"Su Ke, look, this is our classroom!"

"This is where you live, and you will live here too!"

"This is the playground. School is over now, so there are many people here."........

After walking around the mutant school, Hank introduced everything patiently and excitedly. It was obvious that he welcomed Suk's arrival.

"Hello you...Your name is Suke, right?"

Just as he reached the lake, a soft female voice rang in Suke's mind again, and Suke could not help but stop.

It was Jean Grey!

"What's wrong, Suke?"

Seeing Suke suddenly stop, Hank asked in confusion

"Nothing." Su Ke smiled and said,"Teacher Hank, can I be alone for a while? I need to digest everything you just said!"

"Of course! I'll go back first, remember to come find me later."

Hank said with a smile, then turned and left.

After Hank's figure disappeared, Suke looked towards a big tree not far away. Behind the tree, a pair of big eyes were looking at him nervously.

Suke felt amused in his heart, and walked to the big tree before saying,"Hello, Jean Grey, my name is Suke, nice to meet you!"

"you...Do you know my name?"

As if she knew she couldn't hide anymore, Jean Grey slowly came out, looking like a shy little girl.

""Didn't you introduce yourself to me when I was asleep before? And I want to thank you, because it was your introduction that woke me up!"

Su Ke said in a friendly manner, but he was quite shocked in his heart.

You have to know that this is Jean Grey, the famous Phoenix girl in the X-Men, one of the few Omega mutants, who possesses the BUG-level Phoenix force. In the X-Men series of stories, there are many big guys who were killed instantly by Jean Grey with the Phoenix force, such as Apocalypse, Professor X, Magneto and the like, who are all scum in front of her.

But of course, this is after Jean Grey learned to use the Phoenix force. At the moment, she is just a mutant child with telepathic abilities.

Wait....Jean Grey is a telepathic mutant. Doesn't that mean she can sense all my thoughts? In front of her, I have no secrets at all?

Professor X~ cannot sense his thoughts. Suk knows that, but Jean Grey is different from Professor X~. She is the owner of the Phoenix Force, and her ability is much stronger than Professor X~....

Could it be that she already knew her identity as a time traveler? Or even knew about the existence of the system?......

Su Ke felt a pain in his heart, and could only continue to ask:"Have you been reading my thoughts and ideas all the time?..."

"Huh? No, no...."

When Su Ke asked this, Jean Grey was obviously a little panicked, and then hurriedly explained:"I have never wanted to read your thoughts and ideas, and I can't do it because your mental ability is too strong, and it even hinders my telepathy. I can't read anyone's thoughts around you, and I didn't even know you could hear my voice before....I should thank you, because of you, I can no longer hear those messy voices."


Hearing this, Su Ke was completely relieved. His secret was finally safe. At the same time, he also understood that Jean Grey seemed to really hate her ability.

Because she couldn't control it, her mind was always filled with the voices and thoughts of the people around her, which almost made her collapse.

What a poor child...

Suk shook his head, reached out his hand and gently stroked Jean Grey's hair to comfort him. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten that he was just a sixteen-year-old child....

But what Su Ke didn't expect was that such a simple act actually moved Jean Grey so much that she almost cried.

Su Ke was a little embarrassed because the scene was so easy to be misunderstood....

Then, as if she realized that the two were too close, Jean Grey quickly took two steps back and said nervously,"Don't...Don't get too close to me, I...I might do something terrible....I am a monster..."

Su Ke knew that the monster that Jean Grey was talking about was the Phoenix Force in her body. If the Phoenix Force erupted, it would indeed be no different from a monster. But then again, Jean Grey's power was still very weak at this time, and Professor X~ could still help her completely control it. After all, if the Phoenix Force really erupted so easily, how could Professor X~ dare to let her live here!

Thinking of this, Su Ke laughed and said,"What's wrong with a monster? I'm still an alien. In the eyes of humans and mutants, aliens are the real monsters, right? You are not alone, because you have an alien monster friend like me!"

"Friend? Are you willing to be my friend?"

Jean Grey said with some surprise

"Of course!"

Suke stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

In the office not far away, Professor X~ was watching all this with a smile on his face. Jean Grey has always been a problem girl in school. Because of the fear of her own power, she is very afraid to get close to anyone. Unexpectedly, the new alien Suke actually helped her overcome her fear.

The next second, Professor X~ suddenly seemed to think of something, and his face became ugly again, because he knew in his heart that Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Tony Stark, the Iron Man, were not so easy to deal with.

These two guys will definitely make trouble for Suke!

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