Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 260 She Is Really A Woman Who Knows How To Manage A House!

Nick Fury is such an old fritter, if you don’t reject it decisively, you can definitely talk about it until tomorrow morning!

Looking at Winter Soldier who was kneeling on the ground and still struggling, Xu Dan moved his right foot.

Just when Winter Soldier thought Xu Dan was going to let him go, he was struck by a hand knife and passed out.

Throwing Winter Soldier on the roof of the S.H.I.E.L.D building, Xu Dan leisurely jumped off the building.

After the human expansion war, a lot of time was delayed.

The operation of the virtual game has also been postponed. The next virtual online game "Interstellar" is much richer than the previous version of "Jedi".

Many people thought that the virtual second generation of Antarctic Games would be an online game with fantasy and magic themes, but they didn't expect that "Interstellar" would come out halfway.

In terms of classification, this game can be either a science fiction or a lord's "477" construction.

After all, everyone only had one base vehicle at the beginning, so to be a bare commander... Oh, by the way, a certain dark elf didn't have a base vehicle yet.

Starting from a base vehicle, develop various constructions, build barracks, build power generation and compete for territory, etc.

Players who have played the Antarctic game's "preheating" work "StarCraft" basically understand this kind of gameplay, and even, because "StarCraft" hung their appetites, it also led to a large number of "StarCraft" players returning, causing a temporary 'Interstellar craze', and it's not just about games!

Due to the fact that aliens have invaded the world, everyone has a strong desire to explore aliens and the universe. This theme originally has extremely high popularity, not to mention that this is a virtual online game released by Antarctic Games!

The game warehouse has not been officially launched yet, and the pre-sale alone has reached an astonishing 700 billion USD!

This number is already breaking through the maximum number of players in Antarctic game statistics!

"According to this momentum, don't people all over the world dare to do anything and just play games!"

"Aren't you happy about it, Dan!"

"Hey, that can't be said like that, although I really hope the whole world can play my game, but this is a bit too much!"

"Hey, your self-satisfied look is really intoxicating!"

Saying that, Liwa bent down.


"Would you like to visit Jotonheim?"

"emmm, I'm a little afraid of the cold!"

"Then let's go to another hot place?"

"Where are you going?"

"Fire World Mus Bellheim!"

As the space was opened by one hand like the surface of a lake, the figures of Xu Dan and Liwa appeared in this world of flames.

The heat in Moose Bellheim is quite different from the heat on Earth.

As long as the heat on the earth is due to the scorching sun in summer, and as the temperature has gradually increased in recent years, girls are basically afraid to go out in broad daylight.

And here in Moose Bellheim, the heat comes mainly from underfoot!

Looking up, this place is like a hell of flames.

Liwa is a mutant, when she felt the extremely hot temperature, she immediately used her super ability to project a set of ice blue shorts for herself.

"It's so hot!"

Xu Dan smiled slightly, waved his hand and cast ice magic. For a magician of all schools, ice magic doesn't have to be a large-scale ice blast, but can also be used for practical purposes.

For example, create a cooling zone in this hot world.

This kind of magic is more difficult than making water in the desert, but for him, it is a little more troublesome.

"This is still the normal temperature, wait a while, it will get hotter!"

Looking at Liwa, who is dripping with sweat, is still very pleasing to the eye.

"Why is it getting hotter all of a sudden?"

Xu Dan smiled without answering, in his perception the terrifying Li Huang was approaching quickly.

This flame world looks even scarier than Jotonheim, and from a general scientific point of view, it is not suitable for living things.

It's a pity that there are already multiple races co-existing in Jotonheim, and this Mus Bellheim will naturally not lack creatures.

The flame titan is the native here, and Sirte is even known as the ruler here!

However, after the Eternal Fire was taken away by Odin, the flame titan is no longer a role. But here, in addition to Sirte, there is another creature with powerful fighting power, the fire dragon over there!

It looks just like the Purgatory Lesser Dragon in "League of Legends", with a huge body and a lotus body wrapped in flames...


"Let me see which murderous person broke into my territory again?!"

Before the person arrived, the arrogant voice came out first.

Immediately afterwards, the titan seemed to jump out of the magma!

"This, this is?" Liwa was startled and frightened, and quickly shrank into Xu Dan's arms. After all, it was the first time she left the earth, and it was inevitable to be afraid when seeing such a monster.

Xu Dan reached out and patted Liva's shoulder lightly, saying: "This is the flame titan Sirte, last time I came here, I was attacked by him!"

"So it's you, you stupid earthling!" Sirte also recognized Xu Dan, "I said before, I don't need your iron lump here, you better get out of here!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Sirte?"

The last time, it was just that he didn't want to bother with this flame-breaking titan, and time was running out to build a signal base station, so the last time he saw Sirte coming, he just threw a magic at random, blocked him for a while, and then withdrew.

If he really wanted to fight at that time, then the Sirte who appeared now might not have this arrogant posture, and I am afraid that he would not even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy!

Because he was once an outsider, it is clear where Sirte's weakness is!

Even though his physical toughness far exceeds that of Thor Thor, once his weakness is targeted, he may not even be as good as Lady Loki!

"I'm going to roast you and eat 2.7 this time!"

Roaring, Sirte rushed towards Xu and Dan with teeth and claws.

Unfortunately, a square wall appeared out of thin air and blocked the two, and Sirte, who was rushing, couldn't react in time, "Ten heads hit the wall, looking extremely embarrassed!

This square wall is exactly what Liva projected using her super-ability. Her super-ability is 'modelling'. At the beginning, she could only help Xu Dan make a game model on the computer. With the changes in her position and the changes in the world, she has more time and thought to develop her super abilities.

Now, it can be used in daily and actual combat!

This Ability alone can save Xu Dan almost 100 yuan in condom money in one day!

She is really a woman who knows how to manage the house! .

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