Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 261 Of The Ten Fire Abilities, Nine Are Violent.

Sirte, who was almost face-shifted by the bump, shook his head, and rushed towards Xu Dan unconvinced.

"I'm convinced too, there are still weirdos in this world who want to be trained in the military!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Dan went up to meet him head-on.

Perhaps other people are afraid of Sirte's molten body temperature, but Xu Dan is not afraid at all.

Not to mention the current Sirte, even the Sirte under the blessing of the Eternal Fire, the temperature is not too high!

In many people's minds, flame titan and flame titan, since they both have this name, shouldn't flame be the main Ability?

In fact, otherwise, the fire of the flame titan Sirte is simply invisible to the eye!

Xu Dan has heard too many stories about using fire as power. In his impression, those real fire powers, if they get close enough, the temperature around their body can distort the space. If they fall into the ocean, they will even die Let sea water evaporate!

But Sirte's fire, at best, can be regarded as strong heat, which is 29 times stronger than conventional flames!

He can be considered one of the protagonists in 'Ragnarök' mainly because of his strength and energy!

He can manipulate cosmic energy and transform it into various super abilities, such as flames, Shockwave and the like.

So, these people now have a clanging name, but they are becoming more and more unprofessional!

Xu Dan didn't use his fists to meet Sirte, after all, in terms of body size, Sirte still has the advantage, but his fists are relatively small, and if he hits hard, he might sink into it!

So, after accumulating enough impact force, he turned around and kicked Sirte's head with his feet!

He is not the kind of person who is good at speed, but compared with the flame titan Sirte at the moment, he is like the speed ability man with extremely flexible movements and extremely agile body!

With this kick, Sirte had no way to defend himself, causing his neck to bend back at ninety degrees with his body, and then fell to the ground like a wolf!


That hill-like body sparked sparks on the ground of Moos Bellheim.

"Impossible! Stupid human being, do you know who I am!" Sirte stood up unconvinced.

"Definitely know, aren't you the one in charge of this bunch of places?"

"Damn! Even Odin is no match for me, you earthlings dare to kick my head!"

"You can brag!"

Perhaps in some unofficial history, Sirte who once owned the Eternal Fire was stronger than Odin, or some people only took the Eternal Fire from Odin, but did not kill Sirte, thinking that Odin could not kill Sirte.

But in fact, everyone is a realist. Just look at who is sitting on the throne of the Lord of the Nine Realms and who is hiding in his own one-acre three-point land, and you can get the correct answer!


Of the ten fire abilities, five are violent.

Sirte couldn't stand Xu Dan's ridicule, he was so angry that he was going to explode every minute. Swinging his flaming sword, he rushed towards Xu Dan one at a time.

This time he raised his guard, if Xu Dan dared to kick him again, then he would reach out and grab the human's feet, let him experience what anger is!

It's a pity that this big man's movements are too obvious, and he doesn't need to predict the battle. Just from those eyes, he can tell what he wants to do.

"Sorry, I may not give you a chance this time!"

After saying that, Xu Dan stood firmly on the spot, surrounded by magic light!

Although he is not a professional magician, at least he is a man who knows all kinds of magic. If you want to talk about the magician's battle, there are so many twists and turns, and the magic bombing is over!

Flame titan Sirte has two weaknesses. The first is that it is naturally restrained by water and ice elements. As long as the principle of water defeating fire is still in the normal universe, it will always work! Second, Sirte's magic resistance is too low!

As mentioned above, although he is called the flame titan, his main ability is not flame, but strength. He is a warrior with a shell of fire element! The weakness of low magic resistance, no matter how you look at it, seems to be completely restrained by Xu Dan. !

With the radiance of the magic power, the surrounding air suddenly became violent, with gusts of wind like sharp knives.

And in this hurricane, there are Ice shards mixed in!

Each piece of Ice debris has a length of 90 centimeters, like a javelin made of Ice!

Taking Xu Dan as the center, when Sirte stepped into this field, he suddenly realized something was wrong!

The drop in temperature is quite sensitive to his flame titan who lives in an extremely hot environment all year round!

This cold wind is to Sirte what fire is to frost titan!

Definitely, Frost titan is no match for Sirte with Ropi.

If there is a big battle between the flame titan and the frost titan, it will not be water defeating fire, it will be flame melting Ice!

But now, Xu Dan is not a Frost Titan, but a magic master who is ten or a hundred times more terrifying than a Frost Titan!

The magic of wind and water can be combined in a certain environment, so as to achieve the effect of ice magic!

And Xu Dan is proficient in all kinds of magic, originally933 can use ice magic, plus the field artificially created by using wind and water, which makes the surrounding flame world cool down extremely quickly, then, the remaining ice magic, For the flame titan, it is extremely deadly!

"No! Impossible! People on Earth shouldn't be like this!" Sirte screamed in horror.

The moment he stepped into Xu Dan's magic field, his anger was instantly extinguished into a puff of smoke, followed by bouts of heart palpitations, and then the bouts of heart palpitations gradually evolved into fear and fear !

It was the first time that he was afraid of such a weak human being!

In the past, he always thought that in this world, only the line of the Aesir protoss Odin could pose a certain degree of threat to him, but he never expected that he would eventually meet such a 'monster'!

Why do humans use such powerful magic!

This is Moose Bellheim, the world of fire!

Is the place where the fire reigns!

But such a stupid earthling, but with magic, transformed this world of flames into a domain of frost!

He is the kind of human who can change the sky!

"Why can humans be so..."

Before Sirte finished speaking, that molten body was gradually covered with a thick layer of Ice!

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