After eating,

Holm and Gwen also walked back to the library, chatting about the day and eating on the way.

Looking at the late sky, Holm also planned to drive Gwen home, and then he returned to the bar.

"It's okay, I can go back by myself." Watching Holm drive the car in front of her, Gwen also waved his hand and said subconsciously.

Seeing this, Holm also shook his head and said: "No, it's already night, with this level of security in New York, it's very dangerous to walk alone on the street at night." "

Just kidding, how could he possibly let Gwen go home by himself? Although he already knew that the other party was Spider-Woman, Gwen didn't know.

Gwen just subconsciously refused, if he really stepped on the accelerator and slipped directly, then when he slowed down later, wouldn't it be all flawed.

And as a well-educated college student of the Big Food Empire, it is also a normal thing to send friends home when there is nothing and other things, after all, speaking civility and understanding politeness are his basic qualities.

Gwen just finished speaking, and he also reacted that he should not just subconsciously refuse, after all, in his opinion, he did not expose his identity as Spider-Woman, and was just an ordinary college student.

As far as the current level of social security is concerned, it is indeed quite dangerous for an ordinary college student to go home at night and walk at night, regardless of gender, women may be more dangerous.

After reacting and hearing Home's insistence, Gwen did not refuse again, but opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Then it's bothering you." Gwen laughed as she fastened her seat belt.

"Nothing, it's my honor to send Ms. Stacey home." Holm winked and smiled, then reached out and turned on the stereo, allowing the brisk music to echo in the car, serving as a pad for their chat.

Passing through the light and shadow of street lamps on the road, listening to the light melodies in her ears and the occasional cold joke of Holm, Gwen only felt that she was more relaxed and happy than ever at this moment.

I thought it would be nice if time could stay in this moment for a little longer.

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Home's car drove into a relatively upscale-looking neighborhood, and with Gwen's guidance, he parked steadily in front of the lawn of one of the houses.

From the slightly cluttered lawn, you can probably see that the family's usual life and work are somewhat busy.

Today, Gwen sometimes talks about his father when chatting, but never mentions his mother, and when he hears such a situation, even if he doesn't need to ask directly, Holm can probably guess something.

"It seems that Gwen's father who is a police officer is also very busy with work today." Holm thought as he looked at the house that wasn't lit up.

Gwen sat in the passenger seat, looking at the slightly deserted house, she suddenly felt that she didn't want to get out of the car, after all, even if she returned home, she was alone.

The thought only passed away, and soon she suppressed this feeling of herself, then turned her head and smiled at Holm and said, "Thank you for sending me back, Mr. Colin, and look forward to seeing you again next time."

Listening to Gwen's deliberately funny way of speaking, Home rolled his eyes helplessly, and then said equally funny: "It is my honor to send Ms. Stacy home, and I look forward to seeing you again next time."

After that, Holm and Gwen also looked at each other, and then they both couldn't help but laugh at this serious and strange conversation.

Finally, after watching Gwen walk in the house and turn on the lights in the room, Holm stepped on the gas pedal and drove away from the neighborhood towards his bar.

For normal shopping, this time is already a little late, but for places like bars and nightclubs, this is the time when the excitement has just begun.

Watching Home's car taillights disappear into the night, Gwen curled the corners of his mouth, jumped from the balcony back to the living room, and then lay on the sofa and looked at the chandelier on the ceiling.

She had wanted to go home and share with her father that she had made a new good friend so that he would have been less worried about his social aspects.

But looking at the current situation, there should be some new cases happening, otherwise he would not have gone home so late.

"New case..."

Thinking of this, Gwen also bounced off the couch, ran upstairs, turned on the light in her bedroom, and locked the door behind her.

A moment later, the window opened, and a black and white figure swooped out of the window, flying in the night in the direction of the city.

Holm had just driven back to the door of the bar, and after parking the car again, he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to exchange contact information with Gwen today, and it seemed that he had to go to the library to try his luck if he wanted to meet again.

Today's life is full enough, so he does not go to the nightclub to check the quality of the young lady, and is ready to go directly to the upstairs lounge, listen to children's songs with headphones, sleep leisurely, and sleep directly until tomorrow to wake up naturally.

At the police station, George . Stacey drained the coffee in her hand, and then continued to frown at the vast array of materials on the table.

He had just finished talking to his daughter on the phone and knew she had returned home from her library studies and was about to rest.

Besides, he might have to work overtime today, and let her lock the door and go to bed early, after George. Stacy hung up the phone and plunged into overtime with peace of mind.

The pile of information in his hand is the on-site investigation results of the Black Silk Bar.

According to their investigation, it seems that the Black Hat Gang finally completed the new boss's nomination a few days ago, and the candidate is the person in the Black Silk Bar who was twisted and broken, Joseph with a bunch of criminal records.

The other party had only been the boss for a few days and died so miserably that even the Black Hat Gang was directly gone.

George. Stacy went to the scene that day to observe the situation at the Black Silk Bar.

After seeing the traces of rockets and heavy fire and strafing from light machine guns and submachine guns, he keenly connected the scene with the suspected ambush in the dilapidated neighborhood.

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