As night fell, when everyone was asleep, Suk couldn't fall asleep. One reason was that he had slept too long before and didn't feel sleepy at all. The other reason was that he was sorting out all the information about this world in his mind.

First of all, it was certain that the timeline of this world seemed to be different from what he had known before.

The mutant school he was currently in was rebuilt after Magneto's rampage in Washington. Suk knew that this should be the timeline after the reversal of the future, which was only a year ago. According to the settings in the comics and movies, this would only happen in 1975, but now it was 2010, which was more than 30 years different from the timeline he knew.

If these were just differences, then the next thing would be a bit tricky.

In the list of founders of the mutant school, Suk suddenly found a name that was enough to make him feel extremely annoyed!

Bruce Wayne!

This is Batman in the DC universe!

At first, Suk thought he had made a mistake, thinking that these were just two people with the same name but no connection, but after asking Hank, he found out that this was actually true!

One of the founders of this school is actually Bruce Wayne, a billionaire from Gotham City!

According to Hank's introduction, Suk knew that Hank didn't know Bruce Wayne's true identity, but it was obvious that Professor X must know it....

If Batman really exists in this world, then obviously Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Shazam, and other guys must also exist....

This is enough to show that the world he is in now is the world after the fusion of the Marvel and DC worlds.

The Marvel world is originally a dangerous world, and the DC world is the same. Being in the new world after the fusion of these two worlds, Su Ke simply has the urge to curse!

And according to the current situation, Thanos will eventually come to the earth to find the infinite gems on the earth. At that time, with a snap of his fingers, half of the entire universe will be dead. Su Ke is not afraid of Thanos. With his current strength, he is enough to fight Thanos on equal terms. But don’t forget that there is a goddess of death behind Thanos. This guy is the creator god, immortal and indestructible. How can he fight?

The timeline is completely messed up. Su Ke doesn’t know what will happen next. He only knows that Thanos will eventually come to the earth to find the infinite gems. Similarly, Thanos will come to him.

In addition to Thanos, Darkseid in the DC universe is also an awesome existence, plus a Doomsday who can’t be killed no matter what he does.

The earth is really dangerous!

Fortunately, the Avengers and the Justice League should also exist, and powerful fighters such as the Hulk, Thor, Superman and Wonder Woman are also there. This gives Su Ke a little comfort. After all, he has finally come to the earth, and he doesn't want the earth to be destroyed!

Although he already has powerful power, Su Ke does not think he is invincible. After all, there are too many strong people in this world. If he wants to live well in this world, he needs stronger power!

"Hey, system, aren't you a god-level villain system? Do you have any way to make me stronger?"

Su Ke finally set his sights on the system.

"Ding! Sensing the host's eagerness to gain power, the first mission is now issued to obtain a certain amount of mysterious power. Mission reward: 10,000 villain points and a chance to draw a lottery!"........

Su Ke was completely speechless. If the system had a physical body, he would definitely beat him up. Damn it, I'm asking you how to become stronger, what the hell is your mission?

As if it had sensed Su Ke's thoughts, the system said,"It senses a large amount of mysterious power within a radius of one kilometer from the host. Please complete the mission as soon as possible!"

What? Isn't it such a coincidence?

Su Ke was shocked at first, and then he almost laughed. He didn't expect that the mission issued by the system would be so simple!

""Okay! I'll take this mission!"

Su Ke agreed with a smile and got up from the bed. He couldn't sleep at this moment anyway, so he wanted to see what the mysterious power the system was talking about!

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