Marvel's Strongest Magician

Five Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Shout At The Self-Deprecating

As a god, he takes death as a gift and bestows all life on earth.

This is Pest's trump card. Even Izayoi, in the case of a wrong judgment, will inevitably suffer disaster-but her body is immune to death, so in the original plot, Bi Liuye is like a normal person.

The sky is like a huge and endless wind hole, the black wind that brought death breathed out from the mouth of the sky, the atmosphere began to corrode, the birds fell one by one, and the passing mice died immediately after being blown on their fur.

Undoubtedly, if one is infected by the wind of death, no matter how powerful one is, it is no different from those low-level birds and beasts.

Izayoi and Asuka immediately commanded the contestants in the square to hide in the building area, but they still had no time to dodge. In order to protect their partners on the outermost layer, they had to use their bodies as shields to block the dead wind.

Almost all of them are the Salamanda community, as the sanitation assigned by the rulers of the northern district.

The class ruler Sandora's red hair was burning with anger, she bit her lips tightly, and grieved silently for the death of her companion, but was forcibly pulled away by her speechless brother Mandela.

"Hurry up! You bastards, hurry up! This gust of wind can't even protect you!" 330

Paimon swears without seeming to be invisible, and together with Izayoi, manually "helps" those contestants to hide behind the building—by lifting them up and throwing them, or simply kicking them into the corridor of Yanlou.

She took one last look at Latine and Weser who were tied to the clearing and left unattended.

Even if these two are demons, as "living creatures", there is no way to survive in the wind of death, but the two of them don't care at all, looking at the heroic figure of the demon king girl on the top of the dome, but showing calm and gratified eyes.

"Let's go!"

One second before the wind of death sweeping the dust and mousebird corpses came, Paimeng flew out like an arrow from the string, and in the vacillating eyes of Shiliuye, he threw La Ting and Weser onto the building. Inside the high platform of the building with the wall.

"Pimon!!" Sixteen nights couldn't help shouting, why did she choose to save the enemy?!

"Miss Paimon!", "Master Demon!"...Sandora and other members of the community were also extremely unbelievable, watching the girl with perfect appearance being swallowed by the black wind.

Under everyone's blurred vision, Nuli collapsed on the rough sand.

Overlooking the instigator of the whole situation, Demon King Pest naturally saw this scene. She wanted to bury the town together... But she never expected that as a subordinate who was discarded as a waste chess, the murdered person risked his life to save him!

Can't understand, can't empathize, but why the tears are worthless... The girl's lips trembled slightly, but there was never a way back for her.

"Die die die die die die!!!"

The intensity of the wind of death increased again, and she seemed to be burning life, pouring everything into the wind!

Romani was entwined by the wind of death, his radiance never faded, but the light could not block the surge of air flow like substance, so the wind of death blew on him without any hindrance, penetrating from the chest to the back.

But again, he didn't suffer any losses.

Because...he turned into light!

"Faith, it's grand—"

Romani's sacred voice reverberated throughout the world, and the brilliance in his body seemed to be unable to be contained anymore, and penetrated the skin.

One, two, thousand...

The sharp thorns of light like thorns just broke out of Romani's body, and with Romani's body as the source, countless infinite light thorns spread in a straight line towards the ten directions of the realm, shining brightly.

Pest's rose-colored eyes revealed horror. Romani's actions are tantamount to the torture of light she just received, the kind of power that puts every inch of her body and mind under the judgment of light and cannot tolerate impurities and distortions.. could it be possible to bear it!

But Romani's indifferent expression was stained with sanctity, and he exposed everything about himself, pure and flawless, transparent and clear. (cdbi)

His whole body turned into a ratchet of light, so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it, and so pure that it was hard to peep.

If you look at him with your eyes, the indescribable holiness will make people feel ashamed and deeply ashamed of their ugliness.

"But your reason for revenge is too ridiculous."

These ruthless words were more cruel than the light thorns of the trial, and they hit the girl's heart heavily. She became agitated without thinking about it, and defended the legitimacy of her right to revenge.

"How can you understand the death and resentment of 80 million human beings, the entanglement and suffering of 80 million kinds of pain? How can you understand the experience of human beings being destroyed by disasters 80 million times!"

The lightsaber in Romani's hand became more and more blazing, and the holy white light emanating from the body surface in a straight line suddenly scattered in the airspace in ten directions, rendering a myriad of iridescence beyond the limit captured by human visual cells.

These iridescences also dye the entire world into flowing and changing colors. The buildings and streets in the town, the rivers and hillsides in the wild, all mess up the original material colors.

The sky is colorful, the earth is colorful, life is colorful, and buildings are colorful.

The sky, the earth and the town of Hamel have completely become a magnificent world like a fairy tale.

The black wind that bestowed the grace of death was blocked by these rich colors, and even the original colors were diluted, so it could no longer erode this place.

Color, because of the light passing through!

"Disaster is nothing but a normal evolution of nature, and illness is also a part of the order. If you are not angry, you want to subvert its rules. Your stubborn belief is commendable."

The long sword of light also turned into a sword of infinite iridescence, pointing directly at Pest.

"But you blame the sun for all the disasters, and think that she is the original culprit of your pain. It is really impotent anger!"

Romani still had an emotionless tone, but in At the moment there was an inexplicable sense of arrogance and disdain, even contempt for barbarism.

A pair of colorful wings slowly unfolded from behind his shoulders. They were huge and slender. When they were fully opened, they would span a thousand meters in the air.

"If the sky is going to send a big flood, dig a canal to dredge the flow, cut down trees to build a boat, and fill the sea to build land!"

"If the land is about to roar with anger, unite as one, rescue the disaster, the king will lead the way, everyone will be extremely responsible, and rebuild the homeland!"

"If a disaster kills you, you will never accept your fate. You must fight, unite, fight, and win!"

"I can't even do this..... When encountering adversity, we cannot be united. When encountering danger, we become disorganized. Resent the sky, gods and Buddhas, and the sun...

With such a ridiculous reason, how dare you take revenge on White Yasha? Why don’t you hate Yahweh, for not offering humanity salvation!”

Every piece of feather is full of infinite colors, withered from his wings, one after another, and fell into the town of Hamel below.

After the last sentence was spoken, the changing colors on all the feathers stopped flowing, and a little bit of bright gold suddenly appeared. .

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