Holm substituted the brain of the toxin,

thought about it according to its level of brain circuitry, and suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with the toxin just now.

Strictly speaking, it is really strange that he said too vaguely, only to make a little noise, but did not give a specific standard.

Thinking of this, Holm also calmed down, and realized that he seemed to have some grievances and toxins, so he opened his mouth to comfort: "Don't button chocolate, don't button chocolate, I'm joking with you, don't be angry, it's really my fault."

"Well, how about I reward you with a piece of chocolate?"

Toxin did not answer.

Holm thought for a moment and continued to speak: "Those two pieces?

Toxin still didn't answer.

"It's quite greedy, three pieces, the last price, just three pieces, don't want it and it's gone."

"Yes." Toxin replied one by one.

Calming the aggrieved toxin, Holm also sighed in his heart.

To be honest, he felt like he had raised an erha, obviously angry to death, but he still had to comfort it.

By this time, Holm had already grabbed Gwen by the wrist and ran out of the library.

Leaving the irritating and embarrassing gaze in the museum, Holm gradually regained his composure and calmness.

Harm, no one knows him anyway, shame on people, wait until tomorrow he comes to the library, who can know that he lost someone here today.

Now that the pace of society is so fast, everyone is busy with their own affairs, how can they pay attention to others.

Although Holm had regained his calm, Gwen next to him was different, Gwen still holding the relief in the doorway of the library, laughing breathlessly, and even crouched down and laughed tears.

"Hug... Sorry, poof! I don't know why I just can't stop, hahaha, I'm really sorry hahaha, my stomach hurts.

Gwen laughed and took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions.

"Okay, I'm not smiling." Gwen took a deep breath and pursed her lips, trying to control her muscles.

Looking at her appearance, Holm also shook his head helplessly and said: "Okay, don't laugh, we are both almost embarrassed."

"Now hurry up and eat, I'm hungry."

"Poof! Good! Hey, hey, hey! Ahem... Ahem, good. Gwen pressed the corners of her mouth, covered her mouth, and tried to behave as normal as possible, to be honest, she also felt that her current appearance was really too presumptuous, but she couldn't control it.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since she laughed so happily, and her stomach hurt when she really laughed, and even the muscles in her lower abdomen cramped.

Seeing her irrepressible appearance, Holm couldn't help but be infected by laughter, and the corners of his mouth turned up a little.

After a while, anyone who passed by the door of the New York Public Library would see two young people, a man and a woman, laughing loudly in front of the library.

Laughing against the wall, laughing and squatting on the ground, passers-by will also show strange expressions when they hear their smiles, as if wondering if there is something wrong with these two people, or is the sun just setting and hi?

The laughter, which could not be stopped because of the belly growl, finally stopped, because after laughing for a while, Gwen's stomach began to growl again, which embarrassed her and finally controlled her emotions.

Looking at my parents' expression that it was finally my turn to laugh at you, Gwen also pulled the corners of her mouth, and quickly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have laughed just now, now I control it, and I will never laugh again."

"Let's go eat, it's a bit embarrassing to stand here, in order to express my apologies just now, I'll cover the cost of dinner later."

Holm had wanted to take the opportunity to laugh at Gwen again, after all, she had laughed too much just now.

But when he heard Gwen say that he had dinner included, he nodded very colorfully, his eyes lit up, and he looked like he had seized some rare opportunity.

"That's what you said, don't cry if you don't have enough money for a while." Home's current amount of food is not covered, after all, his current physique is not an ordinary person, and he needs a lot of energy to prepare for emergencies.

Even if he eats more now, he doesn't have to be afraid of gaining weight, because the toxin will perfectly turn all the food he eats into pure energy.

Home's dryness made Gwen also worry about whether her wallet would not be enough, but she was relieved to think that ordinary people's meals were far less large than hers.

And she usually doesn't spend much money, pocket money and the money she earns from occasional part-time jobs are also saved, even if it is two of her eating together, her wallet can hold up, what is a meal between her and Home.

Thirty minutes later, at a table on the street side of a pizzeria, Gwen chewed on the pizza in her hand, looking at Holm in disbelief, who seemed to have the same amount of food as herself.

She admitted that her idea might have gone wrong, and the amount of food that this guy Holm had eaten was amazing.

"Purr! Snore! Holm ate pizza and sipped cold Pepsi and felt only a pang of comfort.

Two people eating seems to be more fragrant than eating alone, and he didn't eat as much at noon.

Seeing Gwen staring at himself thoughtfully, Holm also took a sip of Coke and laughed: "Why did you stay?" I didn't expect my rice to be so large?

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's too late to regret now."

Hearing Home's words, Gwen also took a bite of the pizza in his hand, and then said incoherently while chewing: "I don't... Will regret it... That's about the same amount of food as mine.

"Then compare with one, if you win this meal, you will pay for it, if I win then this time I will pay it." Holm squinted and smiled.

Gwen also took a sip of Coke when he heard this, swallowed the pizza in his mouth, raised his eyebrows and said: "Whoever is afraid of whom, come!"

"Just now we ate about the same, so start counting from now on."

Holm also smiled when he heard this, and said confidently: "No problem, you definitely can't win me, I am the most edible in our street."

"Coincidentally, I am also the most edible in our community, and boys are not as good as me." Gwen showed no flinch, and said-for-tat to Home.

Thus, the first Stomach Cup Big Stomach King competition began, and Gwen and Holm were not to be outdone, stuffing pizza into their mouths and drinking Coke.

The two of them fought equally, and the scene was once very spectacular, attracting everyone else in the shop to watch, even the owner of the pizzeria wearing an apron and standing by with interest to cheer Gwen.

As for why not give Holm gas, there are so many whys in the LSP thing, I understand everything.

After a 10-minute tug-of-war, it was Holm who won the game by half a pizza and got the right to pay the bills.

In order to thank them for their support and express their love, the pizzeria owner generously gave Homem an 8.5% discount on the bill, and then gave Gwen an annual pass that could be discounted by 7%.

Home looked at the bill in his hand, and then looked at the discount card in Gwen's hand, and immediately understood that this was the bald old man who was the pizza shop owner.

It's such a complete LSP, I don't even want to do a little symbolic cover-up, it's just a fight with some handsome readers.

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