(PS:Due to the needs of the story, the timeline of this book may be different from the timeline in the comic movie. Please refer to this book for the details. Thank you!)

"Thanos, what are you doing, are you really going to destroy your planet?"

"You are absolutely crazy, you are a complete lunatic!"

"Death has deceived you, and you will not get what you want!"..........

He opened his eyes in a daze, and bursts of shouting and cursing mixed with explosions rang in Suke's ears, making him a little more awake.

However, the scene that appeared in front of him immediately shocked him.

Countless corpses piled up in front of him, blood covered the entire land, and wailing was everywhere.

Not far away, a tall figure in armor was walking towards him step by step. The face that looked like a purple potato made Suke recognize his identity at once.

Thanos...That is Thanos, the strongest villain in the Marvel Universe!

Behind Thanos, there is a floating skeleton hidden under a black cloak....

This is the goddess of death...

""Shit! What the hell is going on? Is this a dream?"

Su Ke was a little confused and had no idea what was going on.

But then, a strong arm pulled him up, and before he could react, he was forcibly stuffed into a lifeboat.

""Child, live on and never come back!"

After saying this, in Su Ke's confused eyes, the lifeboat slowly rose up, and then turned into a white light and disappeared into the depths of the universe....

At the moment when Su Ke escaped, the planet he was on suddenly shattered, and then turned into a burst of light and completely disappeared in the universe....

In the void, after reaping all the lives, the goddess of death looked at Thanos with deep affection and said,"My dear, you hesitated just now. He couldn't escape. Is it because he is your brother?"

"No!" Thanos shook his head and said:"He can't escape, and no life in this universe can escape. All this is just the beginning!"

""Dear, I believe you!"

Another charming call, the goddess of death wrapped her arms around Thanos' neck, and then they began to kiss passionately....

On the other side...

After finally receiving the memories of this body, Su Ke felt a pain in his balls, because he finally understood that he had not only traveled to the Marvel world, but also traveled to become Thanos' only brother, and even almost died again!

What the hell!

Su Ke just wanted to curse at this moment.

""Please set the destination!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice rang out from the lifeboat.

Suke came back to his senses instantly. He knew that he was still floating in the universe and had to find a place quickly. It was not a good idea to keep floating like this!

""Set the destination to Earth!"

Su Ke said.

As a native Chinese on Earth, even if he was reborn as an eternal member, Su Ke still had an infinite yearning for Earth in his heart. Besides, his previous planet had been destroyed by his brother Thanos, so he couldn't go back even if he wanted to!

"The destination has been set successfully. The destination is about 30 light years away. Please enter the sleeping cabin!"

As the sound of the lifeboat sounded, the interior of the lifeboat suddenly changed. The seat where I sat before was transformed into something similar to a sleeping cabin.

The distance of 30 light years would take at least a dozen years to fly. Waiting is really not a solution. It is just right to take advantage of this time to digest all the knowledge about the Eternal Clan.

Thinking of this, Su Ke lay down without hesitation.

Soon, he closed his eyes, and his consciousness began to immerse himself in the incomparable knowledge in his mind....

I don't know how long it took....

Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters in Westchester, New York, USA, is a school specially set up for mutants. The founder of this school is the famous Professor X~, a mutant with powerful telepathy!

On this day, Professor X~ was looking through documents at his desk as usual. Suddenly, his door was pushed open, and a guy with blue hair like a beast rushed in.

""Hank, what happened? Why are you so panicked?"

Professor x~ looked up and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

At this moment, Hank was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly. He just stretched out a hand and pointed to the roof.


Professor x~ frowned even deeper. Just as he was about to read Hank's thoughts directly, he heard a loud"boom", and the entire ceiling suddenly exploded, and then a lifeboat fell down. At this moment, Professor x~ was completely stunned!

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