Slowly opening his eyes, Su Ke smelled the smell of disinfectant. Then he looked around and found that his guess was correct. He was indeed lying in a place that looked like a hospital.

The familiar English letters and the panicked people clearly explained where this place was.

This is Earth!

"this...This is Earth!...I'm finally here!"

After seeing where he was, Su Ke was so happy that he was about to get up, regardless of the medical staff who wanted to dissuade him from lying down.

Before his feet even touched the ground, his body floated up.

"I rely on...I can actually fly?"

Su Ke laughed. You know, even his brother Thanos doesn't have the power to fly!

Wait......The voice that woke me up just now was Jean Grey? Phoenix? Isn't this a character from the X-Men? Am I in a mutant school now?

Thinking back to the voice he heard before, Suke felt confused again.

Looking around, Suke saw a lot of children lying densely outside a glass wall not far from him. The oldest of them looked to be about twenty years old, and the youngest looked only four or five years old. They were looking at him with shock on their faces.

Among them, there was a very special girl. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with long fiery red hair and was very beautiful. She was lying alone in a corner, looking over here. For some reason, the other children didn't seem to want to get too close to her.

""Jean Grey!"

Looking at the girl, Suke couldn't help but called out her name.

In an instant, Jean Grey also noticed Suke's gaze, and knew that Suke called out her name. She panicked and ran out quickly. At this time, Professor X~ and others who got the news also rushed over.

The moment he saw Suke, Hank couldn't help but shouted:"Did you see it? I said this guy can fly!"

""Okay, okay, Hank, let the kids leave here, he just woke up and needs quiet!"

Professor X~ shouted.

Soon, all the children who were watching were taken away.

After taking a shower and changing into a set of clean clothes, Suke followed Professor X~ to an office, where Hank, Mystique and Wolverine had been waiting for a long time.

""Child, if you think now is not the right time, we will not force you, we can wait forever!"

Professor x~ asked again before starting the conversation.

In his opinion, Suke is an alien. It is his first time coming to Earth. He must have many things he is not used to and needs a lot of time to adapt.

But after hearing this, Suke shook his head and said,"No need, professor, I think now is the time!"

As an alien coming to Earth, Suke knew that a conversation was inevitable. This kind of thing should be done sooner and later. Besides, a conversation is better than being tied to a table for dissection, right?

Suke insisted so much that Professor x~ was not polite. Then he asked,"Child, what is your name? Where are you from?"

"My name is Suke, and I come from the Eternal Clan on Saturn's satellite Titan!"

Suke replied.

"Why did you come to Earth? Are you here to invade Earth? And why do you speak our language? Have you been studying us for a long time?"

Hank asked like a curious baby.

"This guy, asking so many questions at once!"

After muttering in his heart, Su Ke finally replied:"I came to the earth not to invade, but just to escape. My planet was destroyed, and I was the only one who escaped. Also, I don't only speak your language, I understand all the knowledge and languages in the universe, and your language is just one of millions!"


Hank was stunned and completely speechless.

"You said before that your planet was destroyed. I'm curious about who did it."

Wolverine asked

"It wasn't someone else!" Suk shook his head and pretended to be a little sad and said:"The one who destroyed my planet was my dear brother Thanos, he is a powerful cosmic tyrant!"

"Boy, it seems we still have something in common, we both have a jerk brother, but of course, my brother never thought of destroying the earth!"

Wolverine said with a smile, and it was obvious that Suk's words reminded Wolverine of his brother Sabretooth, an equally powerful mutant!

"Well, let's stop here for today's conversation! Suke, on behalf of the Earth, I welcome you. You can treat this place as your home. As long as you want, you can live here forever. Hank, Suke is in your hands!"

Seeing that Suke was a little sad, Professor X~ ended the conversation immediately.

"Come on, Suke, I'll show you around here, I believe you'll like it here!"

With a slight smile, Hank took Suke away.

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