Mantra noose?

Is there really such a thing? !

Casillas paused for a moment. His first reaction was that it was impossible. Such a thing could not exist.

But as a magician, he knows that there are many wonders in this universe, and a magic item that can make people tell only the truth is not so unacceptable!

But if you take it out at this time, it will completely pop the balloon of his lies!

Kaecilius was confused and extremely resistant!

Diana, who was beside Su Bai, had long wanted to take out the truth noose and put it on Kaecilius so that he could tell the truth: he was in cahoots with Ares.

Diana held the glittering mantra lasso in her hand. Kaecilius's expression did not change, but beads of sweat appeared on his palms.

At this time, Merlin stared at Kaecilius with a hateful expression and said: "Although Ares is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, as early as the establishment of the Magician Association, the cold and bloodthirsty Ares Si was defined as an evil god and someone who must be guarded against! All of this is recorded in the classics!"

"Ares quietly infiltrated London. Kaecilius, this was a remiss on your part."

Merlin looked at Su Bai and Diana again, and said in an unbelievable tone: "Besides, Kaecilius, you have been in London for nearly twenty years, haven't you learned even the most basic gentlemanly etiquette?"

"This is Su Bai, this is Ms. Diana!"

Merlin sighed and shook his head secretly. Kaecilius' ability is indeed excellent, and even the Ancient One was amazed by it and took him under his tutelage.

But thinking about handing over London's holy place to Kaecilius in the future, Merlin thought for the first time that this was a mistake: Kaecilius is too arrogant and too paranoid!

In recent years, there have been quite a few strong big shots like Su Bai who became hostile to the Magician Association after learning about it.

Who would want to be constrained after having powerful abilities?

But without restraint, there will be no rules, and the whole world will fall into chaos.

This is a thankless job and can easily attract hatred. If Kaecilius continues to lead the magicians of holy place, the relationship between magicians and other beings will deteriorate more quickly.

After all, Merlin valued the character of a magician more than the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

"What are you still hesitating about? Are you so unwilling to prove your innocence? Is it that difficult?"

Merlin's tone finally became stern. Even though he was good-tempered, he couldn't help but feel a little angry at this moment. Because of Kaecilius's hesitation, Merlin had already guessed the truth of some facts.

The focus of the dispute is no longer about the mirror space.

"It's true as Su Bai said, Kaecilius, you and Ares colluded together, inside and outside, to murder two warriors in London! Casillas, you should know the consequences of doing so!"

Merlin exuded a wave of magic power, and the whole holy place in London trembled. The air in the room was almost solid. Kaecilius was already praying in his heart that his master, the Ancient One, could come to help him.

But the Ancient One didn't come, and the mantra noose still glowed with golden light.

Now, Kaecilius can only take a gamble!

There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that there is no such thing as a mantra noose. It was completely made up by Su Bai. With the mantra noose wrapped around him, Kaecilius can still weave his lies and win this confrontation. .

The second possibility is that the mantra noose is real, and all the dark secrets hidden in his heart may be unearthed!

Constantly weighing in his mind, beads of sweat appeared on Kaecilius's forehead. His eyes were slightly red. He gritted his teeth and finally spoke: "Ares bribed me!"

Under the pressure of Su Bai and Merlin, Kaecilius chose to tell part of the truth. He was already afraid!

"Ares proposed to use ten tons of magic crystals in exchange for his right to live in London! Supreme Magic Vishanti, Ares made a promise at that time that he would never use his evil power!"

Kaecilius was still trying to save something, but anger was already showing in Merlin's eyes: "So, you allow a god of war to operate in the most important city in the current human world? How proud will he be, and how many troubles will he provoke? War and strife!”

Su Bai then said: "In fact, the entire world has been plunged into war, and nearly 100 million people have been affected. Ares has already succeeded more than half of it!"

Merlin closed his eyes tightly, and everyone could see that he was suppressing the anger in his heart, "And Kaecilius, you also colluded with Ares in an attempt to murder two warriors who wanted to end the war!"

"Kaecilius, your ability is so enviable. No one among billions of people can match you! But you make mistakes step by step, and even go to the abyss of sin!"

The staff floating beside Merlin emitted blue light, and his voice passed through the layers of barriers and spread throughout the Holy Place in London, "Kaecilius colluded with Ares, the god of war, and violated the thirteen resolutions of the Magician Association. I, Merlin, the chief magician of the Holy Place in London, will personally punish Kaecilius and issue an edict to the gods as a warning!"

(Vishanti is the source of white magician magic.)

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