Su Bai finally understood, because the Supreme Magician Ancient One had saved the earth many times, and the Magician Association regarded the earth as their property with peace of mind.

This is their home, and it can only have ordinary humans who are as weak as ants. Whenever powerful creatures appear, they must be monitored so that they can feel at ease.

Su Bai couldn't accept this concept.

Merlin did not expect Su Bai's reaction to be so quick and direct, and hurriedly said: "Su Bai, it's not what you think. The Magician Association will indeed monitor those powerful individuals, but not anytime and anywhere, and they will not have any malicious intentions. .”

"As for Ares, let me see, he has been on our danger list for a long time. It is indeed the magicians' dereliction of duty to let him come and go in London at will."

Su Bai sneered in his heart and said expressionlessly: "If I feel that magician following me, I will definitely make him lose his job."

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door, and the argument was interrupted. A magician with a cold face came in and said respectfully: "Kaecilius."

"Kaecilius? Is this the kid?"

Upon hearing this name, Su Bai's impression of the holy place in London diminished rapidly. Kaecilius once appeared in "Doctor Strange" and was one of Doctor Strange's mortal enemies.

He was gifted with extraordinary abilities and initially studied under the Ancient One. In order to pursue more powerful power, he sold his soul to the powerful Mephista Dormammu in the universe.

And his most glorious achievement was to use conspiracy to kill his mentor, Ancient One.

"No wonder, he and Ares are colluding together."

After Kaecilius came in, he had a calm expression on his face, but in fact, his heart was already filled with excitement: "This old man Merlin hasn't returned to Earth for twenty years, how could he suddenly appear at this time?!"

With this important status as the beloved disciple of the Ancient One, Kaecilius can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people in the holy place in London. The only person in front of him was Merlin.

Even the Ancient One respected Merlin very much, and repeatedly praised Merlin as the pinnacle of the magic system. However, in Kaecilius's impression, Merlin was not very powerful, but only had some attainments in space magic.

Merlin often traveled among the stars and had not returned to Holy Place in London for twenty years. Therefore, Kaecilius secretly controlled part of Holy Place's power.

Kaecilius felt Su Bai's eyes and knew that it would be difficult to please today, but he was also mentally prepared.

Merlin's expression was still gentle and he said: "Kaecilius, I summoned you today to inquire about matters related to the mirror space. Apart from me, you are the only one in the whole London holy place who can use the magic weapon to cast the mirror space. Please tell me the reason. "

Kaecilius bowed, first focusing on Su Bai and Diana, with a sad and angry expression, and then began to explain slowly, "Early this morning, I felt a powerful strange force throughout London. spread."

"Following the teachings of my mentor and the brilliance of holy place, I immediately locked onto this strange force and discovered that it was coming from this Asian with evil intentions."

Kaecilius's voice became passionate. He had already put himself in the position of a victim and said angrily: "I have been observing secretly, and sure enough, this Asian of unknown origin actually wants to be in the center of London. Start a fight."

"In order to prevent London from being destroyed, I set up the mirror space in advance. Unexpectedly, this Asian man's evil power almost caused the mirror space to collapse! If you, Merlin Magician, hadn't appeared, I'm afraid the entire London would have been destroyed."

After saying that, Kaecilius coughed twice and coughed up a mouthful of blood to show how seriously he was injured!

After such a performance, not only was Kaecilius not at fault, but he was rewarded with the holy place. He mastered the ability to confuse right and wrong with great proficiency.

Su Bai snorted disdainfully, not knowing where Kaecilius came from so many dramas. He said in a leisurely manner: "What about Ares? Explain Ares's problem. Without the protection of the holy place in London, As well as your mirror space, I’m afraid Ares wouldn’t dare to take action in London, right?”

Merlin looked at Kaecilius as well, wanting an explanation.

Kaecilius' thoughts changed quickly and he spoke slowly: "As a person on the danger list, it is indeed my fault for Ares to appear in London. As a local god, he has many ways to escape from the holy place."

"And the reason why Ares appears is because of these two characters with unknown origins."

Kaecilius pointed all his fingers at Su Bai, a holy place in London, and he was also a disciple of the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

Who will the magician from holy place believe?

There is no doubt that it is him!

However, Kaecilius felt a little uneasy because he couldn't see any anxious expressions on the faces of Su Bai and Diana, "Why is there a sense of uneasiness?"

Su Bai chuckled lightly, and after Kaecilius finished speaking, he said with great interest, "You two, I happen to have a magic item called the mantra lasso. Anyone who is bound by the mantra lasso can only Tell the truth."

"I wonder if such a righteous Kaecilius is interested in giving it a try!"

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