Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 594: Ravaging The Demon King

Light, expels darkness, illuminates the world, makes Chaos clear, and its shape and quality can be sealed.

Light contains all colors, giving blue to the atmosphere, red to the soil, and colorful to all phenomena of nature.

The power of light, in the hands of Romani, contains infinite energy and infinite possibilities. Its power is: the poem of light and dust.

The spur of light, the size of a table tennis ball, was thrown into the giant mouth of the black dragon, and the power of the concept level came into play.


Indeed, there was a sound of paper being torn.

The Black Death dragon, as black as thick ink, manifested the calamity that covered the sky with its body, and cracks like broken porcelain suddenly appeared on the surface of the dragon's body.

Along the cracks, light seeps out, overflowing like sunlight penetrating the surface of water.

Immediately after, more cracks appeared, like swords and spears of light, piercing the black dragon into Quill from the inside.

The sounds of cracking and cracking were endless, and when the lines of cracks criss-crossed and covered the entire huge body of the black dragon, there was a soft "boo"

The black dragon cracked and turned into countless glass-like fragments, disappearing in the infinite light that pierced out.

"Uh ah ah ah—"

The girl's screams resounded through the sky, and Pest put her arms across to protect her eyes, but she couldn't stop the light thorn from penetrating her body.

Dress, skin, blood vessels, internal organs, bones...everything of her body is invisible in the light, because she is pierced thousands of times by the light beam, so she is almost transparent.

Pest fell from a height of 10,000 meters, but the light still pursued her relentlessly, interspersed time after time, and carried out one after another.

Only crystal clear teardrops remained in the air, and she continued to fall.

Pest's trembling skin turned pink, and even her toes were tightly curled up—from the inside to the outside, from the soul to the body, everything was illuminated by the light and revealed great pain!

It was an irresistible terrifying feeling. Every thought, every emotion was being infinitely magnified, judged by countless lights, and impaled on them!

She felt tormented and ashamed, that every pore of hers was crowded with sin, every cilia was ugly and dirty, every platelet was ignorant and stupid!

It was fully illuminated, without any cover, extremely rough, as if it had become an exhibit.

Except for Adam and Eve who did not eat the forbidden fruit, no human being with moral values ​​can face the execution of the light calmly. Even the villain who regards killing as eating bread will cry bitterly because he thinks that he wet the bed when he was a child.

The light thorn is undoubtedly ravaging this body, and at the same time, she also loathes her crimes. Now even hearing her own screams, Pest feels extremely disgusted, and has the urge to assume the position of the devil shamelessly.


She finally fell into the earth and smashed into a spacious and bright church.

"Woo...... woo...

After sobbing twice, the girl endured the humiliation and opened her eyes, and suddenly felt that the posture she was lying on the ground was so ironic and humiliating.

She gritted her teeth, stood up tremblingly, and took a few deep breaths, only to realize that the strength in her body had almost disappeared to zero.

"You can't even face yourself with this level of strength, do you still want to call yourself the devil?"

Romani walked out of the light, and the distance between Pest and Pest was less than five or six meters.

His white hair was draped behind him, and his eyes were devoid of any emotion. With a pinch of five fingers, a long sword of light appeared in his hand.

When Pest saw him, it was like seeing something extremely terrifying, her legs gave way and she fell to the ground, hugging her arms tightly.


She swallowed forcefully, her tear-stained face couldn't look at Romani squarely.

"...Don't underestimate the hatred of 80 million evil spirits!!"

She simply closed her eyes, bowed her head and shouted, the black wind poured out from around her again, lifting her up into the sky!

Such a behavior, subconsciously jumped and confronted Romani.

Then, she saw the contestants crowded into a pile in the town square, those from the unnamed community, and the new ruler Sandora who maintained order.

And her subordinates, La Ting and Weser, were tied back to back and guarded by a black-eyed girl with a perfect face.

"'re ashamed of the master."

La Ting said weakly, obviously tortured by life as hell.

Weser didn't speak, he didn't want to say anything now, and quietly closed his eyes, waiting for the opportunity to get out of trouble.

It may also be because of the dignified figure of a demon, the former cadre of the Demon King's Army, but now he is shirtless, and he is annoyed and silent when he is surrounded by a large crowd.

"You two, don't have any wrong thoughts, I will kill one of you at any time according to your mood."

Paimon smiled slightly, but his pure and lovely face made people feel creepy.

So even though countless contestants were overwhelmed by that stunning beauty, none of them dared to strike up a conversation.

But someone didn't like her, and wrapped Paimon's neck with his arms, leaned into her ear and poured out steam.

"Paimon! Turn me back into a man now!"

Naturally it was sixteen nights.

Huh? I think you are fine now, don't you?" Paimon glanced at her.

Sixteen nights wore the military uniform picked up from Weser to prevent her from being exposed, but the feeling of being wrapped in a large military uniform made her even more awkward.

"If you want to be retaliated against by me after you get smaller, go ahead.

There is a saying that the eyes that want to kill cannot be hidden.

Although she is now a super beauty on the same level as Leticia and Kurotu...but the opportunity to transform back into a man is just around the corner, and she still wants to change back.

Paimon spread his hands and showed a bad look: "Threats are useless. Didn't you think that your gift is the gift of crushing others, but you can't resist my secret technique?"

Shiliuye's heart skipped a beat, it's not that he didn't think about it, but...

"My old lady brushed you buffs, the kind that last forever, and now they are integrated with your soul. You should give it up."

Because it was "giving" rather than "attacking", it bypassed Izayoi's subconscious judgment range at that time. (Zhao is good)

Patting Izayoi's little face, Paimon smiled wickedly.


Although the master-slave relationship had to be established because of the development of the situation, they were still the first partners who were loyal to themselves until death.

Pest, who flew into the sky, prayed silently for them for a second.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already a desperate decision.

"The last power of the devil king, can you take it..."

Looking back at the flying Romani, Pest pointed to the boundless sky.

All the black wind left her perimeter, toward the sky.

As the black wind roared, it turned into a storm that swept across the skyline, running through the sea of ​​clouds like a torrent, smashing through the mist, and stretching to disperse.

Then, from top to bottom, blow violently on the whole town!

In this black wind, there was a strong smell of corruption, as if it was an ominous death.

—That is the grace that bestows the gift of death. .

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