Marvel's Strongest Saint

252. Flash Kill (3/5)

Su Bai's sudden appearance shocked the entire battlefield. The violent energy impact stopped at the same time, and both the Apocalypse Knights, X-Men, and even the Apocalypse original focused their attention on Su Bai.

"Su Bai!"

Storm and the Spiritual Disk, among the four knights of Apocalypse, were stunned for a moment. According to what Apocalypse said, Su Bai and the Star God Realm should be in the middle of a war with the hell dimension and would never have time to participate in this war. It is precisely because of this that Apocalypse's plan has the possibility of success, and they are willing to become the four horsemen of Apocalypse.

But now that Su Bai has indeed appeared in front of us, the situation is completely different! Will Apocalypse really be Su Bai's opponent? The spirit disk and Storm explained that they stopped gathering energy.

They no longer wanted to fight the X-Men. Anyway, they were not sincere in the first place. The reason was that Su Bai's power was so powerful that the moment Su Bai appeared, their beliefs were shaken. They were originally in a He had the upper hand and was unwilling to continue fighting.

Magneto, Qin, and the other X-Men all secretly breathed a sigh of relief the moment Su Bai appeared. Magneto quietly wiped the sweat from his forehead. He had tried his best just now, but he didn't expect Apocalypse to be prepared for it. With Magneto's current ability, he couldn't even break through Apocalypse's protective barrier. If Su Bai hadn't suddenly appeared , Magneto can already imagine the next consequences,

Qin was also secretly happy in her heart. She was still afraid of the Phoenix force in her heart. Now that Su Bai was on the stage, she no longer needed to be forced into a desperate situation and forcibly integrate with the Phoenix force in her heart.

Just seeing Su Bai, I felt a sense of security in my heart.

Because of Su Bai's sudden appearance, the only one who felt unhappy was Apocalypse.

Apocalypse's eyes widened and he was stunned for several seconds. He was unwilling to believe the cruel reality before him. He couldn't help shouting in his heart: "How is it possible? How could Su Bai appear here! Could it be that Dormammu and the lords of the hell dimension Even if they join forces, they are no match for Su Bai? This is absolutely false!"

Apocalypse must have heard about the power of the Hell Lords. You must know the final destination of the creatures in the universe where the Hell dimension begins, and control the land of death! What's more, the ruler of Hell like Mephisto personally takes action.

Apocalypse did not even have the slightest suspicion. In his opinion, Su Bai had no chance at all in front of the hell lords, especially Mephisto!

But the cold reality is that Su Bai suddenly appeared on the earth and in front of him. The violent aura conveyed by the dark golden armor was like a Mephista. The suffocating energy fluctuations made Apocalypse feel terrified!

Apocalypse still couldn't suppress the surprise in her heart and shouted: "How is it possible, Su Bai, how could you appear here? How could Dormammu and the hell lords not stop you!?"

Su Bai looked calm. For him, Apocalypse had been sentenced to death from the moment Apocalypse actually took action. When Qin activated the Phoenix Mark, Su Bai happened to be in the battlefield of Merlin and sensed the situation on the earth at the same time.

Originally, Su Bai wanted to explore the battle between Dormammu and Ancient One. According to Su Bai's own understanding, Ancient One, after entering a new realm, should be able to push Dormammu back quickly, but there has been no clear winner. However, there was no trace of it, which made Su Bai feel a little confused.

Moreover, during the battle between Su Bai and Mephisto, Dormammu's army from the dark dimension also launched an attack on the Star God Realm. However, reinforcements from the Nova Legion and the Marauder Team arrived immediately, so there should not be a big problem.

Therefore, Su Bai teleported to the earth and responded to Qin's call.

For Su Bai, the earth is like a back garden. Beings like X-Men and superheroes want to play in Su Bai's garden. It's not impossible, but if they turn over the lawn, The situation is unforgivable.

Obviously, Apocalypse belongs to the latter, wishful thinking, and wants to overthrow Su Bai's theocratic supremacy on the earth.


Su Bai muttered lightly, and a dark golden energy appeared on his left hand. This dark golden energy did not manifest itself in any moves, but it was the purest energy attack. It contained various The Power of Rules and turned into a wisp. The thin thread was stabbed directly onto Apocalypse's forehead!

Su Bai's attack was too harsh because it was so fast!

Apocalypse even kept his eyes wide open. Without reacting at all, he felt an irresistible force pouring into his body instantly, destroying everything in him, even his soul, disintegrating at an extremely fast speed!

0…Please give me flowers…

The energy shield he constructed was ineffective! The power of Apocalypse flowing on his body was ineffective! Even the powerful soul he was proud of was torn apart by contempt!

In Apocalypse's last consciousness, he finally believed that the Su Bai in front of him was the real Su Bai, and finally saw how powerful Su Bai was! It was beyond imagination, even beyond Apocalypse's knowledge!

Could it be that all the lords in the hell dimension were defeated by Su?

How much Apocalypse wanted to know the exact answer, but unfortunately there was no chance. Under Su Bai's attack, everything about him was dissipating at an extremely fast speed, disappearing into thin air almost in the blink of an eye. It's like it's been erased.

The entire battlefield was shocked again. No one could react and froze on the spot, completely unable to believe what was happening in front of them!

What happened? Apocalypse, who was so powerful before, was wiped out by Su Bai in just a moment without any ability to resist it?

Magneto and the X-Men have not imagined how powerful Su Bai is. They definitely believe that the God King Su Bai is more powerful than the unknown Apocalypse, but in their hearts, Apocalypse and Su Bai are still somewhat comparable. , at least at 82, he wouldn't be killed by Su Bai in an instant like he is now!

They worked desperately, almost to the point of despair, but there was no big BOSS that they could defeat, so they were solved by Su Bai so casually? The strong cognitive gap left them in a state of shock for a long time.

Mystique opened her mouth even more. Her impression of Su Bai reached a new level, and she didn't close it for a long time. Most of them, including the spirit disk, Storm, and Magneto, were just like her, and they still couldn't come back to their senses.

Even Qin, who had activated the Phoenix Mark, was like this. There was a strange color in Su Bai's eyes. The Phoenix forces are attracted to each other, not to mention the two Phoenix forces that are originally from the same source. Only now does Qin have a real understanding of Su Bai: the only god on earth, the Lord of the Stars, the owner of the Phoenix force , the supreme powerful existence, Su Baiding. .

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