"Do you want to ask Su Bai for help?"

Reason tells Qin that the purpose of Su Bai's phoenix mark is to communicate with each other. Qin can clearly feel Su Bai's existence through this phoenix mark. Moreover, the Phoenix force in Su Bai's body had been surging violently before, but just now, it suddenly calmed down. Qin guessed in his mind that Su Bai might have won the battle.

The experience she had with Su Bai in her dream that day was deeply hidden in her heart. Moreover, after the two had such an experience, they had no basis for any relationship. They had never even met face to face in real life. ——Su Bai is the supreme god on the earth, but Qin is just a "little person" who stays at Mutant School. The two of them are not classless at all.

That's why Qin is hesitation. Subconsciously, not only does she have her own stubbornness, but she is also afraid of hearing Su Bai's rejection.

After taking a deep breath, Qin forcibly abandoned all distracting thoughts.

The fighter plane landed smoothly, and Mystique, who was sitting in the front, turned back and said: "Qin, check the surrounding situation.

In Xavier's School, Qin is the psychically capable person second only to Professor Covering the surroundings, I immediately noticed the situation around the Pyramids, and Professor X was already on the altar!

"No, we have to act as soon as possible. The professor is very dangerous! Apocalypse is performing a strange ritual. If he succeeds, he will gain the professor's Telepathy Ability and control all humans around the world!"

By sensing the thoughts of Angel, one of the four knights of Apocalypse, Qin quickly learned about the situation. However, like Nightcrawler and Cyclops, it was her first time to participate in such an important battle. She did not have much experience, and she still had to obey the orders of Beast and Mystique. ——Both of these two people participated in the first battle and played an important role in the battle between Mutant and Sentry. They have incomparable combat experience.

Mystique Raven took a look around the Pyramids. The four knights of Apocalypse were distributed in the four directions, southeast, northwest, and surrounded the Pyramids. Raven's eyes were always on Magneto.

Like Professor

After sorting out his thoughts, Mystique said: "Our first goal is to rescue Professor

After finishing his words, Mystique turned his attention to Nightcrawler again. Nightcrawler has a rare teleportation ability, which is perfect for breaking into the Pyramids: "Nightcrawler, you see the opportunity and take the opportunity to rescue Professor X!"

After the general combat intention was given, everyone nodded, the hatch of the fighter plane quickly opened, and the four knights of Apocalypse quickly discovered the X-Men who suddenly appeared.

The two sides quickly stood together. Cyclops, a guy who can spit out energy from his eyes, is on par with Storm among the Four Horsemen. Beast faced off against the spirit saucer, while Angel dutifully guarded the Pyramids. At the entrance, deal with Nightcrawler.

Only Magneto had been paddling. When he noticed Mystique's arrival, he took the lead and said, "Are you sure?" without waiting for Mystique to speak.

Mystique was stunned for a moment, and then a ray of joy emerged in her heart. Magneto really valued these old friends! What Mystique didn't know was that without Su Bai's power, it would have been a different scene.

Mystique nodded and said eagerly: "Definitely, we must rescue Professor X immediately!"

Magneto originally thought that he was waiting for reinforcements from the Star God Realm, but now that the X-Men have arrived, they are also a good helper. The chance of winning in his heart has increased by three levels, so he no longer hesitation, and his whole body condenses powerful energy. What remains in the ruins is Iron objects all floated out of thin air and hit the Pyramids of Apocalypse!

Loud noises were made continuously, and the entire battlefield was stunned. The four knights of Apocalypse could have been delayed for a long time, but because of the return of King Ajaa, the most fatal gap was exposed!

The entire Pyramids spire was destroyed, and Apocalypse's altar was exposed to the clouds, but it was supported by a large purple protective layer. Apocalypse, who had his eyes closed and was devouring, suddenly floated up out of thin air, and his eyes Purple light emitted from the center: "Do you think I will make the stupid mistake I made more than three thousand years ago again?"

When the ceremony was performed again this time, Apocalypse not only set up a defensive barrier, but was also willing to slow down the speed of devouring it, and was in a semi-sleeping state, fully aware of what was happening in the outside world.

Apocalypse looked at Magneto and said solemnly: "You actually betrayed me!"

"I just don't want to betray them!"

Magneto roared, and the energy magnetic field released by his hands condensed into two long snakes. Countless objects were smashed towards Apocalypse under Magneto's control.

But to no avail!

All attacks were shattered into pieces after touching Apocalypse's protective barrier. On the energy level, Apocalypse had the upper hand!

At the moment, Qin's warning passed through Magneto's mind: "The professor must be rescued immediately, he can't hold on any longer!"

It turns out that while Apocalypse was defending against Magneto's attack, it did not stop devouring Professor X. In Professor Without the power to fight back, even if he grits his teeth and holds on, he won't be able to hold on for long. When Professor X's will breaks down, Apocalypse will succeed!

Magneto's forehead was covered with sweat. Looking at the other X-Men, they were no match for the Apocalypse Knights. With the power of Apocalypse, newcomers like Cyclops and Nightcrawler were defeated!

Time waits for no one, the X-Men have tried their best, but with a sense of powerlessness, even Magneto has to admit that they are no match for Weimiao at all!

Qin, who had been using this Telepathy Ability to connect with his teammates, gritted his teeth and forcibly penetrated Professor Swing, forcefully blast Professor X to the ground!


Qin's chest rose and fell violently. At this moment, she suddenly stopped hesitation, and all her mental energy poured into the Phoenix mark on her forehead!

A phoenix cry spread throughout the battlefield, and everything seemed to have stopped. The powerful majesty covered the entire planet. Even Apocalypse looked at the sky in surprise.

Qin made her choice. This time, she did not release the Phoenix force, but chose to believe in Su Bai. Su Bai did not let him down.

A hole seemed to be opened in the gray sky, and a man wearing dark golden armor descended into this space, it was Su Bai. .

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