This day is definitely the most unforgettable day for the Mutant School. Even though Professor X~ thinks he has seen a lot of things and nothing in the world can arouse his curiosity, today, his curiosity is no less than that of others.

Not for anything else, but because an alien actually fell here today!.......

"Nick Fury, no matter what you say I will not hand him over to you, he's just a kid, not a threat!"

"Tony, I know what you want to do, but it's impossible. I won't let you do anything to him!"

"Mr. President, I can assure you that this child will not cause any harm to the world, please rest assured!"......

Less than half a day after Suk fell, Professor X~ was extremely busy, with calls from all over the world coming one after another, such as Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark, Iron Man, and even the current president of the United States.

They called for only one purpose, which was to hope that Professor X~ would hand over Suk to them for research, because in their opinion, Suk from outer space was a very dangerous existence....

But of course, Professor X~ didn't think so. In his eyes, Su Ke was just a child, and a child shouldn't be treated like that!

Pinching his forehead with a headache, Professor X~ smiled helplessly at Wolverine, Hank, and Mystique in front of him,"The arrival of this little guy really caused a lot of trouble. Everyone wants to get him."

"This is also reasonable!" Hank, who has turned into a human form, raised his eyes and said:"Based on the various tests we have done on him before, we have reason to believe that he is not a simple alien."

"What's going on?"

Professor x~ became more interested.

Hank continued,"His skin is very tough and almost indestructible. Things like lasers can't cause any harm to him. Logan's Amandametal can cause some minor damage to him for a short time, but it only takes a moment before the damage will heal. To put it simply, his body is indestructible, and his self-healing ability is stronger than Logan's!"


Wolverine on the side snorted coldly when he heard this, but he couldn't refute it because he had really tried it just now and it was indeed the case!

"Also, at the beginning, professor, you tried to invade his consciousness to wake him up, but failed. At first we thought it was because he had no consciousness, but later we found out that this was not the case. The reason for this was that his mental ability was so strong that it completely resisted your invasion of consciousness!"

"In addition, based on his muscle density, we speculate that he should have super strength, super hearing, super speed, and his special body structure can even allow him to absorb certain forces. He may also be able to fly...."

At this point, Hank couldn't say anything more, and Professor X was completely shocked. Although he knew from the beginning that this child from the universe must be extraordinary, he didn't expect that he had so many abilities....

No matter which of these abilities you possess, you will become a powerful being. When all these abilities are concentrated in one person, it is simply too terrifying....

Just as Professor X was looking shocked, on the other side, in the medical room of the mutant school, Su Ke was still sleeping on the bed....

But of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon....

""Brother, when are you going to let me out?"

In his deepest consciousness, Su Ke shouted with despair.

"Ding! Host, please don't be anxious. According to calculations, the host will wake up soon!"

Not anxious? I have been trapped here by you for 100,000 years. How can I not be anxious?

Su Ke couldn't help cursing in his heart.

To put it simply, the person who is talking to Su Ke now is not someone else, but the golden finger system that is essential for traversers, and this system is very powerful, called the Super God Villain System! To put it simply, this is a system that can help Su Ke become a super villain!

And this system was triggered and bound in his consciousness after Su Ke fell into a deep sleep.

As an awesome system, there must be something like a novice gift package when it is just bound, and Su Ke also has it, but this novice gift package is a bit too pitfall. He actually rewarded Su Ke with 100,000 years of time!

This should have been a good thing. After all, who would not want to live an extra 100,000 years!

But unexpectedly, these 100,000 years were actually sleeping time, and before he confirmed, the system gave these 100,000 years to Su Ke....

After coming to Earth from Saturn, although Suk's body was dormant for less than ten years, his consciousness was dormant for a full 100,000 years and ten years! No wonder Suk cursed!

But this is not completely without benefits. During this period of sleep, Suk, like Thanos, knew all the superhuman philosophies of the Eternals, which gave him unsurpassed strength, endurance, recovery ability and agility. His skin is almost indestructible, and even if it is destroyed, it can be quickly repaired. Because of the powerful mental power, even if his body is completely destroyed, he can recast an identical body for himself through thoughts!

Even according to the system's explanation, Suk realized that his abilities are far more than that....

These hundred thousand years were truly worth it!

""Hello! My friend from the universe, my name is Jean Grey, would you like to be my friend?"

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice sounded in Suke's consciousness.

Suke was delighted, he was finally going to wake up!

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