non-level myth-level exclusive weapon. For example, there is a simulated star creation map with an unknown body, but because I don’t know how to use it, it currently only has a four-digit level.

This is definitely covered by Roman's power.

Roman subjectively knew the existence of the simulated star creation map, and Bai Yasha, as a representative object of the universe, recognized the role of the simulated star creation map, and the subjective and objective phases were unified, so under the influence of power, the truth of the universe became an established fact.

The almighty part exerts its effect, and Roman is not the central figure of a certain group of gods in terms of identity, but as a creation god, he is so central that it cannot be more central, and he has all the conditions to have a simulated star creation map.

He already had his own real universe of "537"—the universe that sealed the Great Shadow, and that was a universe completely developed from Chaos.

Simulating the Star Creation Map·Creation Prison is to repeat the history of Roman Sealing the Great Shadow.

Assuming an enemy unit defined by Roman, then when Roman uses Genesis Prison, he will pull himself and the enemy into an imaginary space where no one can interfere.

And through seven divine words, use enemy units as raw materials to create a new universe.

During this time, Roman cannot be attacked, and any attack will make Roman stronger.

The fate of the enemy unit is the same as that of the big phantom. It will be permanently integrated with the new universe, and it will be an enemy of the entire universe. If you fight with your own power indefinitely, you will not die if you want to die

It can be called the eternal hell of sinking.

Such a simulated star creation map, unless it is the highest-level full-body protoss at the peak of the double digits, and the largest growth of the dragon species, such as White Yasha and Dragon King, the general double digits will not be able to stop it.

Because this is Hakoniwa's cosmic truth.

However, if Roman makes mistakes in the seven divine words, so that the enemy does not fully integrate with the universe, or the universe view is incomplete, there will be a chance to crack the universe, but this is equivalent to completely giving up the part of his integrated power.

And if the enemy is too weak and does not have so much energy to complete the creation of a universe, Roman can only use his own strength to subsidize it, which is not worth the loss, so it is only convenient to target high-ranking gods.

Now the universe where the big ghost is imprisoned has been integrated into the simulated star creation map and creation prison. Roman can feel the constant power circulating in it, and the power of the entire universe can be called by him at will - until the entire universe Until it is exhausted and drained, all living beings in the universe, including the Great Shadow, will also perish.

Roman was very pleasantly surprised. With the Star Creation Map, his level has risen by more than one level. Now he doesn't have to lie to White Yasha. Three digits are weak chickens in his eyes.

And...if he continues to seal the gods and build his own universe, the Creation Hell with multiple universes will grow accordingly, until all the double digits can't resist it.

With this, he even imagined that he could slaughter the entire Little Garden to sublimate his only godhead—just kidding, the twin goddesses of creation and the end of the world are not something that can be dealt with by the Star Creation Chart.

The moment the star map was created, Shiroyasha perceived Roman's change, as if a whole universe was revolving in his body, accompanied by a sense of threat that terrified her.

"Could it be possible that you comprehended the Star Creation Map in an instant?" Bai Yasha shouted in surprise, but Luo Man returned to normal from the white hair.

"Low-key, low-key, what Romani did has nothing to do with me, Roman." Roman said with a smile.

Bai Yasha was speechless for a while, is this the reason for separating the names on purpose?

But she had to admit that this joking move was really effective for the gods, and many gods had examples of separating their powers and forming completely different independent individuals.

But Roman is a one-dimensional god... everything is everything, everything is one, and it has no meaning except to shirk responsibility, right?

Still adjusting Roman's assessment in his heart again, Bai Yasha is very clear about the gap between having a star map and not having a star map, which directly crosses the difference between personalities!

"Let's just ask, how strong are you now?" Bai Yasha didn't inquire about Roman's star creation map, but couldn't help but want to ask about Roman's changes.

Roman thought for a while, and gave a vague idea: "I still can't beat you, but don't you really consider investing? I don't mind helping you."

Bai Yasha was taken aback for a moment, according to Roman, it was almost second only to her...

"Hmph, it's just a star creation map, don't be too arrogant, boy, for a problematic god like you, just staying in the lower level has violated the regulations!"

Turning his face away very arrogantly, Bai Yasha snorted, accepting Roman's deal.

To fight against those top gods, a star map is not enough, even if she is stronger than her, she will be counted as a worker?

"Who told you that I only have one star map?"

Roman experienced another simulated star creation map from the fgo world. It was the ultimate myth and achievement left by the original King Solomon Romani. It should have returned to the sky with King Solomon and disappeared from history.

Suddenly he thought again, that period of history has disappeared from fgo... But the observers and recorders are not only the human beings in fgo...

"Two, two..." Bai Yasha was really shocked this time, one is already outrageous, two star creation charts exist on the same god at the same time, doesn't it mean that one

"Could it be that you are the "Original Code" that symbolizes the gods?!"

"Of course it's not that kind of boring thing. I won't bear any mission." Roman scolded the cook after eating.

Even if the original code exists as a super high potential for writing history, Roman can become it whenever he wants, but Roman doesn't want to be too deeply restricted by Hakoniwa Universe.

It cannot be said, no, he will definitely be the transcendent of this universe in the future, instead of being a 3.0 character in mythological works, writing history for the universe.

"The promise is valid at any time. This is an agreement only with you, because I appreciate you."

Roman stood up from the cushion, his eyes were inexplicably strange, but his tone was light but unquestionable, and what he said was overbearing like the truth of the universe.

"You love this world deeply, Shiroyasha.

Before Bai Yasha could attack, Roman slipped away after pretending to be aggressive, and his figure faintly disappeared into the air.

Bai Yasha was dumbfounded, didn't this guy have a number in his heart? Who did he think he was talking to?

Appreciation? He actually said to me that he appreciates it? Isn’t it just two star creation charts, which drift to such a degree!!

Shiroyasha was so angry that he threw the fan out, hitting the place where Roman had disappeared.

She didn't even notice the faint blush on her face. .

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